Just received word that the old indoor "lunar mini golf" has gone under on the backside of the chapel hill mall. i know, you're all distraught. But i do have good news. Replacing this store at chapel hill is none other than the "Steve and Barry's college sportswear." If you're not familiar with this store, it'll be the third in northeast ohio (the other two are in westlake and ashtabula i believe). They specialize in collegiate athletic wear. CHEAP collegiate athletic wear. They carry teams from around the country as well as local ones (I've been to the ashtabula location, and found a couple of akron things, more Can't things, and of course, a bunch of OSU crap. They also had a wide selection of other MAC schools and Big Ten schools). They carry everything...from tshirts to athletic shorts and pants to sweathirts and heavy winter coats. Ready for the kicker? Everything in the store is the same price. They usually start off for grand opening somewhere in the area of $7 per item. That's right, you can find heavy leather trimmed university logo coats FOR $7!!! The one in ashtabula didnt have these available for akron (i'm hoping chapel hill will) but they did have other smaller schools such as buffalo and miami. They do carry other non-college stuff there too. Cargo khakis, jeans, plane coats and jackets, sweatshirts and funny tees. everything the same price. this is possibly the best thing to happen to that tired old mall in YEARS.Here's to some cheap zips gear!!!GO ZIPS!!!