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3rd&twenty last won the day on February 15 2015

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  1. Take the subway from Station Square to the Steel plaza. Then it's a few minutes walk
  2. If I read the schedule on the app correctly, it says, MAC wildcard - 2/23 at 6 pm CBSSN or 7 pm ESPNU.
  3. Joe’s going to want another contract extension after this one.
  4. Anyone know why Tom Wistricell was sitting at the "official" table in Columbus?
  5. And here it is. Seriously, this is the Akron paper.
  6. Please "enhance" the music by NOT playing a "song" with the N word in it.
  7. He did, and I image he did it with one hand tied behind his back. It IS better than Western's rebrand, though.
  8. When you have lazy, boring people driving the bus, this is what you get. Even from the most talented designers. I speak from experience.
  9. Don't hold me to this, but I'm told it's a simple A or UA. I'm imagining taking the new Vanderbilt V logo and turning it upside down.
  10. As a designer who is not part of this redesign, I WILL be disappointed!
  11. Are schools allowed to offer a player while they're still on scholarship at their existing school?
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