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Everything posted by w00t

  1. I always make my tough career decisions in front of a captive nationwide audience in primetime. And when I do I make sure I make it as hard as possible on the company I'm leaving. I might even name it something that stirs up old memories for them of heartbreaking moments.... I'm picking up on your sarcasm.
  2. Haha, wasn't intending to re-ignite the debate. Just wanted to bump the thread to use this icon ( ) and re-iterate that I don't know that I could care much MORE about soccer... specifically the Zips and this group of players. I can't imagine a team that deserves it more. CJ said it best, "Soccer deserves a champion like Akron". Let the debate continue...
  3. The photo for the splash page at gozips.com is great...
  4. I wonder why a guy who "Quit" had to be escorted by the police off the the field last night? Maybe his "Grip on reality " is messed up also. Or maybe its because he was ejected from the game? Caption from the photo in ABJ. He essentially told the center ref, "Either Porter goes, or I go"... he quit.
  5. The first goal wasn't even close to offside (I know Caleb thought it was, he was incorrect too)... also, the sideline ref basically quit from all accounts I've heard, he wasn't "ejected". Your grip on reality is tenuous at best, as I've pretty much come to expect from you.
  6. Right. But take a look at the link again. It says 5:30 and 8 PM. I can only assume that is local (i.e., PST) time, not EST. I will check what UCSB says, but repeating, the second semifinal would be 11 PM in Akron/NY. That is typical NCAA stupidity. The 5:30 and 8:00 are definitely local times (PST)... 8:30 and 11:00 EST.
  7. "howler" - particularly egregious goalkeeping error that allows a goal (see Soffner's pass out of the back to Mattocks last week or Clint Dempsey's goal on Robert Green during this past summer's World Cup). "challenge" - tackling your opponent in an attempt to win the ball. "the spot" - the 12-yard marker where a penalty kick is taken. "brace" - player scores two goals in a match.
  8. What about a guy who predicts the exact score of a game? What if ten guys predict the score exactly? Sometimes things are exactly as they appear. Read it again with the highlighted words. You should have highlighted "always", "anything", "immutable", "laws", and "every". Those are some pretty black and white words for someone whose sig reminds our faithful readers of his affinity for shades of gray on a daily basis.
  9. You must not know JupiterDouche very well. Just let him be and he'll go away soon. Yeah, just ask him when "Stevie Fresh" Coleman will be re-joining their basketball team.
  10. Well of course, that's where all the GA selections get taken... but it's usually ten or so, not 24 like that guy had in his projections.
  11. We've played some great games (Tulsa, Michigan, WMU second time), some games where we played well, but not as well as the scoreline indicated (North Carolina), some games where we escaped with a win where our opponent played us tough (Creighton, Penn St., WMU first time), some games where we clinically handled weak opponents (Oakland, FAU, Buffalo), and some games where we looked tentative or just plain awful and it cost us (OSU, CSU). Based on our body of work, what are people thinking as far as our chances to bring home the gold? I'm nervous about the potential meeting with Indiana. Their record is suspect but they played good competition and are really unpredictable. If we get past that one, I really like our odds against whoever comes out of the bottom half of our bracket. I disagree about the characterization of our group as the group of death, as all four regions seem equally weak. I think there are only three teams with a legitimate shot at winning it all, and they got the 2-4 seeds. It would have been better for us if Maryland had been seeded according to their RPI and gotten the top spot and bumped Louisville down to the #2. (Probably the only way we would have gotten a matchup against our former coach, as I can't see Louisville making the finals). Other games of interest: Indiana vs. presumably Tulsa in 2nd round Maryland vs. presumably Virginia in 3rd round UNC vs. Michigan St. (or Butler) in 3rd round UNC vs. SMU (or Creighton) in Quarterfinals I have a bad feeling that it's now or never for UA to go all the way in soccer. I could be wrong, but I don't think a team with this much raw talent will ever be assembled again. The field is comparatively weak to boot. If our team comes out focused, hungry, and unselfish, I like our odds... take any of those three things away and we could have another OSU or CSU match on our hands where we look tentative, uninspired, and sloppy. There is no sport so kind to the fortunes of the weaker team as soccer, so every game (even the first one) will be nerve wracking. I made the bet personally... my travel plans are finalized for Santa Barbara. Here's hoping we protect home field and get at least that far!
  12. In the MLS draft, underclassmen are far more common than seniors. Demonstrably false statement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_MLS_SuperDraft
  13. Nice to see us well represented... but those projections are so far fetched that it's laughable. 24 underclassmen in the first two rounds? I'll have a couple of what whoever made those predictions is having. Also, put me on the record as saying that Kofi will be the #1 pick in the draft.
  14. It came as a surprise to me that we got the three as opposed to the two, but I suppose it shouldn't have. I really think that UNC got the best draw out of any of the regional hosts. Not looking forward to playing Indiana, they're the best 9-7-2 opponent we'll ever run up against. Also, the "real" national championship game is most likely the UA vs. Maryland semifinal. Five more games!
  15. Perfect thread title. By the way, that was Kofi's first full game back from injury and I don't think it was a coincidence.
  16. Can you provide a link to the RPI? I see the Zips are still #2 behind Louisville in the NSCAA poll, but I didn't find the updated RPI rankings. NCAA Soccer RPI.
  17. Seems we've dropped to #2 in the latest RPI behind Louisville. I think Louisville will finally cough one up on Friday vs. Notre Dame. It's tough to run through a season with no losses, but Louisville's schedule is nothing to write home about and I really wouldn't worry about playing them like I would Maryland, North Carolina, or even Indiana.
  18. Stop the madness, there is only one thing that OU really cares about http://news.lalate.com/2009/07/27/princeto...y-schools-2010/ Steve Coleman is back on the team. Apparently someone spoke sense to him. I don't know what happened between August 23rd and now, but Coleman is definitely gone. Jupitertoo apparently doesn't know OU basketball any better than he knows anything else.
  19. Coleman is not listed on their roster and did not play in their scrimmage vs. Wooster last night. Anyone know if he really re-joined the team?
  20. Great bounceback win after the CSU debacle. Away wins vs. RPI #s 3, 8, and 12 and an away tie with #14 keep us in the driver's seat for the top overall seed.
  21. The Heat looked like last years Cavs to me. LBJ and the rest of the team. I don't know a whole lot about the NBA, but I have watched a lot of LBJ in the NBA. It looks like his team will be the same. He tries to get everyone involved in the first half, then when/if that doesn't work, he tries to win it by himself in the second half. All the talk about which one of the three guys (LBJ, Wade, Bosh) will do this or that, it looks to me this is still LBJ and the rest of the guys on the floor. I figured I would start watching the game and get bored or mad and shut it off, but I ended up watching and enjoying the whole game. I guess I still enjoy watching LBJ play. LeBron's commercials are hype. The Heat "Big Three" are hype. To win the game, you do it on the court. The Celtics are great because of Rondo, Big Baby, Kendrick Perkins, and guys like Nate Robinson and Shaq. In 2008, guys like Eddie House, PJ Brown and James Posey. Without them, Pierce, Garnett and Allen go out in Round 2. With them, they will play for championships. The Heat have absolutely nothing beyond their Big, Over-hyped Three. Hype-to-Production, they have a chance to be the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA. They'll win a lot of games because there are a lot of NBA teams with far less talent. But the Heat spent too much on three guys. Their next-best 9 players wouldn't make the Celtics/Lakers/Orlando 2-deep. That won't win a ring. Oh -- and wait til one of them gets injured. +1 to both comments, I felt like I was watching last year's Cavs (and Celtics as they choked away another huge lead) during that game... and I died a little inside when I realized I was actually cheering for Boston.
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