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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. or they could just draw lines in the mud and play REAL football!!
  2. During halftime at the last game in the Rubber Bowl when we played Up, Up and Away. It was the last set and then we marched it downfield and straight into our seats. Someone wasn't paying attention. It was a tribute to the band back in the 70's.The original was done back in 1977 (finished in 1978) as part of a promotional video for the Goodyear Sales/Marketing dept. for their sales training department. It was called "Something called Pride". You can see the original blimp in the second video, at the end. It's kind of cool to see the band more than 35 years ago... This video was used to recruit members to the band through NE Ohio as part of a recruiting campaign to get more members in the band.I refuse to watch that!!!mr Kariker made us watch that every year and I could probably tell you word for word how it goes! but a good video non the less
  3. awesome points!I didn't even think about the cost of bussing to and from. not to mention the fact that we whont have to rent a u-haul type truck for this stuff. heres a quick question. where will the band warm up? you don't want to warm up inside if you are about to play outside and warming up infront of the public might not be the most profesional looking thing in the world (or atleast lining up infront of the public) how could we arange it that the entire time in public view is profesional and dress right dress?
  4. 1) CCCCCCAAAAARRRRRRRR WWWWWWWWAAAAAASSSSSSHHHHHHH!!! 2) anyone think LBJ's gonna come out with a tuba line?but seriously1) look for sponsors Nike/ADIDAS/Bach/Yamahaa/king/pelagreno/OBC/BW's/Winking Lizards (I know bands have sponsorships but don't know if any of those people would be willing to help)2) before we go to the school looking for money we should be able to show them that we are also trying on our own.3) hit up the alumni (if they don't have a few bucks to spare, and right now who the hell does then some of them might just work for someone or even own their own company that could fund us)4) sell a tuba swim suit calender.5) a couple of years back we made a C.D this would seem like total common sense but I haven't seen it at all.SELL THE DAMN C.D!!!!!! advertise every chance you get. facebook is awesome and so is zipsnation. post it all over the place and anounce it at every show!
  5. We were criticized in another thread for even bringing up the idea. It's too much of an OSU rip off.Rip off of OSU? Who do you think actually started it?........................Thats right, MICHIGAN at an OSU MI game. the band did it in the 90's so who cares? If we don't want it to be a rip off then we won't worry about dotting the "i" That is the real tradition for OSU. Tell me this isn't cool. Just stating a fact man. We were crticized in another thread saying it was too much of a rip off. Here's the link before you you bite my head off.Classic Script ZipsAfter reading that thread again I realize that Root4Roo was complaining back then too. Instead of complaining just give us some reasonable suggestions and we'll listen.You guys were sure as hell making lame excuses and pointing the blame elsewhere back then as well. Really, it's too bad the guy's that actually take responsibility dont post on here more, they are what the band really needs.no ones saying that script zips isn't cool (I think it's very cool as well) only problem is if you do it in Ohio you will always be told that you are ripping off OSU and everyone will look at is as an OSU rip off and we have enough trouble sepereating ourselves from those people as it is. I would rather find something that is our own. oregon has a nice way of spelling out their name (beavers) in pregame if you wanted to youtube itgrant it you will be ripping off someone at some point in time but it shouldn't be somehting big that another band prides it's self on. and don't write something up as a cry baby excuse just because they have a different point of view than your own
  6. We were criticized in another thread for even bringing up the idea. It's too much of an OSU rip off.Rip off of OSU? Who do you think actually started it?........................Thats right, MICHIGAN at an OSU MI game. the band did it in the 90's so who cares? If we don't want it to be a rip off then we won't worry about dotting the "i" That is the real tradition for OSU. Tell me this isn't cool. Just stating a fact man. We were crticized in another thread saying it was too much of a rip off. Here's the link before you you bite my head off.Classic Script ZipsAfter reading that thread again I realize that Root4Roo was complaining back then too. Instead of complaining just give us some reasonable suggestions and we'll listen.I like the idea of a script Zips. We already dot the I of Zips, or so they did this year (I don't know about previous years, as I'm only a freshman here). I found it annoying & think there's no need for it, but I'd still prefer the script Zips.One of the main reasons, other than I prefer the way that it looks to our current pregame, is that I also hate marching the stick-like Zips script from the block A -- which is also very odd looking, as in it was never perfect. I was at the top of the A, the top right hand corner (from an aerial view) & no one could ever make the diagonal or get in line with the point in which the top of the A & the right diagonal meet. It looked so sloppy (both the back/top line & the diagonal). I think mainly because the diagonal was so long, & also many freshmen were in that line (that really shouldn't make any difference, but sometimes it's true, because if you're high school wasn't hardcore enough & strict enough in making diagonals PERFECT or if you have one or two bad marchers, it screws up the entire line).I guess the point I'm trying to make, although I went off track talking about the new block A we were introduced to in band camp last season, is that I don't quite like our pregame. Mind you, like I said I'm only a freshman & have been in this mband for only a year, but I'm just saying. I think we should definitely bring back that 1991 pregame. I think we could do it... if everyone else works hard/is dedicated enough. I know I'd try to....... haha.Believe me, we're trying to make the band better. My friends & I discuss different ideas for the band all the time, & we're trying. all great points.to bad there from a flute player and therefore don't matter but honestly keep the good stuf coming!
  7. You want to do...the OU one? I'm just curious what you find interesting about it. I personally don't like it because it kind of bores me, all they do is move forward & backward. Then again, that's just my opinion! I'm no Michigan fan, but if you changed a few things here & there, I think their pregame would be pretty good. Again, this is just me.The OU one is clean and professional. It also gets the crowd going. The Michigan one looks like a bunch of fairys prancing all over the place, the last thing we need is to look gay when our band comes onto the field.I'm also confused as to how the sloppy marching style we use is "harder than OU's"? I honestly dont care how we march, as long as everyone looks on the same page and not out of sync like we are 99% of the time.OU basically stomps around the field. It makes the sound suffer really bad since your upper body is bouncing all over the place. We do a chair step, kind of a mix between a glide and show band step which makes it a lot smoother. The idea is it keeps your upper body perfectly straight with your horn about parallel to the ground and allows you to have a much steadier airflow and posture leading to a better sound. The problem is that if you don't do it completely right it's really uncomfortable and to make everyone look uniform it takes a lot of concentration and you get tired pretty quick. If you slack off at all it looks like crap. Hope that helps! If you've ever listened to them you'd hear that they are the loudest band in the MAC and one of the loudest in the country. There is not one person with any knowledge of College football or marching that would agree that their sound is anything but loud and projected.In terms of you guys marching the way you do, you really should find something that everyone can handle because what you do now is already too tough it seems. A tougher marching style like Grambling State or Ohio University would be great just most bands cant handle it.The problem is that you're equating a "loud" sound with a "good" sound. There is definately a difference. Listen to the video again really carefully you'll hear people sticking out and out of tune bad. That's why they get the reputation they do from people who know music. Can't has the same problem, except they aren't big enough to compensate for it. I know you don't care because you're going to be drunk and you want them to be loud and pump up the crowd, but a lot of people do.are you seriously in the band? Like for real? I'm shocked still at what you are saying. First off you are on the side they are facing away from and it's a crappy camera video so it's impossible to tell loudness. Also, i dont know where you hear this out of tune stuff. I think you need to start giving credit where credit is due and just accept the fact that Ohio University has the best marching band in the MAC and are leaps and bounds ahead of ours. Though we shouldnt want to emulate them, we should at least be striving to be as good or better in our own way instead of just picking out things that are wrong with them. We should especially stop makign up things and saying they are bad.just as soon as you stop bringing them up and telling us how we are so god aweful compared to them. if you are going to throw them in our face don't be surprised if we remind you that they aren't gods
  8. pardon my lack of knowledge but what constitutes a "club team" is it just an open try out thing for people who enjoy the game but aren't D1A college level or is it like a JV team
  9. Isn't that an awful lot like what we've been doing at the Rubber Bowl? Most of you were probably out tailgating during pregame, not that there is anything wrong with that. The percussion comes out doing their thing and then the band would do a run on onto the field. Then we do an Akron themed fanfare and march downfield to the fight song. We would probably run in from the parking lot if we were allowed, but they made us line up on the sidelines because it blocked people from getting in and around the front entrance. I know there is going to be the big tunnel into the Info, but are there going to be any other entrances onto the field?sorry I wasn't clear enough. what I was talking about would be an intro to our pre pre game in the JAR if you do one. the JAR has four entrences on the arena floor and if you guys did a show in the JAR I think that would be the way to go without a doubt.
  10. this is probably the most dificult marching manuver ever! and is exactly what I mean by a staple. people go crazy over this thing and if we could just find our thing that no one else does that would go leaps and bounds with taking the band to the next level
  11. thats what pitt does...the drum line comes out and gets everyone pumped, then the trumpets come out and play a quick little bit, then the whole band comes out of 2 entrances through the smoke, its pretty cool.oh and fire works!!!! smoke and freggin fire works!!!!and a giant zippy head that blows fire!! after the band runs on the flush mascot will run on and our drum major will throw a trident through his heart!! ok everything up to the giant zippy head is probably doable but we can work our way up to the rest
  12. I think it would be hard to plan an entrance right now. we don't even know exactly what everything is going to look like yet but onve the stadium is up and running we can really start planning. I was digging the OSU entrance to there skull session I think what would work for us is the percusion enters first doing their own thing. people are all like "awesome drum line! here raise my child" then the finish their cadence and goes into a different one at wich point in time the rest of the band comes flying in from the 4 different entrences on floor level meet up in formation on the Zips logo pull off a snappy left/right face towards the audiance (who are about to cream in their pants at this point in time) snap the horns up and slap everyone in the face with the fight song intro that is used during pre game and then after a quick "ladies and gentlemen your university of Akron marching band!" slams into the fight song and rips everyones face off with a wall of sound.
  13. we need an emoticon of a giddy little school girl cause thats how I feel
  14. Well let me first apologize to the band members that are actually putting in the effort. I guess if even 95% of you were doing that then the other 5% could ruin it for the rest so i understand that. I was hoping some of the more dedicated band members (the ones that do actually care about what they do/could probably play somewhere better but choose akron for the same reasons the rest of us do) would come out and comment on this. A response that isn't full of excuses is refreshing as well.The only thing i have to say is to "P.P.S. If you really need the band to PUMP you up, maybe you should find a good anti-depressant or something." There are plenty of people like that at the games that just dont get into it, they truly do need the band to "pump them up". The newcomers and first time fans are the ones that really benifit from the experience as well so dont forget there are plenty of those lame fans out there (ya know the ones who are sitting with 1 min left in a tie game vs Can't).I agree people sitting with 1 min left in the can't game are lame and there are some members of the band that don't care but that falls on the rest of us that do care to find a way to motivate them (or I should say the people that are there now I'm new to this alumni band stuff)I watched those OSwho videos and I must say I love the way the file into the building and onto the floor I pray that this standing around stuff ends with the opening of the info and that our band members get absolutly jacked to play in the new digs.and the salute in 2010 for a century of tradition would be awesome. (maybe even a good time to bring back a drum encased by a tire? )
  15. honestly if it was anyone other then Can't I'd feel bad
  16. Obviously...fact of the matter is that while I was in band alone we hit just about every genre we could. the only reason he isn't happy is because he doesn't want to be happy. he wants to sit here and complain until he has exactly what he wants and could care less about anything or anyone else. I doubt he has watched a single halftime show in his life and is basing his entire argument off one or two small instances that he has witnessed the band. I've agreed with some of your points (not just standing around in public view, finding better ways to file in and out of the stands ect) but you are getting to be ridiculous. this band will obviously never please you and no matter what they do you will always find something to cry about so how about you just get over it and continue to prefer monkeys flinging crap at each other over a corp style band that hits a large range of music.and for the record if you only have 4 hrs to get a show ready is not enough no matter how hard you work (not that I would expect you to know anything about that)For your information, i have seen every home halftime show for 18 years. And yes i will not be satisfied until our band stops acting like a bunch of sloppy no care high school band members and steps it up to the level they should be it. STOP MAKING EXCUSES. I have agreed with a number of the points that you have made but to say this bad is a bunch of sloppy high schoolers again is just going to far if you honestly think this then you must have been watching something else for the past 18 years. yes theres things they need to improve and yes there are things they should do different but they are no where near as bad as you like to pretend.the fact of the matter is the band needs more time to practice. I was in the band when we first starting asking for this and our director said "well we'll do more with the time we have" and we did. does that sound like a a band of excuses to you? it sounds to me like we had a problem and were going to deal with it the best we could. do me a favor. say one thing they do well, even if you have to make it up. just give me something to show that you are capable of finding some middle ground and aren't just trying to push me buttons
  17. THEY PLAY A LOT OF THAT STUFF!!!!!!!!when the D causes a turn over do they not play the imperial march? (that I've heard many of you say that you like) do they not play jump on it for the students to dance to?do they not play songs that have cheers for you guys to partake in?if you have some stuff that the band can do better then go ahead and state your opinion but for god sake atleast give them credit for doing the things that YOU YOURSELF ARE ASKING FOR!!! pardon us for pointing out the flaws in the system. the band is doing the what it can with what it has. no one in the band will tell you it's perfect and just about everyone will agree that there is some things that need to change no one is denying that all we are saying is that more time and funds would go a long way to help and if you can't agree with that then you are out of your mind. honestly how can you continue to comment on this and not think your making a complete fool out of yourself?
  18. Obviously...fact of the matter is that while I was in band alone we hit just about every genre we could. the only reason he isn't happy is because he doesn’t want to be happy. he wants to sit here and complain until he has exactly what he wants and could care less about anything or anyone else. I doubt he has watched a single halftime show in his life and is basing his entire argument off one or two small instances that he has witnessed the band. I've agreed with some of your points (not just standing around in public view, finding better ways to file in and out of the stands ect) but you are getting to be ridiculous. this band will obviously never please you and no matter what they do you will always find something to cry about so how about you just get over it and continue to prefer monkeys flinging crap at each other over a corp style band that hits a large range of music.and for the record if you only have 4 hrs to get a show ready is not enough no matter how hard you work (not that I would expect you to know anything about that)
  19. Yeah, I can understand why you would want to stay away from the more expensive stuff. If you really want to save money, I'd suggest living off campus by at least your senior year..but I'm sure this isn't news to you Haha. I can see them from my window and the people there are obnoxious. Always throwing crap in the street and yelling. I'm sure you were more considerate in your college years.. people lost their souls at my house parties (some members of ZN were at a few of those)
  20. just got back from a little vacation so I felt like checking in on this topic and I must say. WOW! lots of feelings rolling around on here. Here’s some quick points I have1) OU is fl-ash and trash however they are very good at what they do (kinda like a lot of strippers I know) yes Akron plays Hay Baby but who doesn't play one or two easy songs (you'll need more than one to prove that point.) and a big part of the reason OU is so loved with their dancing is because they were one of the first. so props for breaking ground and being good at it but the style it's self is still fl-ash and trash and is the easy style to get noticed with2) in the past five years Akron has played two classical shows and one gave hundreds of high school students a chance to play with the CLEVELAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA! so I by no means think anyone should complain about that. as for the other one I see your point 3) Akron needs to do a better job with it's presence on the field and they need to find that identity they can stick with.4) as for playing no aerosmith or other popular songs after the 1950's I must say that would greatly reduce our options5) Akron needs some more organization when moving around the day (getting in to their seats getting into the stadium ect) and I think the new stadium will solve lots of that6) if the UA screws up my ability to drink before the game then the band is going to have to make sure I don't get a hold of an instrument (probably a mello no one likes them anyways) and bludgeon someone with it.
  21. but anyways what new traditions do you guys wanna see
  22. I think a good illustration may be rock-n-roll. Any trained musician will tell you rock-n-roll is sophomoric, crap music. But when I'm going to a show at Blossom (or at the future Akron Arena), do I care that rock-n-roll is easy to play? No! I want to rock out.So it is with a marching band. We're at a friggin' football game. We want adrenaline. We don't want Schubert.and like I've been saying all day they need to find a balance between the two. yes go ahead and play something to rock out to but don't dull it down to the point that the tubas are playing next to nothing. it would almost kill the band to do that because then you have a bunch of tuba/low brass people who basically stand around and do nothing then you have to try to recruit low brass people at which point in time it would be like recruiting wide receivers to a team that just runs. but popular music yes play away.as far as the director taking two years off I think you will actually like whats going on there root. he is earning his doctorate at Michigan State University and working with there marching band and pep bands there. so when he gets back next year he will have that experience and back ground to bring into this band.it is hard for me to put my pride to the side and realize that this band doesn't play gold and $hit rainbows but I will do it because I know you all want to see the band succeed but no matter what we do or how bad we get I can at least rely on the fact that we will never be as bad as Can't.
  23. first of all I am very much on your side in thinking the band needs more support and also think that they need more time to practice. as far as "the rookie band being soft" give them a break they've had an intern director for the past 2 years now and both years they were different people. I agree that the marching band should stray away from classical music seeing as we have three different concert bands for that but like I said before I don't wany them to turn into a group that just plays simply cheesy music all the time (like the band out east) they should be more profesional and again having a place to duck out of sight will help with that so there not just standing around for hours on end. it did upset me that they were goofing off during the rubber bowl closing ceremoney and I don't like how they file (mill) back into the stands. I too have a lot of problems with the way the band is run but I like the drill style they just need to find a way to bring more energey into it (sorry but swinging the horns is a terrible idea that sends the music to hell) again this style of marching is all about finding that fine line between musicality and entertainment.and please point out how I'm wrong about OU being flush and trash. they dance around (flush) but in doing so play jr high music (trash)
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