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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. I can say for a fact that the B&G Brass has "happy birthday" in their song book so maybe they can actually have a chance to play it (if their there)
  2. Looks like what is going up on the east side is the steel that will support the pre-formed upper sections of stands.That is right. Awesome to see some progress in the cameras. I know they are working hard on wiring, plumbing, drainage and the lot, but when you only means of seeing improvement is a bigger structure it's nice to know they are still pushing hard to get this done.Correct.All the things you named are not things we can see via the CAMS. But, are important to overall project. As you see more lighting in the press tower floors, are telling of the daily progress they're making.Seeing the steel support start to go up today on the East side is indication of the major progress they're making despite some lousy weather and conditions to work in.plimbing, drainage, blah blah blah.didn't anyone else notice that they got the red car out? surprised the hell out of me.
  3. cam #2that red car is screwed. if you don't see it today (11/25) don't worry it will probably still be there tomorrow
  4. if we fire JD I bet we could get Romeo Crenel
  5. How embarrassing for Oakland, losing to the OSU bench players. I guess this shows the depth that a big school can manage to put together.I am glad to see the matchup with OSU, though. Advancing in the NCAA tournament is good, advancing by beating OSU is better.I am super superstitious (sp?) when it comes to sports. so let us remember that in tournaments anything can happen and get as many people to the game as we can so that we aren't out done buy the OSWHO kids
  6. knowing that your team should be 9-2 is a hard pill to swallow. hell the only reason we beat can't is because they gave us that one all wraped up with a nice bow.
  7. It's the principle that you can take almost anything from somebody and still get them on your side. However, the one universal thing you cannot take away from somebody is their land.That's pure silliness Zippy Tuba. At least until the US Supreme Court revisits the issue, eminent domain used by municipalities and states to take land for the common good is the law of the land, as it was used in this instance by the university. On philosophical grounds you're wrong, and in practical terms you're wrong in this case. The land in question was without a doubt blighted, and those who have negotiated with the university came away like bandits, especially those scum bag Nemers'. This country is loaded with blighted urban areas and the use of eminent domain has been a godsend in many of those areas. It's a tough break if you really, really wanted to live in a dump in a blighted area, but it's a mean, mean world out there, and with the economy going the way it has been of late, eminent domain and the equity of such will be one of the last things we're all thinking about a year from now. Of course, the Nemers will be doing better than all of us here, having converted blighted and close-to-bankrupt shells into million dollar+ settlements.Don't think for a minute that I will waste even one atom of worry over those who moved away from that block when I'm sitting in InfoSumma next Fall. GO ZIPS!SeeTeeZipperI think you miss understand what zippytuba is trying to say. you can take a lot of things from people and still have them on your side but you cannot take their land and still be friends is what I think he was trying to get at. if I'm wrong feel free to tell me but if not I'll at least have had the common courtesy to make sure I understood someone’s point of view before I laid into them.
  8. has anyone seen the new spicer village? the place looks amazing especially given where it's located. I've said it before and I'll say it again this University is the only reason the city of Akron isn't a complete trash dump and why I'm am so proud/excited to be living here for some years to come
  9. because it's so damn cute."who's my wittle football team? yes you are."
  10. nothing new here.GO ZIPS!anyone have any idea what our national rank is
  11. Great story CK.I had my own issues with the bowl patrol not letting me take some of the fibberglass seating covers. I don't know why they wanted to keep those but it kinda put a bad taste in my mouth for the night (as if the game wasn't enough) but overall I'm very proud to be able to say I was there for such a historic event
  12. ATTENDANCE: 18,516I know thats just tickets but Seems like you guys got out for the game..imagine what that number would have been if the game was on a saturday like it should have been
  13. what all would I need to get me some bleacher?
  14. whats the name of the event? I'll try to get my friends in on it. and if you get scared you can go ahead and balme me I'll fight a fool or two
  15. that's what we are doing though, getting in the way of the big boys who have fans that wont come to ours or OU's games. I for one dont care, ill be down there already friday night and 3:30pm is better than noon, so i can still recover from that night before . I understand what we are doing I just don't understand why we openly admit to it and promote the idea that we are second rateIts at Ohio, the Zips have very little to do with the start time.good point. I guess I should be frustrated with the MAC all together. (nothing new there)
  16. given the situation maybe we should just all act like we believe and spread this rumor
  17. ok I'm gonna need some proof infront of my eyes to believe this one. not calling you a liar but my momma always said "if it seems to good to be true it probably is."
  18. and she gets musical references! I love this lady!!tell me can Zeke sing and dance too? if so the theater department is putting on Hello Dolly next year. Cap'n I think this calls for a picture.
  19. TOMORROW TOMORROW WE'LL HAVE ZEKE TOMORROW IT'S ONLY A DAY AWAYS!do I get in troubly for quoting a musical on a sports forum?
  20. heres something to predict. how many former Zippers will be there? I'm gonna hope for Mr. Taylor.
  21. that's what we are doing though, getting in the way of the big boys who have fans that wont come to ours or OU's games. I for one dont care, ill be down there already friday night and 3:30pm is better than noon, so i can still recover from that night before . I understand what we are doing I just don't understand why we openly admit to it and promote the idea that we are second rate
  22. from the ABJ article posted by Johnnyzip"The starting time for the Zips' game at Ohio on Nov. 22 has been set for 3:30 p.m. Officials were waiting to see the time of the Michigan-Ohio State game, which is at noon"how many times are we gonna have to go through this crap. if you are going to do something like this atleast make up a reason other than "we are a second rate team and don't want to get in the way of the big boys."
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