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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOVE IT!the import question thogh. was anyone hurt?
  2. you know come to think of it it would be fun to come out and watch some club baseball. you know just a bunch of guys playing for the fun of it and because they love the game
  3. PLEASE tell me one of you guys....somewhere...has a picture of one of those old troughs so I can enjoy some good-old Rubber Bowl nostalgia.This thread just reminded me how great it is that OUR stadium is not the one being laughed about anymore epic win
  4. Thank you! This makes such great satire. Thank heavens everyone knows you're talking in jest, as some might think you a complete fool if you weren't! you now I gotta be honest. everytime the club baseball team comes out I go to the bathroom. they have no energey and they are too traditiona. now if they would dance around then we would have something going but as long a they play dull old school baseball I'm gonna continue to ignore them. maybe you guys should think about taking some notes fro OU's club baseball program. now theres a team I can have a wet dream about
  5. Have you graduated yet? If you have you should apply to be a featured comedian next year.Rodgers does not suck. He has no help from his receivers(see Bowser pulling a Braylon Edwards in the first half) or his o-line(see the 0.3 seconds he has after the snap before the pocket collapses). There is a reason he was second string behind Jac.Oh let me get this straight we lost the game because Bowser dropped one pass...no but we did not lose it because of poor play from Rodgers. If you think that surely you're delusional. Our defense was downright awful.But it does not help when one of the few times the coaches call to open up the taps, your top receiver drops a pass thrown right into his gut. Inexcusable.I guess Bowser decided he couldnt continue to be the entire offense. Rodgers made enough mistakes to fill this whole thread with.He cant cut it.didn't he also me our only two touchdowns? I'm gonna have to checkEDIT: just checked the box score quick and it looks like I forgot about th one Tuzze put in but lets be real. When myself and my buddy can call what Akrons gonna run it woudn't matter who wasback there couple that with the fact that the D wasn't even there well the gess what you aren't gonna win. hell I'm impressed Rodges was able to score at all
  6. <br /><br />That's a great idea, no way am i going to the Barley House though. I say the OBC or cleats in Fairlawn (pretty big place, a friendly to Zips fans owner). Any other suggestions?<br /><br />saddly OBC is no longer there and my inside sorce says they probably will not be opening up another bar. what we need to do is find one place for ALL zips fans insted of getting one for the rowdys one for the oldys and one for ZN I hear that tap house on waterloo has a good following of zips faithfull<br /><br /><br /><br />Zipseuph, What are you talking about that the OBC may not be opening another bar? I thought they were moving to the Kaiser Building down the street?my friend who worked there said that they were gonna open up a brewr but couldn't see the opening up another bar (she was in there fighting with people to get her paycheck)keep in mind non of this is in stone
  7. That's a great idea, no way am i going to the Barley House though. I say the OBC or cleats in Fairlawn (pretty big place, a friendly to Zips fans owner). Any other suggestions?saddly OBC is no longer there and my inside sorce says they probably will not be opening up another bar. what we need to do is find one place for ALL zips fans insted of getting one for the rowdys one for the oldys and one for ZN I hear that tap house on waterloo has a good following of zips faithfull
  8. so where is a good place to watch our zippers play away games? the BH lost my money yesterday when the manager changed the audio over to the oswho game. after complaining to the guy about it he said "I'm gonna be changing it back and forth" but never did. insted he just turned around and put on an osu shirt. so where do you all like to go and watch the games? any place that isn't infested with oswho scum?
  9. I was at the barley with zippy tuba and first let me say that place can suck the big one.half way through the first quarter they changed the audio over to the OSwho game and when I talked to the manager about it he basicly said "FU" right before he put on his OSwho shirt (literaly) second of all when some bado's like zippy tuba and myself can tell you what th next play is gonna be you are probably doing something wrong
  10. ldies and gentlemen I have found the answer to all our marching bands problems. just watch the video and see how we should go about half timehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiZjsrwQ6vw
  11. looking at it glass half full we aren't the only ones who have to adjust to this. I am dissapointed in Jaq
  12. Thanks, i really think Du Hast would be perfect. It just sounds like something a marching band could do. I'm just worried that the fans might get too pumped and burn down our beautiful new stadium.I know I'd fight someone
  13. rootforrooI LOVE THE IDEA OF DU HAST(sp?)BIGZIPI don't see how it's not the same nd the "reason the music died" was because a plane crashed and took the lives of Buddy Holly Ritchie Valens and J.P Richardson (the big bopper) if paying tribute to those men who helped revelutionize rock isn't good enough for you then I honestly don't care.AARONlove the song ideas
  14. as far as I know that song is being played in honor of the aniversary of the day that the song sings of. I get where you come from with energetic music but I don't see aything wrong with paying tribute to those events but again totaly dig where your coming from just trying to give you some perspective as to why this is where most band members will lose it. I understand that you are not trying to attack anyone but especially with the intro it can come across as if you are but again I agree that the band should throw in some more modern selections for the younger crowd while still keeping the traditional cheers and some older tunes that the alumni would recogize and sing along to.in music you can't be all out all the time. this just isnt in the classical world every pop/modern band does it too. think of the last concert you whent to. was it all out for the entire show or did the band take a moment to bring things down just a little bit. doing that can help the big moments seem even bigger to the crowd if you just go full all out from the get go then you have to top it for the end and the next show this continues until eventualy you just end up looking absurd leaving the crowd going "WTF is this?" you have to be extremly careful with this. aske the question and then step back you are not alwas going to get the answer you want. you should defenetly throw out all the shameless plugs you can however. (ie hey we will here at this time doing this feel free to come check it out)
  15. ok I have something for both sides of the house hereside oneif you are currently in the bad you should not post on band topics like this AT ALL!! your job in the band above all is to act as the glue between the University and the rest of us and attacking people on ZN is not the way to do it. I know how hard it is to hear comments like the ones on hear (people that have been on here a while can tell you that I wasn't always the best at taking this stuff) but you have to suck it up take one on the chin and march on don't start arguing and creating a divide.side twoif you want to give input to the band that is awesome but at least make sure you've paid enough attention so that you don't say something stupid like ” they should lose the sheet music" (which they did) or "I'm glad they brought back the high step" (which they've been doing since before I was around) because after those comments you lose a lot of credibility
  16. I'm sorry not to be mean but it's hard to take you serious when you didn't even pay enough attention to realize that the band wasn't using flip folders. but I don't think its unrealistic to hope for all six things you just listed again to expect UA to turn this entire band program on it's head just to make the band dance is insane. there are plenty of college marching bands who march in a traditional style while still successfully entertaining their fans. amensome members of the band need some thicker skin and should not let this affect them in a bad way most of them have that but there have been a few on hear who can't take it and need to grow up. it can be hard to hear people think that a product you put a lot of time/energy into isn't that great (I understand I used to be the same way) but the people here are trying to help
  17. 1) thanks for the support2)I don't think you can realistically hope for the band to take everything they do and turn it on it's head just to dance around. besides if they were to do that then they would just be looked at as a cheep OU knock off3) we have no one on staff trained for a dance band so if we did try that it would be corny as hell4) if they play louder then the next complaint will be "man they sound like total crap" the sound will come with more numbers5) I am confused by the fact that you say "they are our band" and then say "strive to be more like OU"6) for the love of God lay off of OU!I must echo what others have said when I say nix the announcer and find a better run on. again I'm sure all of this will change. I still think they should bring back the tire drum. hell I could probably get them the tire
  18. I'm not in the band now but from what I know I wouldn't bet on this being the pregame of next year. Mr. K had about 2 weeks to throw it all together (as well as do a crap tone of other things) so there are bound to be some things to work out
  19. I might argue for the range first just cause it would help not only the team but also the poice academy and ROTC
  20. did anyone else notice while watching the gae yesterday that the big ten logo has an 11 in it?And where have you been for the past decade?????watching MAC football
  21. sept 12th is my one weekend a month with the nat guard
  22. did anyone else notice while watching the gae yesterday that the big ten logo has an 11 in it?
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