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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. You should also have an aversion to scam artists. The Amish are running one of the biggest rackets in the country. They should be investigated and jailed.....all of them!I'm from amish country and I can tell you that you don't know the first thing you are talking about. wanna know real Amish? go work on a farm. thats where you will find most of them. out in the field working and busting their back so you can sit here and talk trash on something you know nothing about.
  2. Men's BB is absolutely a rivalry. No doubt about it, and a good one at that. Not so much for the crappy football game between these two schools though. Are you arguing that if there exists a rivalry in any sport between two schools, that animosity extends to all of the other sports as well?rivalrys are what make college sports so great. just because neither school is all that great in football will not take anything away from the fact that it is hate Can't week. honestly I don't care what the two teams are doing this game determins bragging rights for a whole year with just one game. basketball is great because of where the two schools are but it doesn't have that one and done effect that football has. if we win this game then no matter what happens we will atleast be able to look back and say "at least we're better then Can't" and that to me is worth it. I must ask however. are you trying to change something or just complaining because we aren't "big time" in the football world? maybe one day the team will be big time enough for you and then you can act like most other ohio sports fans.
  3. maybe I'm not all that bright but I don't see how a soccer stadium could take all that long to complete. hell I know so amish guys who could have it up by monday
  4. No, 40 years of hate is hard to turn off with one trip to a casino. And no, no move to Lancaster Co.....or Sugarcreek.....or Charm......or Wooster.not so much in wooster as much as the surrounding small towns
  5. I saw him the other day wearing glasses, no wait that was the polymer building
  6. srew it lets start Zeke
  7. they do they arefor what it's worth I found out that they close the rec an hour before games and I imagine that would help student turn out some what
  8. any word on the next head football coach?
  9. I went to prom with O.J Simpson. suck on that
  10. no all the cool kids would get wasted go to the game and then after the game get wasted again. you were obviously never cool you must be what us cool kids call "successfull"
  11. I joke about star wars all the time and it doesn't make me dagobaphobic.Honestly, the real problem isn't the jokes, it's the power that people let the joke have over them. If you learned to laugh it off and be like "you know what, i'm not, but some people are" it would take the power away from it. Very rarely do you see Jews saying "that joke is anti-semetic" they usually incorporate it into their schtick.Comedy brings acceptance, unfortunately there are way too many sticks in the mud. I was excited about the Gay Games because it means that NEO is actually losing some of it's stigma as being some backwater industrial trashville. I mean look at where these games were held in the past. Mostly progressive areas like San Fran.Amen. I mean just look at "red necks" majority of my family is from WV and we all get a kick out of red neck jokes and you would be hard pressed to find somene who gets offended by them
  12. Took me a while to get that one but I'm gonna go ahead and give you a big "BA DUM CHHHHHHHHHHHH" on that one... quite clever!ok just wanted to say, not what I was going for when I started this.
  13. that was actually gonna be my argument for him staying
  14. I think it would be best if this never made youtube
  15. when was Cristian fired? must have been during my away timeYou have got to pay attention. He was fired shortly after two of his players were arrested for armed robbery of a nationally chartered bank. In the shoot out that followed the robbery three FBI agents were wounded, and Jim joked that his players weren't any better at shooting Federal agents than they were at shooting free throws. As a result of his comments, the NCAA prohibited him from recruiting during the month of February.you know what I'm an idiot. I was thinking Geno Ford they all start to blend together after a while
  16. you can igore one of those no votes. I just wanted to make things interesting
  17. when was Cristian fired? must have been during my away time
  18. it does look like it's going to bring a lot of money into the area
  19. http://www.ohio.com/news/62606392.htmlcheck it out
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