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Spin last won the day on June 21 2023

Spin had the most liked content!

About Spin

  • Birthday 03/13/1966

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  • Location
    Sheffield Lake, Ohio
  • Interests
    Zips men's football, basketball, soccer, baseball, club hockey

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  1. I hope not. This is the best thing to happen to Kent in a long long time. 😉
  2. Isn’t NIL just a legal form of what a lot of programs were doing already? “Allegedly” of course. Now it’s out in the open, and the contributors can use it as advertisement. See also NASCAR.
  3. IMO When you’re up 16 and have them by the throat, don’t dive on the floor for the ball.
  4. That is an older picture of the JAR. đŸ„¶
  5. NIU to the Mountain West? Do they have an airline as a sponsor? Those 2700km five hour flights what for 100+ pax and all the equipment aren’t cheap.
  6. I’ll cross my fingers the TP doesn’t strip the Zips of their best players.
  7. A few years ago I thought the transfer portal was going to be the end of really good mid-major programs. Yeah I took some crap over that but in all honesty I had no idea just how bad it was going to be or how far behind Akron is. We still can’t sell football in this region I call “football heaven” where high school programs draw bigger crowds than some D1 colleges. Taking some (or all) MAC programs to FCS is an idea, but then we lose the pay day games. There’s no easy answers
 My first college football game was at the Rubber Bowl against Austin Peay. That feels like 100 years ago

  8. No, I wish I did. IDK why it’s such a big secret,
  9. TBH during that brief period of time the football program was winning games and going bowling, they WERE the toast of the town. For a moment.
  10. I went to Akron as a non-traditional student, and it was the best move I made (other than marrying Mrs. Spin). When I walked into my first RN position my salary doubled over what I made in EMS.
  11. Nope, it wasn’t just you. That was pathetic. That was three hours of my life I’ll never get back.
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