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Everything posted by Crew8

  1. Still waiting on one more Akron signing.
  2. The New York Times Soccer: Akron After Porter
  3. David Meves also received an invite to the 2013 MLS Combine Scott Caldwell (New England), London Woodberry (FC Dallas), Chad Barson and Matt Wiet (Columbus Crew) are expected to be signed to Homegrown Players for their MLS club teams.
  4. Shouldn't really surprise us, he's ready to move on. Best of luck to Wil and hope he signs with the Crew. Columbus Dispatch: Trapp Leaving Akron
  5. Interesting you brought up ticket availability as I was just reading this article. Timbers Announce Sellout of 2013 Season Tickets
  6. I think it's safe to say, Gallego is signing a HG with Portland.
  7. I expect Serna and Trapp to go, Yedlin is quite possible too. The one name that's not on the Top Drawer list I like to see around next season is Gallego. Losing Meves and Barson and possibly a Gallego would really hurt the back core. I'd like to see Gallego stick around to try and hold down the back line and keep its composure one more season.
  8. Missed opportunities, should have never went to PKs especially up a man for 20 minutes. Those are the games they needed to put away. Unfortunate how the season ended, but feel even more for those seniors. Its been a great run with Caleb. Onto a new phase of Akron Soccer.
  9. Match Day! Lot 9 is the spot for all your tailgating needs. All are welcome, stop by and say hello. Akron Soccer Tailgate
  10. I'm ready and focused for Sunday. Wish it was tomorrow. We are going to kick off the tailgate earlier than normal at 1pm. Swing by on your way to Cub Cadet Field. It's always a pot luck event, but we always have some extra food and beverages to go around. 1pm - Lot 9 directly behind the football scoreboard. Look for the blue and gold flags. Parking is free. The grill will be fired up and the beer will be flowing.
  11. When UConn loses this Sunday, all things will be right in the world. I hope to meet a few of members of the selection committee in Hoover, Alabama this December.
  12. Voted! 11 days left to vote. Keeping it at the top. VOTE HERE!
  13. I think Croft deserves a second season to run the show. They lost a few games they should've won, but I sense some progress has been made. He is given the chance to bring in some new players for next season and break another attendance record.
  14. Following MLS debut, Speas hopes to be a regular contributor in 2013
  15. Yes, I would agree, but I can't draw that well. You then need someone to lay out the art in squares or use an overhead projector to layout the art.
  16. You don't need the University help. You need 10 people/friends/students/soccer fanatics to put in some work. Same material can be used for large banners in these two stick flag boards I have bookmarked. Maybe this will inspire someone or give some others a few ideas. Tutorial: Two-Stick Flags Rust Belt Tifo Tifo flag Personally I just enjoy this Tifo making video - Turkish club Fenerbahce supporters Like I mentioned earlier, keep it simple with text only. It's so simple and if you pick a time and day with material in hand, I'd throw in some work.
  17. Thank You Yaz for bringing this up. I think the proper soccer send off would be a tifo project. Doesn't need to be overdone, but a simple thank you on blue & gold would be enough. Balloons would be ridiculous, and I think it would be best this Saturday, but with the short time period. I'd say either the MAC championship or Game 1 of the NCAA College Cup run. I've always said I'd help if someone organized a tifo project, at this time I'm in no position to organize with my current schedule. Paint, cloth, and space. You could make a bar scarf out of blue and gold bed sheets sewn together with text painted on top. Or one large blue sheet, painted in gold. Keep it simple.
  18. Ben Speas makes his MLS debut Sunday. Ben Speas after his MLS Debut talks with ISN
  19. Making the Case - A Publishing Plea for Porter in Portland Calling Ando
  20. Congrats to the ladies finishing off the season with a win! 2-1 over Buffalo in Overtime. Good to see after they had some tough matches losing 3 out of the past 5 in overtime before today.
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