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Everything posted by NewZipsFan

  1. The team's slogan for the season is "believe". That's not an emotion.... So I will go with Confident. I'm confident that no matter the record at the end of the season, it will be a positive step forward. Confident that the players and coaches are giving 110% every day. Confident that they all BELIEVE they can, and will win.
  2. Some? They're freakin hysterical! How about a Coach Fleming/Will Fleming? I'm too lazy to find the pics
  3. You must not understand the way the coaching profession works. Once a head coach - especially one like Coach Bowden- gives a guy his first job, the floodgates open. Especially for someone like T-Buck. We lost our first S&C coach after 3weeks to the Oakland Raiders back in February. Don't believe we had played any games yet.
  4. 90% of the MAC preview articles have been so bad - the writers and publications should be absolutely embarrassed. When pieces were written in the past week or two, and talk about Clayton Moore returning as the starting QB, I stop reading and email the editor. Either get it right or don't bother writing it.
  5. We will be dadgum lucky to keep him past this season.
  6. I'm sure there are plenty of programs with similar/worse QB situations than we have. I would rather have the guys we have, than three RSRs who can't run Coach Bowden's offense. This offense does not depend on a "rocket arm".. it depends on intelligent play, a great understanding of the offense (most important), and poise/confidence under pressure. I believe we've got that with both Dalton and Kyle -- and Franco is not far behind.
  7. Those are actually pretty cool. The tire treads obviously have dual meaning - which would be necessary, because we won't be getting run over any more If the fans support the team (or as I've heard Coach Bowden say, "we need fannies in the seats") - the money will be there to do some of these things. You should've entered that t-shirt contest they had!
  8. Uhhhh... YES!!! Go Zips! Beat UCF!!
  9. What did the guy look like? I didn't think that the scrimmage was "closed". I had heard that practices become "totally closed" some time this week.
  10. If size always mattered... we might all be in trouble
  11. I'm very surprised that you were asked to leave. Was any reason given? (Is there some reason that you, personally, aren't allowed at practices??). I'm also very curious who this person was... Your description of grey long sleeve Akron shirt just didn't give me enough info
  12. Which guy were you? When I met a guy named John, I said "Keener?"... Then he looked at me like I had three heads
  13. Rossi is still on the team. If you look at the entire roster -- there really are a LOT of Linebackers. With 11 days of practice left -- I wouldn't be surprised to see some changes on this 2-deep roster. This could make some guys really step up to get some PT.
  14. Wish that were true... But with 11+ days left -- it surely could happen. Go Zips! Beat UCF!
  15. Is this one of those instances where sarcasm doesn't translate in print??
  16. From what I've heard -- if you get there by 9-9:30 you will be safe. Also - understand this is a "situational" scrimmage. The coaches will put the squads in certain game situations for a number of plays.. (i.e. offense backed up at their own two yard line... offense in the red-zone, etc..) to work on those situations. It won't be a "spring game" like format... But there will be plenty to see for sure.
  17. All I can say is that if a "walk on - who was NOT invited to pre-season camp at Akron" has transferred to Penn State - and that player ever sees the field -- they are in much worse shape than I could have ever imagined. Just sayin'....
  18. Found these pics... Not a bad place to "chill".... dadgum!! Zips get a break from practice
  19. Why do you say that Coach Bowden has "refused to go on the air with Joe"? From what I hear, there is going to be a Coach's TV show -- and the sponsor interest/commitment has been very high.
  20. Looking forward to meeting you guys in just about 14 days, 22-23 hours.... Oh - that brings me to a question -- I was surprised to see that the stadium gates do not open until 60 minutes before kick off (??). I found that pretty odd -- especially since the team usually comes out for warm ups at about 55 minutes prior to kickoff. I investigated a bit -- and heard that the demand to have the stadium open any early just hasn't been there -- but the facilities people are willing and ready to change that policy once the fans "demand" it. I have always liked to tailgate for 2-xxx? number of hours, and then get into the stadium no later than 45 minutes prior to kick off (granted -- I have not been to a Zips game yet -- and my experience has been mostly at UGA and UM). How early will the "diehards" start tailgating? With our first game being on Thursday night - and an early 7pm kickoff, I don't expect people too early... Which is kind of unfortunate - because it would be really great for the first game day to be able to build the excitement through the afternoon.. So -- in a nutshell -- what time will ya'll be out there on 8/30?
  21. It all sounds very promising... Thank you, George, for doing such a great job of giving us the nuts and bolts information -- as well as giving us a feel of the "mood" of each practice
  22. I promise you that if it is at all possible -- the team will always practice outdoors. We are so incredibly fortunate to have the Field House - many people really don't understand how crucial having this facility really is. If this was FSU, Florida, UM, or most likely the majority of FBS programs -- there would have been NO practice on a day with lightning. Coach Bobby Bowden tried for many years to get an indoor facility built at FSU - they lost crucial practice time due to the heavy incidence of lightning in Florida. When every practice is CRITICAL - we have the good fortune to have an incredible indoor facility to practice in if the weather does not permit.
  23. It's nice to see CBSSports.com featuring the Dennis Dodd story, and the MAC today - front and center on the CF home page CBSSports.com - MAC featured
  24. Bingo! Sarcasm does not translate well in print. Very few can do it successfully -- Dennis Dodd and Mike Bianchi are about the only two writers I know who can.
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