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New Banner in Downtown Cleveland This Morning!

Dr Z

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Before I get TOOOO excited...this wasn't photo shopped was it?????


no offense to the person who put forth the effort, but I could do a better photoshop then that. The text's perspective is off badly

Show us.

k, I expect it will take only two adjustments to the text.

One to distort the perspective so that the text appears to shrink as it moves rightward (and away), and one to adjust it along the perspective lines of the architecture.



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OK, admittedly, that does look better, but thats not the point. The point was a quick and clever response to the situation that helped promote Zips Basketball. Well done, Dr. Z. :bow:

I know I know, even though I tried to post that I meant no offense to the "person who put forth the effort", I realize that my ego got in the way and I wanted to be the first to point out that it was indeed a photoshop.

Should I ship off to miami yet?

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I sent it to ESPN about an hour ago. I figure they are hungry for anything LBJ right now, maybe our Zips can benefit with some recognition.

Send it to Dan Gilbert. He is so ticked he might pay to have something like this done.

I'm not sure I want to deal with someone that irrational. :D

But I might, just for Zeke and the boyz.

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