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Football is so pathetic


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Just as many (me included) predicted ... oh en twelve; oh en twelve

Thank God for Caleb Porter, the Rowdies and the Zips men's soccer team for carrying us

through these terrible times. oh en twelve. Its icoach's personal motto.

footnote: Heard icoach pre-game interview before the Cant (choking on this) game.

He has all the vigor, enthusiasm of a kumquat.

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Just as many (me included) predicted ... oh en twelve; oh en twelve

Thank God for Caleb Porter, the Rowdies and the Zips men's soccer team for carrying us

through these terrible times. oh en twelve. Its icoach's personal motto.

footnote: Heard icoach pre-game interview before the Cant (choking on this) game.

He has all the vigor, enthusiasm of a kumquat.

lol..... kumquat.

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So how does Bill Belichick rate on the kumquat scale? Would anyone care about the public personality of the Zips coach if he stacked up wins like Belichick?

Sorry, but it's just plain silly to me to criticize a coach for being too reserved, wearing the wrong clothing, having hair that's too straight, etc., etc. The only thing Zips fans are really concerned about is having a coach who wins more games than he loses. I'll take a nice, ripe kumquat of a coach who wins, as long as he's not a lying, cheating crook. Public personality is irrelevant.

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So how does Bill Belichick rate on the kumquat scale? Would anyone care about the public personality of the Zips coach if he stacked up wins like Belichick?

Sorry, but it's just plain silly to me to criticize a coach for being too reserved, wearing the wrong clothing, having hair that's too straight, etc., etc. The only thing Zips fans are really concerned about is having a coach who wins more games than he loses. I'll take a nice, ripe kumquat of a coach who wins, as long as he's not a lying, cheating crook. Public personality is irrelevant.


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I'm fairly certain people would like to see RI fail, just to say they were right. Same goes with You Tube Tom.

I'm sure there's some of that going on. But I think for the most part (similar to the situation with the leader of our country) it's just that when you see someone failing, you'd rather see them replaced sooner rather than later. Akron is a D-1A program. We should NOT be a training camp for head coaches.

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I'm fairly certain people would like to see RI fail, just to say they were right. Same goes with You Tube Tom.

I'm sure there's some of that going on. But I think for the most part (similar to the situation with the leader of our country) it's just that when you see someone failing, you'd rather see them replaced sooner rather than later. Akron is a D-1A program. We should NOT be a training camp for head coaches.

For me, as with the leader of our country, I pray that these men succeed, all the while knowing that none of them will.

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So how does Bill Belichick rate on the kumquat scale? Would anyone care about the public personality of the Zips coach if he stacked up wins like Belichick?

Sorry, but it's just plain silly to me to criticize a coach for being too reserved, wearing the wrong clothing, having hair that's too straight, etc., etc. The only thing Zips fans are really concerned about is having a coach who wins more games than he loses. I'll take a nice, ripe kumquat of a coach who wins, as long as he's not a lying, cheating crook. Public personality is irrelevant.

Players dont respect guys that aren't excited about the game (of football). I have a few inside sources on this: Ianello acts that same way at practice, he has that same tone all the time. I'm sure dressing like a 70 year old man (no offense to any on ZN.o) doesn't help his case either.

And Belichick does has these things when at practice and when talking to his players, no coach is an emotionless weirdo and wins.

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I'm fairly certain people would like to see RI fail, just to say they were right. Same goes with You Tube Tom.

I'm sure there's some of that going on. But I think for the most part (similar to the situation with the leader of our country) it's just that when you see someone failing, you'd rather see them replaced sooner rather than later. Akron is a D-1A program. We should NOT be a training camp for head coaches.

For me, as with the leader of our country, I pray that these men succeed, all the while knowing that none of them will.

For me, i'd only like to see them fail if it was real soon and it meant their firing. Other than that, i'm thinking exactly along the lines of GoZips....especially about the "leader of our country" thing.

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I'm fairly certain people would like to see RI fail, just to say they were right. Same goes with You Tube Tom.

I'm sure there's some of that going on. But I think for the most part (similar to the situation with the leader of our country) it's just that when you see someone failing, you'd rather see them replaced sooner rather than later. Akron is a D-1A program. We should NOT be a training camp for head coaches.

For me, as with the leader of our country, I pray that these men succeed, all the while knowing that none of them will.

For me, i'd only like to see them fail if it was real soon and it meant their firing. Other than that, i'm thinking exactly along the lines of GoZips....especially about the "leader of our country" thing.

Please find a different forum to discuss your politics.

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I'm fairly certain people would like to see RI fail, just to say they were right. Same goes with You Tube Tom.

I'm sure there's some of that going on. But I think for the most part (similar to the situation with the leader of our country) it's just that when you see someone failing, you'd rather see them replaced sooner rather than later. Akron is a D-1A program. We should NOT be a training camp for head coaches.

For me, as with the leader of our country, I pray that these men succeed, all the while knowing that none of them will.

For me, i'd only like to see them fail if it was real soon and it meant their firing. Other than that, i'm thinking exactly along the lines of GoZips....especially about the "leader of our country" thing.

And just like the leader of our country, you need to give them time...it's unrealistic and short-sighted to expect either to turn their "projects" around right away.

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So how does Bill Belichick rate on the kumquat scale? Would anyone care about the public personality of the Zips coach if he stacked up wins like Belichick?

For schtinking up the league, going somewhere else, and THEN putting together a championship team?

It's the NEOhio way...

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So how does Bill Belichick rate on the kumquat scale? Would anyone care about the public personality of the Zips coach if he stacked up wins like Belichick?

Sorry, but it's just plain silly to me to criticize a coach for being too reserved, wearing the wrong clothing, having hair that's too straight, etc., etc. The only thing Zips fans are really concerned about is having a coach who wins more games than he loses. I'll take a nice, ripe kumquat of a coach who wins, as long as he's not a lying, cheating crook. Public personality is irrelevant.

Players dont respect guys that aren't excited about the game (of football). I have a few inside sources on this: Ianello acts that same way at practice, he has that same tone all the time. I'm sure dressing like a 70 year old man (no offense to any on ZN.o) doesn't help his case either.

And Belichick does has these things when at practice and when talking to his players, no coach is an emotionless weirdo and wins.

You should become a sports consultant and try to sell that concept to ADs around the country: When choosing between two coaching candidates, always pick the more openly emotional one, because the players are going to have more respect for him than for the more reserved candidate.

If you're proven to be correct on this interesting theory, you could make a fortune in consulting fees.

Just be sure that you have this theory nailed, because you're going to have a lot of splainin to do to convince those with more life experience than you that you've stumbled onto something that everyone else has missed.

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I'll preface my two-cent contribution by saying that I have el-cheap-o GA seats, which means I sit in the upper deck behind the visiting team. Thus, I don't have a close enough view of the Zips' sideline to really get a read on iCoach.

But having said that, I don't think having a reserved personality should be a problem. Duke's Coach K comes to mind. Even (I hate to even type the name) Jim Tressel. I don't think anyone would classify either of these two as "Ra-Ra" kind of guys.

Anyway, shouldn't the players' own sense of self-pride be their primary motivating factor? I know it was for me. I never needed a coach screaming, "Try harder, you bonehead" at me. In fact, I always responded better to reserved, teaching-type coaches, than "I'll-yell-and-spit-at-anything-that-moves" coaches.

I'd much rather have a cool, calm, collected coach, simply teaching me the game and explaining my mistakes to me so I won't do them again, than having an overly emotional bafoon prowling the sidelines.

But that was me. I was a pretty self-motivated athlete (and, if I do say so myself, more intelligent than your average athlete :rolleyes: , I know) so I didn't need anyone screaming at me. In fact, in my case, a yelling coach was always counter-productive. I was always my own worst critic and the last thing in the world I needed was a coach berating me. I felt bad enough if I had made a mistake to let down the team. I wanted (needed) someone to teach me & actually remind me that my mistake wasn't the end of civilization as we know it, and then, I would rarely make the same mistake twice. I've never, ever liked playing for the Bobby Knight kind of coach. But I have seen where that kind of coach is necessary when you're dealing with true boneheads that otherwise don't seem to be paying attention to what is going on, or even able to absorb what is being taught.

Idk. I just think that generally cooler heads prevail, and a more reserved, analytical, teaching coach can be a stabilizing presence on a sideline (e.g., again, Jim Tressel :wall: )

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Anyone else struggling to figure out why this thread is in the basketball forum???

Seriously, we all know football sucks right now. Coach Ianello's first season can be characterized as nothing more than an absolute, dismal failure. We are the laughing stock of the MAC, a conference which is the laughing stock of D-I or FBS or whatever the heck they call it now. I for one was never very enthused about football season this year to begin with and I've been ready to move on to basketball since about week 2. If y'all want to keep beating up on Ianello and his band of not-so-merry men that is fine by me, but can we at least do it on the football board?

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Belichick actually played the game of football, unlike Ianello who never took a snap in his life.

So how does Bill Belichick rate on the kumquat scale? Would anyone care about the public personality of the Zips coach if he stacked up wins like Belichick?

Sorry, but it's just plain silly to me to criticize a coach for being too reserved, wearing the wrong clothing, having hair that's too straight, etc., etc. The only thing Zips fans are really concerned about is having a coach who wins more games than he loses. I'll take a nice, ripe kumquat of a coach who wins, as long as he's not a lying, cheating crook. Public personality is irrelevant.

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We NEED good basketball!

We really do. When the football team is terrible, it takes the energy out of the rest of the Athletic Department. Meaning, the public has trouble getting jumpstarted after a bad football season. The BB team will have to impress early on and get the energy back up to where it needs to be.

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What bothers me is that I have no confidence with our AD or the future of Zips football with Coach I.

Yea, this is where I am about right now. I feel trapped. Like so many of you, I've followed this program for years and I've seen it fall off a cliff from the opening of Infocision last season. Been thinking a lot recently about what went wrong, back to the last time we were the worst team in the country. Right or Wrong, most of the time I have an opinion on what should be done to come to a resolution for a situation but not in this case. I'm not a football expert, just a big fan, and I have to rely on the experts to turn things around. I don't have any faith in the people running the show. I don't see any light ahead. This is just about the worst case scenario for our new stadium. I'm not really the type to give up easily so what's a fan to do? I guess I'll just hunker down for the next few years and hope somehow we can raise the Titanic.

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i think the blame can be spread around.players,coaches,a.d.,and the u of a admin.these players had three losing season

in a row before coach I took over.if they were that great of players JD would have stil been here. i really would like

to know how far the A.D. went to find a coach.how many guys did he interview for the job,and how many guys did

he contact about the opening for the job.i know coach I is already here,but we as fans who pay for tickets have

a right to know.did we even try to get the coach at app state, villinova,or any of the other top 1-aa teams.

was paul winters even interviewed for the job.i am not saying paul should have got the job.i think it would

have been the right thing interview him though.it seems like to me coach I walked in ,and was handed the job.

T.W. know's coach I; so the buddy system prevailed.now that we have coach I we need to give him time

to turn this program aorund.i think the program was in alott worse shape than most zip fans thought.

we only have a few decent d-1 players on the team right now.the only way i see us turning ths around quicker is if

coach i goes after some JC players for certain positions.we need to look at db as a major need.a qb,rb,wr also need

help.i know it's a risk to bring in JC guys, but if not next year could be just as bad.

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I don't really care about iCoach's rah rah attitude or not, but what I can see on the sidelines is a guy who mopes around and has a general demeanor that does not exude confidence at all. His always walking around slouched over and generally doesn't come across as even wanting to be on the field. No matter how bad JD was he still managed to win games and iCoach has now lost his first six with a good chance of going winless. I know I keep bringing it up, but it seems to me every contract in the athletic department should have a clause that says if you go winless you're fired and you get no severance.

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