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Am I the only one who thinks PN7 should be the QB, how much longer can we accept the QB play? Not only did he deserve to play this year after what he's been put through the last two years. This was supposed to be his break out year what with having a year in the new system. It's obvious that the little juco guy looks lost in a system that he has no clue, they keep trying to put him in the shotgun but he still get's passes knocked down. Ianello's reason for picking Moore was that he's a leader in the huddle, we need a QB who can execute the offense. What a waste of NFL talent.

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Am I the only one who thinks PN7 should be the QB, how much longer can we accept the QB play? Not only did he deserve to play this year after what he's been put through the last two years. This was supposed to be his break out year what with having a year in the new system. It's obvious that the little juco guy looks lost in a system that he has no clue, they keep trying to put him in the shotgun but he still get's passes knocked down. Ianello's reason for picking Moore was that he's a leader in the huddle, we need a QB who can execute the offense. What a waste of NFL talent.

Yes...you are the only one.

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This guy can't understand football if he wants Nicely back, but then again he is "Akron Football" and unfortunately that name is beginning to be regarded as total ineptitude. Come on iCoach, turn this thing around. :rolleyes:

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This guy can't understand football if he wants Nicely back, but then again he is "Akron Football" and unfortunately that name is beginning to be regarded as total ineptitude. Come on iCoach, turn this thing around. :rolleyes:

I hate to see people still BASHING NICELY The kid was throw into action his freshman year when we had planned to red shirt him..sophmore year the GREAT COACH I comes on the scene and guts the program> Coach I has no backbone so he TRIES to place the blame of a terrible 2010 season on PN7 by bringing in CM8...Our O LINE didnt Block, receivers didnt catch , defense got 3rd degree burns,,poor playing calling,,and that was ALL PN7s fault right ?,,,, Well CM8 has now walked in the shoes of PN7 and failed. Nicely at least had a YEAR to learn the new system, but was never given a chance in 2011. Let CM8 do all the cheerleading and let PN7 go throw,,that is if our RECEIVERS can catch it. The total colapse of Akron Football can be placed on the shoulder of RI. It was a bad hire. Maybe he did a good job BSING recruits to come to Notre Dame, and I am SURE he promised CM8 the starting job IF he were to come to AKRON,,,but he has no skills to be a head coach. My wife attended a 1AA college in Texas. They went through some poor seasons 2008 4-7 , 2009 5-6 , They fired the head coach and went and got a new one,,a GOOD ONE,, HIS first year 6-5,, This year 4-0.. THATS HOW ITS DONE when you get a good Head Coach. Our AD blew it on this one.. CYA RI and staff, I hope CM8 stays healthy enough to help you pack up

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I am in the camp that Nicely could be more-effective than Moore. I haven't given up on PN7.

But - I also figure that beating that dead horse on the Internet would be embarrassing to PN7, and actually work against him ever seeing the field again. So I sit and see how the LR8 experiment plays out.

And, I wonder if D'Orazio is any good.

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