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No, but they were the designs that were conservative enough for the administration to feel safe about using.

Lots of potential humor in this comment. God only knows what college students come up with after two 1-11 seasons. Some must have been really funny.

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#2 isn't awful, although I don't like shirts with too much on them, makes them stiff and overbearing

#3 isn't awful, although I don't like the font used for wreak havoc. It looks too... I don't know... graffiti-like?

The rest are awful... especially the first one. Aside from making no sense, it reminds me of Hot Topic.

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A good t-shirt is something you can wear even when you are away from its intended area of use. It's the reason I hate when they give away t-shirts with a specific date on them (referencing the event you're at, which makes it out of date and pointless the moment you walk out of the event). A solid, simple design that conveys the general idea of whatever it is you're designing for without being too specific or too generic (moderation is key) is what to shoot for.

Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is that a good, not-embarrassing-to-wear design should be elegant. These shirts are anything but.

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Coming off back-to-back 1-11 seasons, I don't think "Vision" is a message I would associate with Akron Football. Maybe in a year or two.

Maybe "Blurred Vision," with "AKRON TAILGATING 2012" on the back? I'd buy that.

This was the winner. While I think it is clever, it took me while to really grasp it which I don't think is good for a T-shirt. At first I thought it might be a chemical symbol with the subscripts like F2O2 (fluorine dixoide? - chemistry was my weakest subject), but I realized it is supposed to stand for 20/20 vision. Unfortunately, I think it may have another more prophetic message, as the year 2020 could be the time the vision finally comes into focus. C'mon, Coach Bowden I hope you're "near sighted". :)


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(B-) I think the 20/20 could have been pulled off better. I'm assuming the 20/20 has to do with vision, since that's the text.

(D-) If it means I have to envision the team winning in the year 2020.

(A+) If it means we play for the national title in 2020.

Art is in the eye of the beholder.

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What corporation came up with this shirt?

Maybe it will look better in person. And it may even make for a good banner. But as for a t-shirt design? Way too sterile imho. It looks like an engineer came up with this design, not an artist.

This was the winner. While I think it is clever, it took me while to really grasp it which I don't think is good for a T-shirt. At first I thought it might be a chemical symbol with the subscripts like F2O2 (fluorine dixoide? - chemistry was my weakest subject), but I realized it is supposed to stand for 20/20 vision. Unfortunately, I think it may have another more prophetic message, as the year 2020 could be the time the vision finally comes into focus. C'mon, Coach Bowden I hope you're "near sighted". :)


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