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No quantification was included in my previous post, but I would be willing to bet you my $100 against your $10 that Tressel is NOT the next President of UA. Care to put your money where your mouth is? :rolleyes:

Hey Zipmeister, are you still willing to take that bet? My kid needs a new pair of shoes. :)

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Short term Tressel would seem like a good replacement. But, what happens when he decides to return to coaching? What if we need someone to replace Bowden in a few years? What happens when people "forget" about him. Is he experienced enough? We need higher enrollment and continued campus developments. If anything he can definitely get students interested in UA...

If he becomes President(which I am against) there is no way he goes back to coaching. The University would put a cluase against that.

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As I mentioned before, Tressel for president will be an absolute disaster for the university. I was visiting Akron last week (before the tournament) and I met with multiple professors who said that they will leave the university if it happens.

I don't know how much that means to you, but keep in mind that this is an Academic institution first. Athletics come next.

I hope and pray that the search committee is smarter than taking such a stupid move.

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The attitude that college presidents should all come from the ranks of educator lifers with doctorates seems to be common among professors. That attitude also exists in business. I spent part of my working career in the automotive industry, where the old-school guys adamantly believed that all top executives should come from the ranks of automotive lifers. When an executive from outside the automotive world was brought in to fill a high position, talk around the water cooler was that all the lower executives were going to revolt and show the outsider he didn't belong. I don't recall anyone actually leaving, and when the outsider started making improvements and proved himself worthy, everyone stopped talking about it after a few months.

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Did you even look at the list? Who else on there would you want?

And if some professors leave because Tressel is hired, I will rejoice. Anybody throwing a hissy-fit like that shouldn't be tasked with educating at a college level.

Really, Zach?!!!

Why don't you tell me what makes you want Tressel for the job? What did he do other than coach Football? ... and Cheat while doing it!

Can some one name a research university with a president who doesn't hold a Ph. D?

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DiG As if Daniels contributed to the success. Because you know, as well as I do, that Mitch Daniels was not the president that build Purdue into the research powerhouse that it is. Former governor of Indiana, as well as a former director of management and budget under President Bush. He left the governorship and...immediately became President of Purdue.

Purdue credits Daniels' predecessor astrophysicist Dr. France Anne Cordova as getting Purdue to national leading levels of academic rankings, research funding and student retention. Daniels seems to be more of a political play on part of Purdue because they already have the funding and academic success left by Dr. Cordova.

UA doesn't need to play the political game (we'll lose...OSU will win everytime) in interstate politics.

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For me, it is at least have something education-wise to bring to the table(via time doing it. I am all for going outside the box). However, why hire someone with no school experience unless you KNOW that he will suceed?

If it came all the way down to that, I would rather have someone in-house, of even Gordon Gee, and I cannot even believe I am throwing out that name!

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@Balsy, I think you misunderstood. There was a question about any research university having a president without a PhD. I merely copied a description from Purdue's website that showed they are a respected research university and added the name and background of their non-PhD president. I'll go back and put that part in quotes for clarity. No editorial comment was intended. There are other examples out there but Purdue was the first to come to my mind.

@Ada Zip, there's no question that non-doctorate university presidents represent a small minority. But that doesn't mean they're not qualified. It's just a gradual change that's slowly worked its way into higher education over the decades. Every time we have this discussion I go out on the internet and find different stories about non-doctorate college presidents. I found a new one again this time, so enjoy reading this one.

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Not going to get into this too much, because people have opinions/agendas that aren't going to change no matter the points that are brought up, but why do you have to have "education experience" to be a successful President? To me, being a President has more to do with leadership qualities than anything.

BTW Balzy- when reading you explain the Purdue situation, I couldn't help of think of our very own University. As for the funding, not going to buy that we will lose out to OSU everytime. We would have the guy nicknamed "The Senator" running things and people aren't going to ignore him. The Cleveland-Akron-Canton area is the most populated in the state. The public universities in the region will not be ignored. Start with concentrating on being the dominate one in the region (maybe already are) and go from there. It's not like UA is some podunk school with 3k enrollment. We have the numbers that warrant attention and have potential.

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... However, why hire someone with no school experience unless you KNOW that he will suceed? ...

You NEVER know for sure if anyone is going to succeed to the highest expectations. With Jim Tressel, there's been an opportunity over the past 2 years for UA decision-makers to observe him up close in a position of high responsibility. We sit back and speculate on how well he's done. Those who are close to the situation and monitor his performance on a daily basis know better than anyone how well he's performed in the responsibilities he's been given. The only question I ever see on this forum about how well he's performed is how much money he's raised for a new basketball arena. Think Bigger.

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Jim Tressel's application is an interesting read. He suggests himself as interim president for a 2-year period prior to a permanent new president taking over. He backs it up with many good reasons for such a move. It's not clear if he considers himself a candidate to be the new permanent president after serving 2 years as interim president.

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I've sent a friend of mine who is a professor at Univ. of Southern California an e-mail with the link to all the candidates. I'm not sure what to make of the list of candidates. To me it seems as if it is a weak list of candidates, but I don't know if this is normal for a MAClike school or not. My friend is a midwest guy who understands MAC schools and the challenges they face.

In terms of Tressels resume, it's long and lacking real substance which in the crazy world we live in might make him the perfect candidate. I can't tell if he is applying for President at UofA, school master at a pre-school or a football coaching position.

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Below is my friends response. My question centered around whether or not this is what the resumes of candidates applying at Akron would look like.

"At first glance, yes. I only see one Dean, and it is CSULA. I don't see any high powered academic fundraisers either. Unless there is an inside story here with one or a couple of the candidates, it seems like they are shooting low."

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