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Photography [Zips vs Howard]

Dr Z

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Here are a few images from last night's game.


The Zips enter the field showing off their much anticipated new uniforms. ©Photo by Dr Z


The first defensive set of the night results in a three and out series. ©Photo by Dr Z


The first offensive set of the night with the drive ending up in the endzone. ©Photo by Dr Z


The first touchdown of the year is a 57 yard Kyle Pohl pass to LT Smith. ©Photo by Dr Z


A nine yard touchdown strike from Kyle Pohl to Imani Davis. ©Photo by Dr Z


Mykel Traylor-Bennett celebrates a 43 yard touchdown pass from Kyle Pohl. ©Photo by Dr Z


Cody Grice cools off while showing off his new haircut. ©Photo by Dr Z

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Kyle Pohl hands off to Jawon Chisholm. ©Photo by Dr Z


The students had a lot to cheer for during the opening game of 2014. ©Photo by Dr Z


Defensive guru Chuck Amato checks in with his defense. ©Photo by Dr Z


The team has fun indicating that it is the start of the fourth quarter. ©Photo by Dr Z


Zips QB Tommy Woodson gets instruction from his coaches before coming in to relieve Kyle Pohl. ©Photo by Dr Z


Tommy Woodson looks over the defense before the snap of the ball. ©Photo by Dr Z

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Since a picture is worth a thousand words, Dr Z can now take the next year off from posting any words on the forum. :lol: I remember once getting serious about photographing sporting events back in the days of cameras that used real film. It was fun for awhile, but I found the focus on photography taking away from my enjoyment of watching games and gave up. Hopefully Dr Z is better at multitasking than I was and can enjoy both the photography and the games as I really appreciate reliving Zips games by looking at these images.

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