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Game #3 Marshall Thundering Herd

Dr Z

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Nobody even gave Akron a chance to beat Marshall. If you had no affiliation with the school why would you waste a perfectly good Saturday to watch a team that nobody expects to win. Don't give me the college football slant either. As far as the average fan is concerned the only difference between us and YSU is they win games.

At the risk of giving the college football slant, I'll give the college football slant because I have extensive experience with it. I have Wake tickets and go to almost all of the games knowing this year they probably aren't going to win too many after allowing Jim Grobe to run the program into the ground for three years. ACC season tickets aren't cheap either. Traffic is easy and parking is great. It costs me over $100 per game for my wife and I go. As bad as they are, I don't regret spending the money. I also have no affiliation with the school. I enjoy tailgating. I enjoy football even if I know the outcome isn't going to be favorable for Wake. Wake's players play hard so I don't feel like I'm having my money stolen from me. The thought of me sitting around my house staring at the television for 8 hours watching teams I have no interest at all in on a 75 degree North Carolina day makes me almost sick to my stomach. The thought of me sitting around my house watching television commentators discuss, in early September, who is going to play in the 4 team playoff makes me want to throw myself off of a bridge. The ACC allows me to see some guys play in college who will be first round draft picks. Wake provides a generally pleasant game day experience by doing the best they can with what they have to offer. Wake has a bright coach who seems to be doing a good job with the cards he has been dealt. There is a certain type of happiness I get at college football games that I don't experience doing other things I enjoy.

If you change all of the words above to Akron, one could say close to the same thing about those sentences. The rest is probably pretty similar to the feelings a lot of people have about college football. The sports fan I feel most sorry for is the person who spends all day tailgating with friends/family, has a great time, gets to avoid sitting in their house suffering through espn broadcasts of games they don't care about and they allow their day to be ruined when their team loses. I think this person has lost all perspective about sports/competition and what they should mean for the viewer. The players should be upset when they lose. The fans should go to their car and continue with a fun day. The fans are not guaranteed anything with their ticket other than the right to walk in a watch a game. Nothing guarantees a well played game. It's all about perspective. It's OK to care about whether or not a team wins or loses, but too many people allow the success or failure of their team to reflect on them personally and that's just stupid.

So, what is the difference between us and YSU? My wife has a cousin who has season tickets for YSU through his company. They tailgate for every game and they are OSU grads. They told us a lot of people who tailgate don't go to the game and the stadium is pretty empty. Everyone still has a lot of fun. Maybe the fans of YSU have it right. It is more important to have fun with your family and friends than the game. Take your friends to a game and have a great time with them. Watch some football then continue on with the fun after. The fun is remembered long after the outcome of the game.

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Looking back on Saturday, I'll say the following -

  • Where will the offense come from in 2014? Pohl is a decent QB. D'Orazio is a solid WR. After that, where does it come from? It's disappointing that, in Year #3 of TB's tenure, we have no offensive threats whatsoever.
  • Watching the replays of the old Marshall games, which of our 2014 WR's would see time over Sparks, Irvin, Cherry or Montgomery? Probably only D'Orazio. Maybe LT Smith gets a few snaps.
  • We need Brumbaugh back. Of all our recent injury losses, his is causing the biggest concern. March is a close second
  • Part of me worries about how we're going to stop Pitt on Saturday. But overall, I still like our D. More of me worries if we are capable of putting the ball in the endszone against anyone this season. TONS of work to do on the offensive side of the ball.

While the loss of Brumbaugh is big, the loss of March is bigger in my opinion. It’s not just his ability on the field, where his decent speed and football instincts seem to put him near the ball on almost every play. It’s his leadership. I saw very little leadership, especially on defense, this past Saturday.

I’ve mentioned the loss of Terrell Goodman a couple of times. Nobody seems to know how he was hurt, (presumably in the Howard game). He’s someone who can be an option in the red zone. What’s the word GT? EA? I shouldn’t bother with EA, because his head probably exploded when he saw the Morgan State-Howard score.

Here is an early prediction. Even though I’ll be the 1st to admit that Pitt looks like a bad matchup for the Zips, the oddsmakers (and betting public) will overreact to this loss just enough to allow the Zips to cover this week. I suspect TB, being backed into a corner somewhat, will get the team to come out fighting.

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Looking back on Saturday, I'll say the following -

  • As good as I thought our defense was/is, looking at Marshall's 11 defenders, we aren't in their league. Size, speed, athleticism, scheme...they looked like a BCS defense to me.
  • In defense of the Zips defense...man, it gets old running back on to the field time-after-time-after-time as the offense goes 3-and-out
  • I think I'm the only one that was PO'd when the waved the white flag and punted on 4th and 12 at the Marshall 40? There's 1:05 on the clock, and you're down 28 points. Can you at least try to score...show me you're trying to get back in the game? Punting the ball into the endzone when you are in that situation makes absolutely no sense to me.
  • Where will the offense come from in 2014? Pohl is a decent QB. D'Orazio is a solid WR. After that, where does it come from? It's disappointing that, in Year #3 of TB's tenure, we have no offensive threats whatsoever.
  • Watching the replays of the old Marshall games, which of our 2014 WR's would see time over Sparks, Irvin, Cherry or Montgomery? Probably only D'Orazio. Maybe LT Smith gets a few snaps.
  • After watching #47 churn out the yards for the Herd Saturday, I'm starting to like the idea of Newman Williams in the backfield next year. If he plays LB, great...we sill need a running back that is capable of moving forward and getting 3-4 yards when we need it. And one that's a legit threat to take it to the house every so often. Brandon Payne, Jimmy Gray, Brett Biggs, Dennis Kennedy, Bobby Hendry, Culler, McCray these were all guys you could bank on to move the chains. They were "money" inside the 10. Why can't we find guys like that?
  • We need Brumbaugh back. Of all our recent injury losses, his is causing the biggest concern. March is a close second.
  • I would like to see the Marshall bandwagon if the Herd had 5 winning football records over the past 27 seasons. A big "F U" to any Marshall fan talking attendance smack.
  • People who want to dumb-down the schedule to get some cheap cupcake wins need to take a step back to 5-10 years ago. This Marshall team we saw today...10 years ago we could have played with them. Now we get waxed. But we are capable of being as good as Marshall.
  • If the Zips played to their capabilities Saturday, they'd have lost 48-24.
  • In defense of Hakeem Lawrence - the guy hasn't carried a football in a real game in almost 3 years. He barely played in year #1, and redshirted last year. Give him some ball-security, rip drills and get him back on the field. We need his speed. If it turns-out he's just another track star who can't take the football contact, then bench him. But I would give him another shot sooner than later. He was in a tough position Saturday.
  • We punt the ball into the endzone to much.
  • Good to see Rossi in the backfield to start the game, if for no other reason than he's a fun guy to support. If you've ever coached a sport, event at the lowest level, you always love a kid that just wants to get on the field and will do anything you need.
  • Our pass offense seems to be "toss it up and hope." Which I hate. When Brumbaugh returns, does Pohl have some time to get through his progressions? I hope so. Lobbing it up to your #1 option and hoping for a catch or flag ain't where it's at.
  • Two weeks to prepare for Marshall, and we bungled and fumbled our way through the game. Marshall had 200 yards in penalties, and still clowned us at home. :puke:
  • Part of me worries about how we're going to stop Pitt on Saturday. But overall, I still like our D. More of me worries if we are capable of putting the ball in the endszone against anyone this season. TONS of work to do on the offensive side of the ball.

Re: your last point.

I believe you can stop worrying.

Think how many points Marshall would have scored if our defense wasn't as good as it is.

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Maybe I shouldn't bother to comment on this game, but I feel a need to express how disappointed I am in our performance. I couldn't make the opening kickoff, I listened to the game while driving to the stadium. I almost turned around and went back home.

I felt the game was over before I even found a parking space.

Speaking of parking, my lot 9 season ticket holder parking pass was useless because all the Marshall fans were allowed to park in a supposedly season ticket holder reserved lot.

This game was clearly a boy’s vs men contest. I am not knowledgeable enough to know if this is a lack of talent, a failure of coaching or the approaching equinox. Or perhaps all three!

Clearly this program has a long, long way to go.

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Maybe I shouldn't bother to comment on this game, but I feel a need to express how disappointed I am in our performance. I couldn't make the opening kickoff, I listened to the game while driving to the stadium. I almost turned around and went back home.

I felt the game was over before I even found a parking space.

Speaking of parking, my lot 9 season ticket holder parking pass was useless because all the Marshall fans were allowed to park in a supposedly season ticket holder reserved lot.

This game was clearly a boy’s vs men contest. I am not knowledgeable enough to know if this is a lack of talent, a failure of coaching or the approaching equinox. Or perhaps all three!

Clearly this program has a long, long way to go.

Definitely a depth issue. I would have agreed with you, but then I learned we were missing our RB1 and RB2, and best LB and a good OL, and a WR. The Running game has been awful this year, but we were more 1-dimentional than I can remember under Bowden. Missing the Hundley-Chisholm combo was devastating, and I thought our defense was lost and confused without it's general Justin March.

I expect a better performance against Pitt.

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What did he say that got you off the ledge?

Nothing really. Just watched the highlights objectively and came to grips with the fact that we got down early to a superior team and the game was over at 14-0. It has become apparent that these Zips are not a come-from-behind ball club and that they need to get an early lead if they are going to win some ball games this year. With the difficulty in scoring, the Zips have to punch the ball in when they've got it down at the goal line. In this regard they really shot themselves in the foot vs. PSU and MU. I realize that the defense is as strong as it has ever been but this is college football and you have to score points to win. Counting on the defense to shut teams out isn't going to work. 3 points against the Nits and 3 points against the Turd up until garbage time. That ain't going to get it done. Especially because neither one of those 2 defenses put me in mind of the 1976 Pittsburgh Steelers.

Lots to work on.

They need to get it together because the MAC East is there for the taking with some competent play.

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As a new Zips fan, I understand the need for wins quickly. The fact, in my opinion is that the true test for this team this year will be to compete right up to the final week in the MAC. In spending time with Coach Bowden, Coach Stroud and Coach Amoto (my son was on his official visit), although they were very disappointed in the game and the play on both sides of the ball. Overall the coaches were pretty at ease for just getting their butts handed to them

As Coach Bowden said ......"Two steps forward and one step back with today's outcome." He made mention of the injuries but was disappointed that the guys that needed to step up Saturday didn't. Coach Amato mentioned that his defense seemed lost and that every adjustment that they made seemed to open up another hole.

The coaches talked about a mix of key transfers and young recruits for 2015 with emphasis on the offensive and defensive lines along with the need to fill some senior holes at LB, CB.

The key to a successful 2014 season is to compete very strong in the MAC season and even possibly take the East and play for the Championship. The first two games were promising and the game Saturday took the air out of the balloon. I believe I saw post before the season that said the expectation was to go 1-3 in the out of conference games with opportunities to pull off an upset in 1 of the 3 (Penn St, Marshall and Pitt). Everyone seemed content with the play vs Penn State and Marshall was simply a steam roller. I would think that playing Pitt tough or even pull off an upset would put most fans back in the "we are making progress" camp.

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Coach Amato mentioned that his defense seemed lost and that every adjustment that they made seemed to open up another hole.

Thanks for your input Jr. I'm glad to see you write this. It was interesting seeing coach Amato gather his group multiple times and do exactly what you wrote.

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Thanks for your input Jr. I'm glad to see you write this. It was interesting seeing coach Amato gather his group multiple times and do exactly what you wrote.

Coach Amoto seems like a great guy .............. He said, "I've been here before and know that these kids look to the Coach to help them through situations like today (Marshall game). Yelling and screaming does nothing to help the situation, but they can learn from the experience of getting our tails kicked with patience and teaching and that is what the take away from today is" ................ Class guy

These guys are experienced and have been in the "rebuilding" phase multiple times in their careers. The feeling that they gave me is that they truly realize the time it takes to put together a competitive and consistent group of kids ........... Not to down anyone and everyone wants to win, but every single coach and all support (Strength Coach, Head Trainer) said that the main thing right now is to get a group together that knows HOW to win.

What it takes in the weight room, training room as well as on the field. The all also mentioned that they feel they are beginning to turn the corner. Also mentioned the HUGE need for upper class men leadership. No one was put down or on the spot, but the topic of player leadership was touched on by all coaches that we spent time with.

I honestly have a very good feeling about this team and the direction. I , obviously, have not been through the years of being down like you all, but these guys have a plan from recruiting, to strength training (new strength coach). The 2015 class will be their 3rd recruiting class so the excuse of "playing with the prior administrations recruits" is pretty much out the window.

The kids that my son spent time with over two days were very vocal about the positive change in coaching staffs and that it is a night and day difference....... The AD was extremely supportive of how things are progressing ............. Now I can't imagine that any Coach or AD would tell a committed recruit that things are not on the uptick, but they all seemed to have the same message and expectation to be better than last year.

Hang in there Zips fans, I believe we will see continued improvement

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Coach Amoto seems like a great guy .............. He said, "I've been here before and know that these kids look to the Coach to help them through situations like today (Marshall game). Yelling and screaming does nothing to help the situation, but they can learn from the experience of getting our tails kicked with patience and teaching and that is what the take away from today is" ................ Class guy

These guys are experienced and have been in the "rebuilding" phase multiple times in their careers. The feeling that they gave me is that they truly realize the time it takes to put together a competitive and consistent group of kids ........... Not to down anyone and everyone wants to win, but every single coach and all support (Strength Coach, Head Trainer) said that the main thing right now is to get a group together that knows HOW to win.

What it takes in the weight room, training room as well as on the field. The all also mentioned that they feel they are beginning to turn the corner. Also mentioned the HUGE need for upper class men leadership. No one was put down or on the spot, but the topic of player leadership was touched on by all coaches that we spent time with.

I honestly have a very good feeling about this team and the direction. I , obviously, have not been through the years of being down like you all, but these guys have a plan from recruiting, to strength training (new strength coach). The 2015 class will be their 3rd recruiting class so the excuse of "playing with the prior administrations recruits" is pretty much out the window.

The kids that my son spent time with over two days were very vocal about the positive change in coaching staffs and that it is a night and day difference....... The AD was extremely supportive of how things are progressing ............. Now I can't imagine that any Coach or AD would tell a committed recruit that things are not on the uptick, but they all seemed to have the same message and expectation to be better than last year.

Hang in there Zips fans, I believe we will see continued improvement

Thanks for the positive words. I've been saying it for awhile now: But Akron's coaching staff is one of the best we could have ever imagined having here. No need to push the panic button...this team will end up 7-5. I'll stand by my prediction because I was one of very few who said we'd go 5-7 last season. ;):screwks:

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A 7-5 season ... maybe 8-4 and a possible MAC East title and appearance in the MAC Championship .................... Then a bowl game !! If that happens, then I think all Zips fans will be pretty happy with the progress from 1-11 to 5-7 to 7-5

And it will help recruiting and I would think, the attendance

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Really, lack of depth is the problem?

Did Marshall run the score up early on our second team?

Did we fail to score early using our second team?

Actually, yes. With Justin March out, the second-team SAM couldn't stop Marshall's running backs. With Dylan Brumbaugh out, the second-team right guard couldn't protect against Marshall's defense. With both Jawon Chisholm and Conner Hundley out, the second-team running backs couldn't gain any significant yardage and they couldn't help with pass protection.

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Really, lack of depth is the problem?

Did Marshall run the score up early on our second team?

Did we fail to score early using our second team?

Certainly not "the problem:, but definitely a factor when you consider the injuries that kept key guys out. Had an impact on the rotation for sure.

To say it was "the problem" is incorrect as there were plenty of problems

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Actually, yes. With Justin March out, the second-team SAM couldn't stop Marshall's running backs. With Dylan Brumbaugh out, the second-team right guard couldn't protect against Marshall's defense. With both Jawon Chisholm and Conner Hundley out, the second-team running backs couldn't gain any significant yardage and they couldn't help with pass protection.

So later in the season when we (hopefully) start winning some games it will be because we have better depth than the other team?

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So later in the season when we (hopefully) start winning some games it will be because we have better depth than the other team?

We'll be beating other teams because we have better players than they do. Seriously, Marshall had a crop of good athletes and we had a lot of injuries at leader positions.

This is nothing to freak out about. The majority of the MAC is as good as Marshall.

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So later in the season when we (hopefully) start winning some games it will be because we have better depth than the other team?

I would say that will definitely be one of the factors, but not the only ............ A healthy rotation will do wonders in the fourth quarter on the offensive and defensive lines.

I don't think anyone will argue that fact

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