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Scarborough to Resign Today

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Unfortunately, I think that's the major byproduct of all of this, moving forward.  


It's going to take some time before confidence in the direction of the University is restored, which will likely continue to hurt "giving" for quite some time.  It will easily wipe out any savings that were sought by budget cuts.  Again, moves that seemed to be "necessary" will produce negative consequences.  

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5 hours ago, K92 said:

My donor altar call didn't get many amens.  I figured as much.

Make the people involved with his hire accountable. Have them write a check, not me.


It's like when Scarborough tried to raise the student fees to cover the InfoCision debt. Why should the students be forced to bail out someone else's multi-million dollar blunder? Figure out a way to fill the stupid thing to pay off the debt instead of fleecing the students.

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9 hours ago, Captain Kangaroo said:

Make the people involved with his hire accountable. Have them write a check, not me.

I hear ya, but the chances of that happening are slim & none and Slim just left town.  In today's America, accountability is an antiquated concept that sometimes gets mentioned by old farts like you and me.


I was on a monthly donation schedule which lapsed under the watch of our dear leader, Dr. Scarborough.  A better man than I probably would have made a call to the U and reupped despite the slow motion train wreck that was occurring, but I didn't.  It is certainly something that I should do now, but I haven't.


I have a feeling there are a few dozen stories like mine on this board.


The tagline above your avatar isn't the only balancing act UA supporters struggle with.  My cynical and jaded head often barks "who cares?" but then my heart whispers "you do".

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Couldn't resist coming back and checking out this topic with this incredibly good news.


In the next search, UA would be good to do a REAL search; involving all with a vested interest, putting all with an equal seat at the table:  Alumni, Students, Faculty, Community, Business, Researchers (etc), in a search committee capacity.  I don't know what the right grouping would be, but it shouldn't favor any one particular group or interest.  Allow for equal input and involvement and you'd be shocked at what good can happen.  The last search was a haphazard, lazy attempt, clearly phoned in to go after Tressel.  


I was a regular check writer, but even with this move I'm not going to think about starting to write those checks again until I see a real effort.  The SCAR, as much as I dislike him, was just a figure head for a political agenda being pushed by the Board of Trustees.  Every bad move by Scarborough, was approved with thunderous applause by the BoT.  

I would also like to point out, though, that the Financial Troubles were self-inflicted and due to extremely poor leadership, both by Dr. P and The BoT.  They changed the requirements to get into UA, without really considering the longstanding financial impact.  They were full steam ahead, without throughly planning the impact it would have. The "drastic measures" taken, though, were in large part done so to free up capital to be used on The SCAR's bogus, awful, initiatives.  Many members here, and myself included, could have told UA (for less than $840,000) that these initiatives would ultimately fail.  

UA could have given $840,000 to it's departments, under directive to use it to increase student retention and there would have been far, far, far, FAR more successful than the privatization method used by The SCAR to reward associates of his with contracts, that would pay near minimum wage to "Success Coaches".  I predicted it to be a joke then, and now it has proven to be exactly that.  Always be skeptical of privatization.

Trust your people, trust your alumni, trust your students.  Work with them and build a community worth being a part of; before you lose even more of your dedicated alumni.

That's my two cents.  Enjoy your summer everyone!

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Great idea to donate something to recognize this change.   We should all give something just say "yes". 

I am all for making Sandra interim president.   Let's start a petition about that.  

I still don't agree that proenza was the issue.   He did what needed to be done- from the stadium to campus, all done nicely but not extravagently.  

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He is teaching courses in strategic management?  Oy... can't imagine the text he is going to use.  How to win friends and influence people?


Drama program would be better... "How to act like you are facing a financial crisis"...

Edited by LosAngelesZipFan
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And this just in via the "leadership (and PR) matters" dept:  http://www.ohio.com/news/education/ua-bracing-for-20-million-revenue-drop-from-lower-enrollment-projections-1.687833


NOW we have a genuine financial crisis.  A sudden $20M drop in revenue in one year is disasterous.  For context, Scar was characterizing the prior budget challenge of a $10M shorftall over 3 years as a crisis (which he then lumped in $40M of additional spending to support his half-baked ideas). 


So this is really quite scary for UA.   I am sure their consumer research is showing that UA is dropping fast in consideration which means enrollment goes lower, budgets get cut more and bad press continues, which means even less consider enrolling, etc.   Downward spiral.  Really hard to arrest and turn around something like this once it gets started...


Really really bad narrative has been set up resulting in negative momentum.    The Akron community needs to rally around UA to keep it from spiraling downward further.   


Edited by LosAngelesZipFan
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, now. . .


How can you possibly call out the Scar for failing to connect with students on move in day?  He was clearly tending to his own business at the President's Mansion, (with the remodel and all) gearing up for the move in day that obviously mattered more to him--when his mother-in-law arrived.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The interim president, Matt Wilson was walking around the tailgate (Lot 9) introducing his family, thanking fans for coming, and conversing with anyone who wanted Saturday. He stopped by our setup and chatted for ten minutes. Matt seems like a genuine guy. I'm rooting for him. He was on the sidelines during the game doing the same. 


photo from pd article 


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