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National Anthem


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After the crap that Kaepernick pulled last year, I'm not surprised that the fans have had enough, especially with the League and the Owners/Coaches allowing it happen.  I'm quite pleased to see this, in fact.   But, you always have to remember that the weeknight games on the West Coast do have late-arriving crowds.  


On that Subject:  I have to admit that the Browns did an amazing job at damage control before their situation resulted in a mass mutiny.  

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39 minutes ago, skip-zip said:

After the crap that Kaepernick pulled last year, I'm not surprised that the fans have had enough, especially with the League and the Owners/Coaches allowing it happen.  I'm quite pleased to see this, in fact.   But, you always have to remember that the weeknight games on the West Coast do have late-arriving crowds.  


On that Subject:  I have to admit that the Browns did an amazing job at damage control before their situation resulted in a mass mutiny.  

Again, here we have another culture war situation. . .


The NFL can crack down on the National Anthem controversy if they want to but they don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole because they are scared to death of the social implications.  The league has no problem restricting players freedom of expression after touchdowns, sacks, hard hits, etc.  They have deemed excessive celebration detrimental to the game.  Excessive celebration is not nearly as damaging to the league as this National Anthem deal.


The NFL needs to wake up quick.  When people unplug, they tend not to come back.  Ask Brian France.

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1 hour ago, skip-zip said:

After the crap that Kaepernick pulled last year, I'm not surprised that the fans have had enough, especially with the League and the Owners/Coaches allowing it happen.  I'm quite pleased to see this, in fact.   But, you always have to remember that the weeknight games on the West Coast do have late-arriving crowds.  


On that Subject:  I have to admit that the Browns did an amazing job at damage control before their situation resulted in a mass mutiny.  


I think it's because the 49ers stink and not Kaepernick.

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5 hours ago, K92 said:

(Warning: totally off topic)


Political Correctness is "the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against."


What you describe in Florida is not pc.  I'm not sure what it is.  Not really censorship either.  Banning terms is just plain bizarre and I never heard this story until your post.


Merriam Websters defines it as: conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities ... the idea that people should be careful to not use language or behave in a way that could offend a particular group of people.  Now I agree with you it's sometimes a stretch, when people cry about being discriminated against because their called "Climate Change Deniers"...but they do.


A politician bans a word or phrase, to prevent from insulting or offending, "triggering" if you will, those who don't think Climate Change is a real thing.  There's no better, modern, example of a conservative version of PC than that.  Don't want to offend poor science denying segment of the base, (and our donors).  People often claim their being discriminated against because they are "climate change deniers", when in reality they aren't.  So yes, banning a science concept and any discussion about it because some people can't handle it, is absolutely being PC, and honestly in the worst kind of way.  A decree coming from a position of power of what is right and wrong to say.  As opposed to a social condemnation of certain speech.  One is definitely worse than the other.


It is also censorship too.  Preventing the public from access to reality, and the reality that their tax dollars have paid to independently discover, is the definition of censorship.  I didn't bring up the issue of censorship; but it absolutely is I'm glad you brought it up.  ;)  "Oh the public can't handle the truth...so lets just not tell them about it."  If that's not Censorship, I don't know what is.


4 hours ago, LZIp said:

Yeah I'm going to need to see some links of these terms being "banned".


They were posted by another (hint you can go to google if you like) but here are some for ya:

Energy Department Officials Ban Use of Climate Change.  US Department of Agriculture bans the use of Climate Change, More on USDA officials being "coached" to not say the phrase "Climate Change" by Trump Officials.




FWIW here's Former Chief Oceanographer for the US Navy, retired Rear Admiral David Titley talking about Climate Change.  He's a former climate change denier himself, but a scientist who later changed his mind after conducting research as the head of the Navy research on the matter. 


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29 minutes ago, Hilltopper said:

There is an easy solution to this crap about not standing for the National Anthem. Keep the players in the locker room during the anthem.


I have an even easier solution: don't say the national anthem at sporting events to begin with.  Why do we even do that at sporting events at all?  The history of it is kinda murkey...apparently back in 1918 they started playing it during the 7th inning stretch in Baseball...some teams did prior to 1918, but really didn't hit off until WWII...

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50 minutes ago, Balsy said:


I have an even easier solution: don't say the national anthem at sporting events to begin with.  Why do we even do that at sporting events at all?  The history of it is kinda murkey...apparently back in 1918 they started playing it during the 7th inning stretch in Baseball...some teams did prior to 1918, but really didn't hit off until WWII...

Ding ding ding.  I don't stand for the National Anthem at a movie or concert. 

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5 minutes ago, LZIp said:

Wouldn't mind seeing everyone do it. I'm tired of all this time and resources spent on debating standing vs not standing. I'm just trying to watch some damn football.

It is going to be interesting where this goes.  The news is on right now and it's the leading story.  Bread and Circuses.

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7 hours ago, Zipgrad01 said:

They can go scream from the rooftops after the game. We aren't paying them for their political banter. Stfu and go play. 


100% Correct 


If you are a paid employee of an NFL team, making millions of dollars, and you don't want to participate in the longstanding pregame festivities that are part of that form of employment, then maybe "would you like Fries with that Big Mac" would be a more suitable way for you to spend  your workday.  They won't "force" you to do something as appalling as respecting your country for a few seconds before you perform,  in those establishments.  


Keep your politics on your own non-work  time.  Just like the rest of us have to do.  


It will be quite an interesting day when the angry fans decide not to forgive this crap anymore.  

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