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KD's coaching method

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Maybe some of you former b-ball players and coaches can help me with this one: there are 2 things about KD's coaching that puzzle me:1) It seems to me that as soon as a player makes a mistake he gets pulled from the game. As a former athlete, I know that that would really shake my confidence. I always needed to feel like the coach would stick w/ me even through rough play in order to play w/o anxiety. I never played at this level though. So maybe you can shed some light for me here. KD doesn't do this all the time - he really stuck w/ McNees @ Can't. But I think he does do this more often than not.2) This is the one that really gets me: have you guys noticed how quite often, as soon as a player makes a GOOD play they get pulled from the game? Doesn't that defeat the old b-ball maxim of feeding the hot man? Just tonight, as soon as Dials hit a 3 he was pulled from the game. Again, KD doesn't do this every time, but quite often.I'm not criticizing KD at all. I think he's an absolutely great coach. But maybe some of you former b-ball players can shed some light on this. What's the thinking behind these strategies?

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I'm only a little puzzled about starting Roberts and B. McKnight tonight. We really struggled to pick up people defensively during the first part of that game. B McKnight looked a little confused out there, and Roberts was getting beat off the dribble. My guess is, KD was probably letting his entire team know that if they are playing poorly (i.e. the last 2 games) that he is not afraid to make changes. But, we clearly were not playing well, or communicating defensively. It almost got us into a really deep hole. I'm just hopeful that the disasterous beginning was just due to a little bit of inexperience, and some guys on the floor who normally don't play together for extended stretches.

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I'm only a little puzzled about starting Roberts and B. McKnight tonight. We really struggled to pick up people defensively during the first part of that game. B McKnight looked a little confused out there, and Roberts was getting beat off the dribble. My guess is, KD was probably letting his entire team know that if they are playing poorly (i.e. the last 2 games) that he is not afraid to make changes. But, we clearly were not playing well, or communicating defensively. It almost got us into a really deep hole. I'm just hopeful that the disasterous beginning was just due to a little bit of inexperience, and some guys on the floor who normally don't play together for extended stretches.
Roberts was in the starting lineup to ensure that a PG would be on the court at all times. KD did not want McNees and Dials on the court at the same for an extended period of time, fearing that they would both need to come off at the same time. A backcourt of Roberts and Middleton would be troublesome because neither one of them had reps at PG. This is what KD told the Zips players. I also found it strange that B. McKnight started but saw limited minutes. Apparently KD just really likes to bring Milum off the bench...
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The Roberts and B. McKnight starts were a direct result of the injuries and illnesses. I'm just glad we were able (forced) to do this against a short benched Toledo team. This situation will probably continue for Saturday's game against a weaker EMU team.Yes, KD is quick to pull a player who makes a mistake on the floor. But I think that is more about insuring he has 5 guys on the floor who are all thinking on the same page at the same time.As for letting the hot hand stay in the game, I think that the Dials substitution was just part of the rotation of last nights game. KD clearly will stick with the hot hand as he played MVP Linhart all 40 minutes last night. Great job Nate.

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To me the biggest concern is his growing tendency to leave the starters in way too long once the game is at hand. Why were the core players still on the floor with 1:00 minute left, let alone 3:00? I remember reading a comment on the BG board about this because we had main players on the court with a 40 point lead.

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To me the biggest concern is his growing tendency to leave the starters in way too long once the game is at hand. Why were the core players still on the floor with 1:00 minute left, let alone 3:00? I remember reading a comment on the BG board about this because we had main players on the court with a 40 point lead.
The players basically stood around for the last 1:00. Why bother extending the game to put walk-ons in, if all they're going to do is dribble the clock out. The last minute wasn't all that stressful.If you put the scrubs in, and Goddard drills a 35 foot 3-pointer, the the opponent grouses all the same. Screw what the loser opponent fans are complaining about. Go on their board and tell them -- "Get better." Regarding the short leash -- I don't see it. When Hipsher was coaching, you'd see it all the time. Even when a player made a shot...if the shot wasn't the one Hipsher wanted he'd smack his hand on the court and yank the player at the first opportunity.B McKnight got yanked because he was utterly lost. I love the kid, but he still has a ways to go to figure out the overall "system."
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B. McKnight - utterly lost ... that pretty much nails it. Both ends of the court too. Toledo just blew past him when they were on offense and BM didn't seem to know where he was supposed to be when Akron had the ball (I know I saw Dials telling him where he should be at least once).I seem to recall hearing KD say on one of the pre- or post-games that he wants his guys going all out for 2-3 minutes followed by a breather on the bench (similar to hockey line changes). Dials seems to do just that when he's out there and looked totally gassed a number of times after he was pulled. Dials and Linhart have been fantastic this year. A buddy of mine couldn't remember seeing Linhart come out of the game last night and he was right! Nice to have Toledo and EMU at home to try to get our house in order before heading back out on the road against Western and Ball State. Nice second half last night. VERY nice to see Bardo play so well on the defensive end of the floor.

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For those of you who appear to be a bit confused ... read what the CAP'N wrote carefully. He has it nailed. And I totally agree about Brett McKnight. I love the kid. Still he has to play defense. Brett has not learned the Zips defense to this point. Give him time. Also, he was played out of position. Brett is a three man. While he can and will play the four in the future, today the power forward is beyond him. Give him time.What was gratifying was watching Mike Bardo step up and play the post. His presence really hurt Toledo. True he scored no points. Last night we did not need pointsfrom Bardo. After the game J Wood told his step-Dad that Mike did a heck of a job. I was chatting with his stepfather when Jeremiah joined our conversation.Jeremiah was pleased with the overall performance of his team mates. J was in excellent spirits.Nate Linhart is the MVP. What started out as a joke has evolved into a great prophesy. Look for Nate to be the team leader next season.Have the Zips gotten the bad performances out of their collective system? I sure hope so. That first half was agonizing. Here, read the Toledo Blade and seehow the other side saw the game. To their beat writer the Zips had nothing to do with Toledo losing. Ahem.Bleat, bleat, bleat

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KD said on the post game show that it was his fault that B McNight played so poorly. It seems that with J Wood out they rode him too hard in practice the last 2 days. They were using him in the post during practice. They even had a practice yesterday and KD said Brett legs were gone.
Please...Somebodys gotta take the blame of why he played so poorly, I am sure Coach D was embarrassed about it since he started him, and took the blame himself. He did recruit him didn't he? 4 minutes of play for a starter?
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Bottom line, did we win? YES. Was it pretty? NO! Maybe some of you guys see what the first poster wrote, that would mean a revolving door, w/ both good & bad plays leading to a player being pulled!!!!!!!?????????????
Compared to Hipsher, KD is very patient. Was lasts nights game one to remember> NO. A week from now you won't even remember. :wave:
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I had to go look at the paper to see how the team did last night. If someone from outer space came down and looked at this thread, they would think the Zips lost. The team won by 15+ points and scored a respectable 68 points. The team is on track for another 20 win season. There is nothing wrong with what KD does.....in general.These guys are adults. If KD tells them to do something and they don't do it, they can have a seat as far as I'm concerned. Guys get a scholarship to at a minimum give 100%, on top of that, they need to follow instructions. If they can't follow instructions, they need to sit. Mental errors will beat a team long before anything else.

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KD said on the post game show that it was his fault that B McNight played so poorly. It seems that with J Wood out they rode him too hard in practice the last 2 days. They were using him in the post during practice. They even had a practice yesterday and KD said Brett legs were gone.
You know, it seemed as if everyone was gassed the other night. There was not one person out there that wasnt tired from the get go. I wonder if that had something to do with a tough week of practice after back-to-back mac loses? I have heard that KD likes to go heavy during the week and on game day, and if that is true, I think it is catching up to some of the players.
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bigzipguy....EXCELLENT!!This will NOT be a championship team with only one guy carrying the load in the low post. A 2nd man HAS to emerge within the next several games. I think C. Mc is the only guy with the ability to do it at both ends. This is the guy to keep our eyes on. If he does not emerge....SOON...we have a real uphill battle.Here's the proof. With Romeo's presence, alone, Jeremiah was probably the MAC tournament MVP last year (if only we had won). This year?....He's in fantastic shape, and looks like he has every reason to have a monster year. But, he's wearing down. Not because he lacks ability, but because there is nobody else for our opponent to be concerned about on the other low block. Let me add...this is why I am so concerned about where we will turn for anyone who can make a contribution in the low post next year. Was it a mistake to redshirt Bardo and Sweich for one year each? Maybe so. We certainly could have used Bardo, with one year of experience under his belt, right about now. But, he just looks like he's not going to be ready to contribute at the level we need for some time yet.

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Zippy 5...good point. I notice that a lot.As a fan, I watch the ball when I am at Akron games. So I don't tend to watch a lot of low post positioning. But, what I do notice sometimes is that teams have a 2nd guy sagging into the paint to cut off the passing lane, which forces him to come out to take passes. Again, this is a situation where another low post presence would be so valuable. Just one more big, strong body to help cut off defenders as J. Wood goes back and forth across the paint would help. Even if it was someone who was not a great basketball player.

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You have to think that anyone on the other block would help with that. Even if Mcknight hasn't been as sharp as we would like, he's gonna make a 5 foot layup, so he has to draw some attention. If Wood can just get some positioning down on the block, I think even if it draws more attention to himself, it leaves the shooters that much more space on the perimeter. If in fact, if he is the only presence down low, he's bringing his double teams to the arc with him, and it's giving the shooters less space, in my opinion.

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wood is just not getting it done at all. he has missed numorus 'bunnies' inside the past few weeks. and zippy 5 is right, he keeps running off the block when he posts up. this puts very little pressure on the defense in my mind. and in fairness to him, i dont think that his knee is cooperating with him either. he just looks dead legged out there. he isnt going by anyone out there and he is not as explosive to get up in the air and get his shot off the much taller opponents. lets not forget he is only around 6'5'', he needs that to be a major factor down low. and lately he has not drawn any double teams in the post (and def. not any triple teams) because of his inability to finish as of late. everything has been contested at the rim, something our D needs to get a hold of. i think everything will be fine if our guards can take care of the ball and hit shots. we will win if they do that. now, they havent been able to do that lately and we have had 2 losses and a butt whippen in the first half of our previous game. our guards will win us ball games, but our post presence will determine how dominating we can be.

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it all comes down to the three point shot.when our guards make them it hides our weakness in the low post.if we are not hitting the threes we are in big trouble.you would think when we are hitting our outside shots it would open up the post game,but it does not seem to help.plus alott of times our guards come down and launch the three,and dont work the ball around to the low post.we just dont have a big man that can make even the basic plays.like one poster said woods is only about 6-6,and not a true center.romeo took alott of the best post defender for the other team last year.now woods always get the best post defender.

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I am tired of KD constantly bringing up Dru & Romeo. It seems like every other game in his post game comments or weekly press conference he makes some statement about how we aren't as good as last year in some way, shape, or form because those 2 players graduated. I understand he was close to them & I loved them too, but move on. How do you think the team feels when he makes those comments? This season is over halfway over. Focus on now with the talent that we have.02/04/2008 "Ways to improve our team, last year was pretty cut and dry with the likes of Dru (Joyce), (Romeo Travis),..."01/28/2008 "I think we have room for development. I don’t think this team is as good as last year’s team at this point, because you are not only talking about losing two really really good players (Dru Joyce and Romeo Travis) but two really really smart guys."01/14/2008 "Losing Romeo Travis, who was the best man around the basket with shot blocks, although we are improving around the basket these days. "

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A college basketball career is four years. Your professional career is likely going to be closer to 40. We're 21 games into a 30 game season.So, if you got promoted when your predecessor retired, and 6 years later your boss is still telling you how much he misses your predecessor because of what he brought that he simply doesn't have now, you'd take that as motivation and consider your boss to be brilliant?I think KD is an excellent coach, but this is one area where I agree with Zipbox.

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