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I have always been shocked by our home court record and was curious if anyone has thoughts on why we have been so dominant at home. I would certainly expect with a team as good as ours that we would win the majority of our games, but I believe the average home winning percentage is around 65% across the NCAA. In the last two years, we are 28-2 at home (93%) - that is astounding. Nobody wants to play us at the JAR..........why? What do we average in attendance, 2200 or so?

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Were like 52-4 or something since Dambrot came, to add to your statistics...I don't know really, It gets very loud the way it was built with the low roof,out of conference we don't really schedule anyone at home, we average around 2500 OOC.Easy teams=wins, even with the small crowd.In the MAC we average around 4000-4500 I'd say...Tougher teams, but twice the crowd and noise, I say that is the difference.

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I don't believe we've ever hit 4,000 average in the entire time the JAR has been in existence since the early 80s. But I do believe that the crowd's closeness to the floor, the compact design, the way the noise resonates, and the different sight lines compared to other arenas makes is particulary difficult for visiting teams.

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I would say the reason Akron is so tough at home is because we have a really good basketball team and Dambrot is one hell of a coach. ;)
:blink: ... and to think the answer was right in front of us the whole time! :thumb: Moderators - you may now retire the thread.
Fantastic response. Agreed we have one hell of a coach/team. BUT in the last two years we have lost 12 outside the JAR.Portland StWinthropDaytonCan'tCentral MichiganArkansas-Little RockUICOhioToledoMiami OMiami OThe teams we lost to on the road, we beat at the JAR and the ones we didn't get to play at the JAR we would beat - Port St, Winthrop, Dayton, CMU, Ark LR, UIC.Maybe a silly thread, I just don't find the JAR to be that intimidating (especially with our attendance) but visiting teams do.
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I understand the point that a-zip is making.We've lost to some very mediocre teams away from the JAR since KD has been the coach. So, why are we so good at home, and SO much better at home than most teams in D-1?But as a-zip says, the JAR doesn't seem to be a very intimidating place, and we rarely draw big crowds. But it does have it's advantages, as I stated earlier. One is that I really think opposing teams get a very "closed in" feeling when they play here, because everything is so compact. Which also generates a lot of noise with a very average crowd. But, I've heard coaches point to the factor that the arena has a very different kind of design. Players are used to seeing a lot of open area behind the baskets, but at the JAR they are looking at a wall. That can mess with your head when measuring shots.

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unZiped...my recollection is the same......3 home losses.04-05 Loss to Can't05-06 Undefeated06-07 Loss to Nevada07-08 Loss to Northern
I just looked on gozips.com and can confirm that you are correct. Only 3 lossed04-05 Can't 57-5405-06 No home losses06-07 Nevada 73-7107-08 N Illinois 88-78Which means this, we were 15 points away from not losing a game at the JAR in 4 years (and one hot shooting night from NIU)
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I agree that 80% of our outstanding home record is due to excellent teams and coaching. The other 20%:We've played a lot of cream puffs at home. Our non-conference schedule is admitted by all to be, overall, "soft." Our HOME, OOC schedule has perennially been the softest of the soft.Beyond the OOC, the bottom half of the MAC has been terrible for the past 4 years. BG, NIU, EMU, CMU and Ball State have been horrible. We SHOULD win games against those teams @ home.And finally -- Winning on the road in the MAC is profoundly difficult for any team. I haven't looked at the stats lately, but at one point this year MAC road teams were 4-31. Seems like we aren't alone in boasting a gaudy home win percentage?Don't get me wrong...to hold serve at home against Miami, OU and K.e.n.t. over the past few years has been impressive. But when you only have 3-4 reasonably tough opponents on your home schedule every year, and you're a solid program, you're going to win a pretty high percentage of your games.

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I don't know really, It gets very loud the way it was built with the low roof,
Exactly, all we need to do is pack the place, and we are good to go (as long as all the other fans, beside the Rowdies, can be loud when we need it). Earlier this year, my grandpa took me and my cousin to go see a Syracuse game in the Carrier Dome. In my opinion best fans I've seen, but could do way better with the stadium. Something they don't show you on TV is the opposite side from the main lots of fans side. The other side is just put up bleachers and then nothing. So of the sound from the big fan side carries throughout the stadium, and isn't just directed at the court. The fans were awesome though. The students were still on break (same with Otto, I wanted to rub it in his face and give him a Zippy picture, but he wasn't there) and the atmosphere was still amazing. The fans are always loud every minute or so. I love it. If all we could do is get the people who sit down in the lower bowl as long as the upper to get loud when we need it, we'd have a pretty darn good atmosphere. That's all I'm saying.
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I don't know really, It gets very loud the way it was built with the low roof,
If all we could do is get the people who sit down in the lower bowl as long as the upper to get loud when we need it, we'd have a pretty darn good atmosphere. That's all I'm saying.
Amen to this, 88. Or at least get them to show up to every game. I wish akron would set up a ticket exchange program like some schools have, just to get butts in the seats in those lower bowls. i understand those are the "money" seats, but we need voices and hands, not a pile of cash sitting silently.
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