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Everything posted by zippyrifle32

  1. Yep, she was an alternate selection and was extended an invitation after another individual qualifier dropped out.
  2. Players were set to the bench for a set period of time if they mouthed off. Usually 5 minutes. The teams played a man down for that time.and how did the ref get away with that?
  3. how exactly were "hockey like" penalty rules enforced? I just don't get how that would even be possible for a ref to pull off.
  4. You know, I was rereading this and Newt (the coach) is really misleading in his press releases. First, Akron didn't win the MAC Championship title, they won the smallbore title only. There are two parts to the league title which includes air and smallbore. Navy beat Akron by enough in air to win the overall title too. Akron still finished #2. It would be like saying the swim team won the MAC because they took first in one relay, ignoring taking dead last in all other events. I always thought that rifle athletes had a duty to properly explain and represent their sport because it is so unknown to the general population. Reading this press release only plays on public ignorance to make the team look better than it is. Setting a school record is an accomplishment, but to play it off as coming first in league disgusts me. He also did the same thing with the WIRC, which they took first in air, but second overall to Ohio State. FALSEair title only, not the whole championship FALSEThe Navy rifle team rallied from an 11-point smallbore deficit to defeat Akron in the Mid-Atlantic Rifle Conference Championship, 4584 - 4564, on Saturday afternoon. The win improves Navy's record to 8-1 overall, heading into next weekend's NCAA Championship. Even in a regular season match (not league championship) these matches would go down as losses because single gun scores are only half the match. That's right riflebusdriver, I'm calling you out on this garbage.
  5. Hey Zipsrifle, I got some clarification on the NCAA situation. Sarah is an "alternate selection" meaning that she would only get to compete if someone gets sick or something and there is a lane open. She did not outright qualify, but will be going down there in the event something happens to another competitor. Speaking to another NCAA coach, an alternate actually being able to compete is rare, but does happen... and that missing gozips announcement has reappeared on the rifle page.
  6. yeah but those behind the basket seats suck. nobody wants to pay to sit there so they graciously give them to the students...
  7. I must be reading something different than you. The gozips article says nothing about Benjamin getting an invite to NCAA's. That article is about all conference in the Mid-Atlantic Rifle Conference (MAC) and the NCAA website does not have her listed as an individual qualifier. Where are you getting this information?
  8. wow... trash talking our own fans
  9. she's still shooting and putting forth mediocre to respectable air scores. she got real hot at the end of last season, however this year in order to even qualify to go to the ncaa's you had to shoot better than her national title score to get an individual invite. THAT'S how high the bar is this year.
  10. they don't. if you look at the thread I started there's the link to the NCAA invitees. Benjamin was one point off and the team wasn't even close.
  11. biathlon? HELL NO!!! it's hard enough shooting without purposely elevating my pulse. not to mention i couldn't hold on target while sucking pond water. in the summer and in warmer areas people do summer biathlons which are running, not skiing. basically it's a marathon with shooting breaks. you might be able to find one of those.
  12. Alas, the NCAA has released it's list of qualifiers and Benjamin was one point off from getting an individual air rifle invite. The individual scores from this year are amazingly high compared to years past. Akron was way out of the running for qualifying as a team and not even the defending national champion was able to qualify as an individual again. At least my prediction at the beginning of the year is accurate.
  13. The first time I heard of him was from an Gun Nut up at the NRA National Championships saying how pro gun he is.
  14. It's in the off topic section.
  15. The thing about Title IX is that schools had a choice: they could add women's programs to become equivalent (costing more $$$) or cut men's programs down to equivalent (costing less $$$). I wish there was some sort of football exception so that the rest of the men's sports wouldn't have suffered like they have.
  16. Here are the results of the NCAA qualifier that was shot at OSU yesterday. Sophomore Sarah Benjamin shot a 590 air rifle, which I guarantee is high enough for individual qualification and she also shot a 578 in smallbore which might be good enough too. Overall the team is not going to make it. Before the qualifier they were sitting in 18th place according to team rankings and their qualifier score is no where close to what they needed their averages to be. Official results should be announced in a week or two.
  17. I disagree, I think the first order of business should be holding all of the slum lords accountable for their multiple health and building code violations. THEN deal with the plasma center.
  18. Nope, because these are STUDENT-athletes and if they can't go to class and be responsible they shouldn't be rewarded with playing time. Classroom accountability is something that Mack was priding himself in and the rise in GPA's reflected that too. It's not a one and done, it's more like a three strikes and you're out rule, so it's not as harsh as it's being made out to be. "Star players" on the "revenue" teams should not get any special treatment, including but not limited to excused absences or cash bonuses of $1,000/month.
  19. Okay, let me get this straight.You have a problem with "lack of control"?Yet..... you appear to be griping about suspensions, which is an indication that policy is being enforced, or at least that anarchy is not going to prevail.Right? First off, let me just say that, philosophically speaking, and sociologically as well, control is an illusion.However, in the sense of maintaining discipline, a suspension is not only an indication that something went wrong, it is also inherently an indication that something is being done to correct it. Since players are human beings and not robots on remote control, no coach is "in control" so to speak. Now, to be fair, I think that what you are suggesting is that KD is being heavy handed, and the suspensions are unwarranted?No, what I am saying is this:These are full scholarship athletes on a Div I team. The coach's job is to motivate them to be good players AND good students AND good citizens. Even the THREAT of suspension means something is wrong. That should be a last resort. Now, a player can stray now and then. Lets face it, Babe Ruth, the greatest ballplayer and probably the greatest pro athlete of all time would have been suspended by KD before he ever got into a game, and RIGHTFULLY SO! He was a bum off the field.But after Humpty was suspended last week, the message should have gotten out. That is did not is partly, if not totally, the coaches fault. I could be the coach and suspend players, that takes no special talent. It is maintaining team and personal discipline WITHOUT imposing sanctions that takes special talent.You do realize that Mack Rhoades instituted a class attendance policy that is department wide before he left right? Like in Humpty's case, it could have come from the administration enforcing their rules which override the coach and the team rules. It really doesn't have anything to do with the coach. They send people to randomly take attendance at the beginning and sometimes ending of class and if the athlete is late or skipped out early it counts against them. Last because of weather? or let out of practice late? or over slept? or just totally bail? I don't know.
  20. and you're just now noticing this?
  21. As an out of state student (like many football players), a five year education, books, room and board would put me at $100,000-120,000. If that fifth year was a year of graduate school then maybe slightly higher since grad school is more expensive. Hmmmm... and walking away with a degree and no student loans? I don't even know how to factor that in.
  22. Then why sell tickets? Why does the band show up? Why play the games?Obviously these games matter to some people.entertainment and for opponents' fans.
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