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Big Zip

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Everything posted by Big Zip

  1. For a real appreciation of Paul Winters has done at Wayne State you really need to see the campus and the stadium(Location) they play in. I drove by the campus last year and they were outside practicing on a fiedl by the stadium -- there are high schools with nicer facilities. I don't know how you could get a person to go to that school. If you remember Akron circa 1986 -- it was a palace compared to Wayne State.
  2. Harper is right on....my wife is friends with his aunt and and she posted recently "Parents please teach your kids about the dangers of drugs we lost Chris tonight".
  3. Whoever gets the job...I want them to be meeting Wistricill for the first time at the interview. We saw what friends of Tom got us last time. Lets hire someone who has no idea who he is this time. Terry Bowden would be my first choice for the job. I wouldn't be against seeing Paul Winters get the job either. As for the other random coordinators around the NCAA I don't think too many of them excite me at this point
  4. Are you on the NCAA sanctions board? Wow I feel kind of honored to have you posting here. So you're say the quarter million dollar fine and the year away from the game isn't enough? The NCAA is the biggest bunch of hypocrites on the planet -- they'd rather suspend players and coaches instead of fixing a problem. On top of that how the "F" long does it take for yout to make a judgement on someone?
  5. Martin center is restaurant on Fir Hill...houses Development Offices and banquet facilities too.
  6. You forgot Dennison was who Tressel worked for at Akron.
  7. @GP1....why would I care if he was suspended for a year or 1/2 a year. The notoriety he would bring to the program and the recruits he could pull it would be negligent. I know you are a big fan of hating on the University and the athletic program in general. I know you and a lot of others are afraid to dream of something bigger and better for the school you call alma mater. Why is it wrong for a person to believe a coach would want to step out of the limelight and ride out his career doing what he loves coaching. I've actually thought for sometime that we would see Tressel end up at Baldwin Wallace -- his undergraduate alma mater. I think the BW gig is still possible, but I have to imagine the guy has to be intrigued by the challenge at UA. His YSU and OSU stops weren't complete turnaround projects but he was able to take them to a level they hadn't been to. He is toxic to big time school and quite frankly I think a program like Akron might be his only option. Everyone on here who continues to try to throw a wet blank on the hope for something better for this program and the optimism that comes with removing a cancer on the program like Ianello please tell me where you were when the rumors of Solich to OU started? Did you automatically assume Terry Bowden's next step after Auburn and TV was going to be Northern Alabama. I have to imagine fans of both of those programs were having similar conversations prior to those hires and probably other hires like it around the country. Until we hear otherwise I'm not going to stop hoping Tressel comes here and turns this program around. I wanted Tressel to replace Owens and I want him now. I hope the University has Dennison helping recruit Tressel too. Finally for those who want to compare Tressel to Faust -- please be real. How Faust ever got the job at Notre Dame is nuts. Muse was looking for a big splash and I imagine new nothing about football when spearheaded bringing Faust here. Faust never deserved the jobs he got and couldn't hold Tressel's sweater vest. Don't forget...last week we were hearing rumors that Faust thought Ianello was just around the corner froma huge recruiting class and saving the program. Really Gerry? Thank goodness more level headed University officials prevailed.
  8. @Kenner I think Big East is just code for something better than the MAC. I have to believe there is at least one more major conference that is going to materialize from the conference jumping. I can't imagine there is anyone on this board who wouldn't like to see us get out of the MAC.
  9. The longer we go without hearing he is gone the worse I feel about it. If he stays I only wish that everyone would vote with their wallet and not renew their tickets. Send back the reorder information with a note telling them why you are done.
  10. He doesn't have a freaking clue how to recruit the MAC. If he isn't gone you will not see me at any Zips football games next year. This guy still thinks he is at Notre Dame and he is trying to land the same recruits....look a the recruiting feed. For the most part it reads offered....then such and such accepts offer to Michigan State or something like that....very few end up at schools similar to ours He is a complete embarassment to this University and should have to walk home from Kzoo. I can take getting our heads kicked in by the big boys, but when your own conference does it time and again -- I'm out.
  11. GP1 I beg to differ....I don't think the talent can be this bad. I think the coaching is abysmal and actually absent...coaching isn't even happening with this group. From what I've heard iCoach is a micromanager and doesn't let the coaches coach...he is trying to do it all and failing miserably as we can see.
  12. I'm wondering if we would beat VMI in a rematch? Good thing we didn't play YSU this year or any other .500 or better team from the lower division 1 ranks. They'd be the crap out of us....WOW are so damn bad.
  13. Can we decided to stay in the locker room for the second half? Can Wistricill just tell Rob to stay in the locker room? Tell him...hey we're going to play this second half without you...just stay here. WOW! f'ing ridiculous.
  14. By no means am I a Nicely fan, but I can't understand how Moore keeps getting to play.
  15. @ Lee Legitimate question.I'll try to answer your question...Tressel is a NE Ohio guy (I know everyone on this board seems to try to say Akron isn't NE Ohio, but it is) he was born in Mentor, played ball at Baldwin Wallace and went to graduate school at Akron. His father was a NE Ohio coach and from what I understand was well respected in the NE Ohio coaching community. Tressel was given the Distinguished Alumni award at The University of Akron a few years back and appeared honored and was gracious in receiving. The University has worked hard to continue to keep a connection with him over the years and this was another step in that process. Additionally, I still think some people do things for the challenge. Making an Akron program a perennial MAC contender and a team that threatens the top 25 in football would be a significant challenge. If Tressel could bring this program to a level that basketball and soccer are seen he could lead the University to a better conference and with that I could see a statue of Tressel in his sweater vest greeting you as you enter the stadium....or even see the field being named Tressel field. With simply naming Tressel as the head coach I think you are overlooking the alumni donations that would find their way to the University and the renewed interest alumni who haven't been back to the University since graduating would follow. I think the $350K paid to iCoach would be surpassed quite quickly with alumni donations. Additionally, the national interest alone is something that couldn't be paid for in initiating conversations with alumni who are on the Development offices radar, but haven't picked up the phone to answer the call. Tressel can always be a National Champion coach for OSU, but he would always be in Woody Hayes' shadow -- at Akron he could become Woody Hayes and leave a legacy that lasts lifetimes.I'll also offer you this from a devil's advocate perspective....why would Frank Solich go to OU? His only connection with OU was knowing it was a college in Ohio when he left Holy Name in the 60s to go play ball at Nebraska. I don't think anyone would have guessed that was going to be his next landing spot when he was canned by Nebraska. I'll also throw one other thing into the mix relative to all of this talk...assuming the Tressel thing doesn't happen (I'm guessing it won't) I would love to see Wistricill reach out to Dennison and Jack Lengyl to assist in his search for a next coach. Hell if Dr. P wanted to fire Wistricill I think he could do a hell of a lot worse than bringing in Lengyl to right the ship and hire the coach....maybe hold the fort down for a few years.
  16. Tressel did it at Youngstown State...I assume it requires strong Associate ADs. His suspension was a NFL suspension because they suspended Pryor....this suspension had nothing to do with the NCAA penalty -- they are completely separate.
  17. @skip zip you are out of your damn mind to compare Faust to Tressel. Faust failed miserably at Notre Dame and Tressel Is a legend in this state. I hate OSU and even I can see that, as well as the recognition/ Publicity he would bring the program is virtually immeasurable - please don't let your blind hatred for the school or the man cloud your judgement. I wanted the man to get hired at Akron after Faust's departure....he had just completed his third National Championship at YSU if I recall. I don't believe for a minute he is coming here to coach because I can't imagine we would be that fortunate. If Dr. P wanted to make a bold statement he would fire Wistricill and Ianello on Monday and hire Tressel to replace them both as AD and Head Coach. I am still hoping all the rumors are true and he will be gone Monday. I would still like to see Bowden come here to Coach, but I think I would be happy with Pellini - I am surprised he only makes 375k to be d- coordinator at Nebraska.
  18. I'm not really sure why we post things about Humpty....he left the program. Why do I care?
  19. I have said I will not renew my tickets to watch an Ianello coached team. I reserve judgement should he be fired. I need to have to believe the next coach is a solid decision. I would love to see a big name, but i am not against another coach because I am sure there are plenty of quality options out there. I would love to see a coach that runs a wide open offense though and an attacking defense. I surely hope this week is Ianellos last at Akron.
  20. Wistricill is the new Dennis Helsel?
  21. How refreshing to see an Akron team outperform their expectations instead of underperform a la the basketball team.
  22. But this has nothing to do with rankings...it is seeding and those aren't seeds....at least I didn't think so.
  23. I thought the schedule read the 27th...isn't that Sunday?
  24. I am not sure sucks is a strong enough word anymore....what possibly could Tom and Rob say if the final gam is another resounding beat down like this one.
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