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Big Zip

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Everything posted by Big Zip

  1. I go to the Q and have sat right behind the Cavs bench so I'm not understanding any of this complaining about hockey arena seating.
  2. The arena needs to be thought of as a city of Akron/ University partnership. I would love to see a minor league hockey team, the Canton Charge and an Arena Football team share the site with both men's and women's basketball programs. If you mix in some concerts you can really see the arena as an engine for bringing people Downtown. If you put the arena across from the Canal Park you can easily see a full entertainment district in that area complete with all the student housing....pretty sweet.
  3. So Ianello's coaches were recruiting Brian to play for Arizona? Thank god those guys are gone.
  4. http://www.news-herald.com/articles/2012/0...s/nh4936609.txt Nicely is excited and actually comes across pretty good here. More pub for Akron in other papers.
  5. How awesome would it be to have Tommy Bowden come in as something like recruiting coordinator and wide receivers coach. The whole damn family would be here....bobby could buy a suite to watch his boys with his Discover Card money.
  6. Let's check the Holmgren track record. Adding a player like Flynn is 100% his MO. In GB they added Brett Favre from Atlanta after he sat there and didn't play. In Seattle they added Hasselback who threw 30 passes in two years at GB. I would say Flynn operates in a west coast offense and fits the mold of Holmgren acquiring QBs -- seems like a logical connection to me even if Marla didn't point that piece out.
  7. I would argue the smart decision by OSU would be to start Wagner and red shirt as many as possible since nothing is on the line next year.
  8. I disagree...I thought this was a complete bull$hit article. Instead of doing a piece on our new coach they do a piece on Urban Meyer and ask our coach questions? This is worse than just ignoring us...this is rubbing it in our face that we are second class cititzens. Akron isn't relevant enough for their own article.
  9. @Class of '82 I agree with you 100%. I'll add to your comment too. I think it says something that a guy who battled cancer and could certainly retire with little care in the world (he has been working at stat universities after all for a long time making pretty hefty wages) that he not only wanted to come back, but he thought coming back to coach at Akron was the right decision for him. The intensity we are going to see from Bowden and Amato on the sidelines next years is going to be nearly as entertaining as the game.
  10. So the next seven games for the Zips are -- @Miami (we never seem to win there), @BGSU (first trip to the Stroh Center), OHIO (home - potentially the best team in the MAC outside of Akron), @Buffalo (nothing like a January trip to the great white north), Can't STATE (home - always a tough game but winning at home is a must), @BSU and @CMU. I would have to believe this piece of the schedule has to bring at minimum a 5-2 record. The two home games with OU and Can't are must wins because they are in our house. I would love to see a win against Miami. KD is 2-2 in the last four games at Millet Hall. As Trimmy pointed out though our team seems to find games to sleep walk through and I'm hopeful it won't happen, but it just seems to be the way they roll. What is everyone expecting from the next seven games? A 13-8 record heading into a February with 6 home games out of 9 works for me as the team continues to grow together.
  11. The offense looked to me like a combination of the offense JD was trying to run here and the offense Winters ran here under Owens. I think our QBs are going to love the offense as they are all used to running this type of offense in HS and CC. Hopefully results will follow.
  12. Currently the University is waiting on three proposals for. The JAR....three different price points and what can be done to the JAR to make it better. I have to imagine there will be some interesting configurations.
  13. Ultimately best case scenario for both schools is for them to battle for the MAC East each year. I hope both school are on the path to being those teams. On a side note I beg the current administration to return the Akron/Can't game to the first game of the season for the current time. The apathy at the end of the year for both programs is terrible for attendance regardless of weather.
  14. I think Jingle Bell Ale is the best product OBC has put out, but I'll take Twelve Dogs of Christmas over it every day of the week. I actually bought a six at the Dairy Zone (not the Dairy Mart mind you) in Northfield on Rt. 8.
  15. I've said it another thread, but I need to put it here too -- what a amazing night and day difference between iCoach and Bowden. You could not have to more polar opposite personalities. iCoach never appeared to be happy to be here and Bowden makes you feel like this is the only place he wanted to be. I'm very interested to see the influence his belief and passion for Akron has on recruiting. I have to believe his dynamic personality coupled with the University committment to the program will be a pretty impressive sales pitch.
  16. New guy...this is his first venture into the bar business. His partner is another guy named Jeremy who has been in the business for a long time.
  17. A new bar opened in the Merriman Valley last week called the Beer Haus. It is owned by an Akron grad Bill Bleuter. If you get a chance stop in. I think they have about 100 different beers, but are open to suggestions for additional. They've also go Das Boot!
  18. If JT wasn't a Florida guy now it would be pretty sweet to add him to Bowden's staff. Hoping we can at least get him here to talk to the team at least once a year.
  19. He is in the ring of honor....are those numbers retired?
  20. Brian played stellar here on pretty terrible if not horrible teams. I wish he wouldn't leave but can understand why he would leave. If I remember right Brian's only Div 1 offer was Akron and even though this has been a trying four years...one would think that would have meant something to him. Playing in the NFL will happen for him if he is good enough regardless of where he plays.
  21. Look up the Razor 360... My daughter has one and it's essentially a big wheel with rotating skate wheels on the back.
  22. I'm very interested in seeing how Terry fills out his staff. His brother was not just WR coach at UNA with him, but he was Associate Head Coach. His brother was offensive coordinator under Bobby at FSU awhile back and I'm wondering if he would follow Terry here in the same capacity. I'm more interested in seeing who coaches defense.
  23. D'Orazio was recruited as a QB and wanted to play QB. He was recruited as a safety but didn't want to play that which is why came to Akron. Hopefully he moves to safety.
  24. D'Orazio ran a similar offense to the spread in HS too....I woudl still love to see him at Safety. He played both ways in HS, as well as punted...I hope he moves to the defensive side because he can play there for four years. He was gray shirted and then red shirted.....this will be his freshman season. I believe Nicely ran a spread offense in HS too....if we move to a more spread like offense this could be very interesting.
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