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Everything posted by Buckzip

  1. I didn't watch it and saying it's needed is BS. He had other players on the court and just ignores them. I am sure that Blatt draws up a play and Bron ignores it. He never plans on setting up a play. His goal is to control the ball and then try to be a hero. He fails more than he succeeds. Sure, occasionally it works, but usually he dribbles it off his leg or turns it over or throws up a horrible shot. The end of regulation in game 1 really irked me....As you can tell.
  2. Maybe Akron can add Marcelys Jones. He will have a redshirt year and still be a Soph with 3 years left. He is available.
  3. Hey Bron, if you didn't play your typical ISO at the end of every quarter and either get the ball stolen or take a POS shot as times winds down, and if you could hit your free throws, you win game 1 in regulation and Kyrie doesn't get hurt in OT As good of a player as he is, he is also very frustrating at times. Glad he is on the team and he did will the team to 2 wins, but geez, he also can blow games at times. Every time the Cavs have the last possession of a quarter my wife and I bet on after Bron holds the ball until 5 seconds are left if he will A-Turn it over or B-Throw up a horrible shot that has no chance of going in. It's almost comical.
  4. These thoughts are what you have when you are used to an older stadium. Info is very nice but it is different. Imagine if we had just a larger RB. It would be like the craphouse in Ann Arbor or the Rose Bowl. Those people are so far away from the action it is ridiculous. As much as so many hate the JAR, if a new arena comes and is larger people will be complaining about how far away and impersonal that is too. You just need to get used to it and accept it.
  5. True. This wouldn't be a big game for OU. Big game Bob loses the big ones..
  6. He may not even start. This will be interesting.
  7. Why is there even a discussion of a name change? The entire premise is flawed.
  8. Douche move. He seems to be getting a bit full of himself. I wonder how he will feel when he isn't the starter next season. Skippy must be napping to not be all over this...
  9. They say their will be a dome but the pictures don't show a dome.
  10. Great job. Nice to see some alums there.
  11. Not understanding the transfer part. If he is talking regular transfers they would have to sit out a year. Hopefully he is talking 5th year guys that have already graduated and are available immediately.
  12. Spring ball depth chart means nothing. Some coaches place better players lower on the depth chart as a motivational tool. You will see this at quite a few schools. This may just be a kick in the butt to MTB.
  13. What took you so long skip? Usually your infantile rants are immediate. Perhaps they thought 2 NC in the same season was enough.
  14. If Kincade transferred because of the depth chart then he shouldn't be playing here anyway. It shows he is obviously afraid of competition. If it was for other reasons then good for him and I wish him luck. Other schools get 4-5* QB's every year even though they have other highly rated guys on the depth chart. Chapman was a very good HS QB but he has not proven anything on the field "yet". I expect him to be a very good QB. Losing Kincade and the other verbal we had for next year really hurts. You always need depth and youth in the pipeline. We need to win and Chapman needs to look great and be all MAC. That will help QB recruiting quite a bit. Not only do recruits want to win, but they want to see that their specific position group is developed properly.
  15. It's almost football time again. Yea baby.
  16. Very sad. Young lives wasted and taken too early.
  17. I know you're obsessed, but OSU wanted him as a TE, obviously a big miss on the evaluation. . Contrary to what your obsessed.mind thinks, the B10 and MAC very rarely compete for recruits. When they do, it's with Indiana, Ill., NW, etc. You can keep your obsessed fantasy going but it's a false narrative contributed by 4th grade immature name callers such as yourself. OSwho, Suckeyes, that's some real good stuff there. Don't forget O$U and blosu. That's what the 4th graders in Alabama and Oregon are using. Just because a team is talking to a recruit doesn't mean they are offering him a scholly. Akron talks to, and has visits from, recruits that they never offered. Your lack of understanding recruiting is only secondary to your total obsession with everything OSU. I'm very proud of my Degree from Akron. Too bad you can only be proud by belittling other schools. Seek help. Obsessions aren't healthy. Yea, I know I'm an OSU honk. Bla, bla, bla. I see you bring up OSU constantly and I usually laugh it off and feel sorry for you. Once in a while I have to remind you how embarrassing you are to Akron. What's truly amazing is that you can always quote a headline or a smear piece and since it supports what you want, you post it as fact without knowing anything about facts.
  18. Yes he will. He's been hurt off and on but when healthy reports are he's been great. He's got a great future.
  19. There are other players that may be able to transfer to UA this off season from down south.
  20. He keeps doing it too. It's almost funny how he announces guys, then they never make it, and he announces them again the next year. Really odd.
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