The problem here is not the ABJ or George Thomas. The problem is that people in Akron don't give a damn about UA. I know certain posters here want to blame everyone else from the Browns, to Cavs and to OSU. The reality is that UA has sucked in football forever. We consider a 7-4 record a good season. At other schools a 7-4 record gets coaches fired. The ABJ is in business to make money. not to appease the handful of Zips fans on this board. If the majority of fans want to read about the Browns, Cavs and OSU, then that is what is covered. Look at this place. This is the only Zips board and we have started the season and there is barely any discussion about the team or the games. The SID for Akron knows there are no fans. Just look at the Media Guide. It's missing half the team and doesn't even both updating weights and positions of players. The problem isn't the ABJ., The problem is our lack of fans.