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Valpo Zip

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Everything posted by Valpo Zip

  1. Zips fan ! how could you read my mind?... these are exactly my expectations.
  2. There is no way Getsy will be drafted... not even a free agent.
  3. thanks mrelaganza for the links. I hope they work come gameday
  4. Besides traveling to texas, is there a way for us to watch the first zips bball game in the CBE tournament ?Last year, i was able to watch Creighton's NIT game through a paid internet feed from their website. Can we do that for the CBE ?
  5. Well said ZA, here are my thoughts: - Dru, Romeo and Dials... great off course. who was even worried about them. - Cedrick, oh my god. great deffender, increasingly fast, no turnovers, i almost think that he can take the ball to the hoop with his eyes closed. - Chris McKnight, remember Romeo in his freshman year ? he was not that good. Chris in his first career game looked to me like Romeo towards the end of his Sophomore year. Yes i am serious... he is that good. - J. Wood, got a lot of rust on his gears, better get in shape as soon as possible. - Conyers, did nothing to impress me... we will have to wait and see. - Bardo, great body but someone gotta teach him how to play BBall. - Linhart, continues to be very promissing. - Rybak, i am starting to feel that KD wasted a scholarship.
  6. I have to requests for you:1 - Organize trips with discounted/free tickets to away games withing 3 hours.2 - Make sure that the loyal Ak-Rowdies have guarranteed seats when the JAR starts selling out... i had a sour experience last year in the Can't game last year.
  7. I wish we had a lot of Mrs Jones around. The world hould have been better.
  8. Allright, i guess the 2 and 1/2 hours drive calmed me down a notch so i can type my thoughts:1 - I don't mind loosing, but i mind being humiliated by a poor performance like the one the zips put together today. I can't believe, i was stupid enough to waste my whole day and around $70 to go out and watch the group of clowns who unfortunately represent my school. (Kennedy, Harvey, Kemme, Reid, Stokes, Lindsay and the cornerbacks excluded).2 - What the hell is up with all those penalties ? how hard is it to leave the other player alone once he is out of bounds ? how hard is it for getsy (the biggest clown, not to say anything else) to watch the 25 seconds clock and call the snap on time ? false starts, holdings etc... 3 - The rockets had an offense who seemed so limited in the passing talent that they had to play 95% running. How can the "so called" best deffense in the MAC be unable to stop the run ? Toledo's runner always ran in the middle and always gained positive yardage ranging from 2-30 yards/play.4 - how can the "so called" best deffense in the MAC be so easily tricked into a 50 yards option pass and a 30 yard fake FG attempt conversion into TD ?5 - Why is it that everytime one or more of our deffenders tried to tackle Toledo's runner, the runner was still able to drag them for an additional yardage ?6 - Luke is sooo weak and coward, everytime a deffender is less than 4 yards away from him, even if an OL is still blocking him, he will just spin and run... the best part about it, once he spins and run, that's it, he either slips or get sacked or throws out of bounds... 7 - Luke threw one interception at the TD line, (i won't blame him for the other one because it was not his fault), he threw horrible passes to DK, Harvey, Lindsay and Jabari, he over threw a wide open KAZ in the end zone and the best thing, the last play of the first half... how on earth did he fumble that one ? the OL did a great job and he had all the time he wanted and the closest deffender was may be 6 or 7 yards away, Harvey was wide open... guess what ? he fumbled. I just can't get it... did a bird tip the ball out of his jello hand ? i need to every time i remember it.8 - I can't believe that Luke got all the snaps in the game, even the last ones when the score was 35-20 with 2:00 left on the clock... I mean what exactly is going on ? Is JD trying to help his statistics to improve his draft chances ? does anyone really think that Luke Getsy got any chance in the draft ? i don't care if Luke is his man, and that he came all the way from Pitt and bla bla bla... The clown's career is over. Throw him at the bench and let's put our team and its future first.9 - We lost to a MAC winless team who cannot pass the ball. This season is prematurely over, 15,000 in average attendance... yeah right. Brookhardt deserves a raise, i don't think so. We are a MAC power, hell noo... we are the MAC big heads, that's what we are. All the preseason polls and reports got into our heads and we crowned ourselves as MAC champions right after the NCSU win... I just hope KD knows better.
  9. Thank you guys for the advices...But to stick with the original topic, am i hearing that no body is making the trip ?Come on, i'm going with a couple of other rowdies... don't leave us hangig.
  10. he lost one, he is a sophomore.
  11. I am planning to drive there with another friend, it is only 2 hours, we should have a nice crowd. Last week, Although oxford is like 4 hours away from Akron, there was around a thousand redHAWKS in the RB... we should beat that next saturday.
  12. Agreed ! I won't be able to make it for a 1:00 pm game on Friday.
  13. The fact that cj fumbled makes me feel more pressure about giving him some snaps before the end of this year... Remember, Luke won't be here next year.
  14. It is the strength of the schedule... the record already appears in your overall mac record... so the strength is what matters in a tie break.
  15. that would be the team that played the hardest MAC west schedule:Last year, we won the tie breaker because we beated the champions (NIU)...If Central, western and toledo end up being ranked better than whoever Can't and ohio play than we will get it but that's a very long shot for a 3 way tie.if it ends up being a 2 way tie with Can't, they will get it because of the head to head matchup but unfortunately, i don't see Can't loosing any game.
  16. Feel free to discuss your vote especially if you voted "other".
  17. For those of you who have my space, check out Rob Preston's profile:http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...e4-f94d3b1a3d83For those of you who don't have myspace, he is playing pro in Bulgaria, they are still in the pre season, but it seems that he is doing great. Rob will always be one of my favorite zips... a very classy man who gave us great memories. By the way, even in Bulgaria he has so many pictures with zips' gear on. Way to be loyal...
  18. A couple of observations:1 - Luke is playing exactly how he played the whole last year, (except the 2 games at detroit) where he did an awesome job... we all thought that he was getting more comfortable with the system and that he will keep improving. Instead, he proved us wrong and he showed that he is an "average at most" QB and that the 2 games at detroit were only a fluke.2 - DK was awesome in the first 2 games this year, after his injury at CMU, he is not the same guy. I thought that the guy who can do what he did at Penn state and NCSU would destroy cincy and Can't but once again, we are wrong.3 - Jabari Arthur is not a receiver, never was and will never be. he is only playing as a compensation for being a soldier and accepting Luke taking his spot... i know he broke records at the MCB but who the hell cares. he seems to drop more passes that he catches in a game.4 - Harvey is the man, remember he is still a freshman and he will keep making mistakes.5 - All the penalties and mental mistakes should make the coaches ashamed of themselves.
  19. Harvey's lone mistake might be very costy
  20. 14-0 after a 70 yards catch by Harvey... McClaine is doing good with the XPs !!!Yeah Baby !
  21. I actually did some experiments and the indisputable results prove that It is hence proven both by research and by experimental evidence.
  22. I am affraid that the pressure is on us in the game this saturday... If Can't beat us (i can't believe i wrote that), they will go 3-0, they have a guarranteed buffalo which makes it 4-0 and an easy ball state. Add to that eastern michigan and ohio at home. The only game that seems out of their reach is toledo.So in other words, If they beat us (i again can't believe i wrote that), we go 0-2 in the MAC, they win the MAC east championship.
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