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Let'sGoZips94 last won the day on March 5

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  1. This generation doesn't have the deep pockets necessarily. George will be as successful as the BG NIL allows for.
  2. True, I forgot KD went Senderoff-lite for a few years.
  3. And since this incident, Akron has been home to some of the highest character rosters in the NCAA, which is the true difference between Akron & Kent. Chris Singletary blew a .13 and punched Nate Linhart 17 years ago - they've had countless incidents since. We have Abreu and Gueye/Kostelec. That's it.
  4. Pretty sure the Utah State coach from last year took the Washington job and brought Osobor with him (for the 2nd time). It wasn't necessarily a money chase, although he did get paid well.
  5. Jonas Nichols, the highly touted freshman from Hoban.
  6. Regardless, 2 players quit their team this year. Quite the culture.
  7. Oh, I thought it was divide by Pi, which would've been the first logical, real world application of Pi ever.
  8. Allegedly, a Kent player punched Morales a couple weeks ago. Morales quit the team. Second Kent player to quit the team this year alone. My guess is somebody in the athletic department had that graphic made weeks/months ago, and the social media team was too careless to notice that Morales was in the graphic. The situation had been kept hush hush up until Kent outed themselves by posting these tweets. Nothing but class from Pinky's Portage County Circus, per usual.
  9. Special appearance from Ali Ali at the end.
  10. The most improbable component of their needs, and they don't even have the Balls to show up at Miami. Soft progrum.
  11. Nevermind. Forgot about WMU and this is all screwed up. πŸ˜‚
  12. Turmoil in Portage County? 🎢🎢🎢 We don't talk about Bruno no no no 🎢🎢🎢
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