Yep, even though I watched Ohio state for 17 years, the second I stepped foot on UA's campus I had to stop rooting for OSU completely. This sentiment is simply asinine. I root for all Akron sports first and foremost yet I also root for the Buckeyes. Only time I don't is when the Zips play OSU; I root for the Zips.
Guess what. I wanted to attend Ohio State for years until I got lazy my senior year and didn't feel like writing an entrance essay for them to accept my application. Hell, my bedroom is Ohio State colors but has more Zips paraphernalia in it than OSU gear.
If anything people should be upset with the national attention the Buckeyes get. It is easier to be an OSU fan because of the fact that their games are on tv a lot. Does that mean I shouldn't watch them? I would love to see the Zips be on the same level of media attention and I will support them regardless of whether or not they ever achieve that attention or not.
I guess the bottom line is that irrational people will be irrational regardless. It is just a shame that even though we are all adults here we can't have rational, civil conversations. To be honest, it makes the Zips look worse that we can't be accepting of fellow Zips fans that cheer for other teams.