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Everything posted by bandzip

  1. I like them all, but you should probably leave the very first one off, it doesn't fit with the new stadium too well...
  2. From my experience quite a few of the people at baseball games are students who were just wandering around looking for something to do and happened to hear the PA announcer. I've done it three times, and there couldn't have been many more than 50 people any time I've seen them play. Moving them anywhere out of the middle of campus might be a bad idea.
  3. That's the first time I've seen the back of the scoreboard. That banner just looks extremely tacky if you ask me.
  4. This one's finally been updated a bit. http://www3.uakron.edu/bands/marching/This could be a good recruiting tool for the band. Of course the "directions to Infocision Stadium" still point you to the Rubber Bowl and all of the pictures are from 5 years ago. The history however is up to date and makes for a decent read.
  5. See Can't? That's what classy schools do when their athletes get a DUI. .13...
  6. thank you.... I was somewhat shocked someone would actually want me to explain that one. Its fairly simple... good facilities = good recruits as evidenced by our recent improvement in recruit quality. Yes, coaching plays a part, but if you have the best coach in the world playing at the world's biggest dump, recruits are not going to want to play there.Jake, im sorry, but you need to stop trolling this thread for every possible way to call someone out on their opinion. I wasn't calling YOU stupid, I was calling the IDEA stupid... No, I don't know EXACTLY how much it'd cost to revamp the JAR, but I can tell you without a doubt that it would be a smarter investment to built a new arena elsewhere for some more money than itd cost to remodel the JAR. Case and point: Rubber Bowl and Infocision Stadium... can't say its not the same because, frankly, it is. The JAR may not be as old as the Rubber Bowl, but the quality of the facility versus the quality expected by fans and top-level recruits is the same between the two venues. We need a better arena that will help attract even better recruits and help bring in more fans. ON TOPIC...I have full faith in the administrators at UA to find the best possible location for any kind of multi-purpose facility that may be built in conjunction with the city. They've done us right with Infocision Stadium, and I completely expect them to be able to do the same with a new arena.Your's and your kind's silence at intervals on this thread do not mean you are listening. It means you are waiting to pounce.No, it means when I see someone make an idiotic comment like "please explain why it's bad to move a MAC champion team returning all but one starter with a top fifty recruit to an undersized dump like Memorial Hall, which is on the list to be torn down, for an entire season while the school puts money into a money pit instead of building what they need is bad," someone needs to point it out. Practically every post you've made is attacking someone on this forum, I'm tired of it, and I'm sure I'm not the only poster who feels that way. We're all Zips fans and want what's best for the school. Keep it semi civil or go troll at ohio.com.
  7. You're right. It is a no brainer. Plenty of room for a large multi-pupose arena for events from basketball to concerts. A college campus is a far superior place to have concerts than downtown.Now, if we can some how talk APS into giving it up as a swing school, so UA can have it now instead of nine years from now.You completely lose me with this statement. Would you explain to ZN why this would be true?"...but when you have a top 50 player coming this fall and you are continually upgrading your status in the college basketball rankings, playing somewhere like that, for even 1 season, is like shooting yourself in the foot. "You completely lose me with this statement. Would you explain to ZN why this would be true?I'll do it for you UADavid. Because good recruits would come to a game at Memorial Hall, laugh, and never come back. No great teams will schedule us and play in that dump. Every game will sell out, which won't be good with less than 3000 seats. I'd rather wait nine years instead of rushing into spur of the moment renovations. You can keep putting a band aid on it or just fix it right the first time. I'm suprised someone as smart as you think you are needed that explained...
  8. The interviewer is just trying to get the kid to say he's ticked about it and wants the tape. He must've asked him about 8 times, "Aren't you mad? Wouldn't you like the tape to be on youtube?"
  9. You kids better knock it off before ZW puts you in time out...
  10. Wow, we're really digging for topics now... Is it football season yet?
  11. Is everybody done freaking out about the stands getting finished now?
  12. Half of the people in the band were waving American Flags during introductions, it took a lot of the Rowdies a while to get it.
  13. Well ok but dont let me catch you doing it again ... Congrats on the new digs guys, I sure am glad we ended the Rubber Bowl for you and don't have to be in the new stadium this coming year..Oh snap, he just went there...
  14. What the hell are you talking about??STEELERS 2008 OFFENSIVE RANKINGS-Total YPG: 22ndTotal PPG: 20thSTEELERS 2008 DEFENSIVE RANKINGS-Total YPG: 1stTotal PPG: 1stIf that's what you call winning a championship with offense, you need to have your head examined. I know education wasn't exactly a priority in the abysmal Faust era, but come on...Also, the Steelers offensive coordinator, Bruce Arians, was not "brought in" by Tomlin. He was a holdover from the Cowher staff, where he served as WR coach. In fact, aside from Grimm's replacement and the new WR coach to step in for Arians, pretty much the entire Steelers coaching staff is a holdover from Cowher. The entire defensive staff remained exactly the same. Tomlin basically won a Super Bowl playing with Cowher's players and letting Cowher's coaches coach.I'm not sure what any of that has to do with our AD search, but since you made a comment that made absolutely no sense, I just couldn't help but pointing it out Anyways, I'm a Mike Waddell guy myself I think they should hire him tomorrow.Owned.
  15. I wonder if we'll be stuck with the Rubber Bowl or if we'll get one of those great generic stadiums...
  16. The newest NCAA Football game comes out next month, and it looks like neither Infocision Stadium or the new TCF Bank Stadium in Minnesota will be included. Looks like the Rubber Bowl lives on for at least one more year...http://insideblog.easports.com/archive/200...um-updates.aspx
  17. The past couple of years the team has practiced depending on the weather. If it's nice/warm outside they practice on shrank field and the band is in the field house, which is well over 100 degrees when it's hot outside. If it's raining and/or cold the football team is indoors and the band is on the practice field. We had an issue a couple years ago where the soccer team had to cancel their training camp trip because of rain and there was no field for the band so we had band camp in the Rubber Bowl. I know the team never really had any practices there, but who knows what they'll do now since the Info will be right on campus.
  18. They haven't worked out the exact logistics yet. They're going to be meeting with the band department and we should do when the stadium is closer to opening.
  19. Before you challenge my sources, all of that information came straight from Hunter Yurachek, Executive Senior Associate Athletics Director.
  20. Almost forgot, he said they are going to get the band to come to more soccer games to increase the homefield advantage!
  21. Just got back from the Marching Band Spirit Night. Hunter Yurachek, Executive Senior Associate Athletics Director made a presentation about the stadium and athletics in general to the band and took questions at the end. The band will be sitting around the 20 yard line on the south side of the east stands, right beside the visiting teams bench. We will for sure be doing the march through campus to the stadium. I'm assuming around the fountain at the center of campus, take a right at the Korean War monument, past the JAR to the stadium. There is still no definite answer about whether there will be a skull sessionesque meeting on a regular basis, though there will definately be something for at least the first game. I know, it's vague, that's all we could get out of him.
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