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LZIp last won the day on March 22

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  1. Understood, but have been told you can make a contribution to the “general fund” and state which account you want it allocated to.
  2. You can specifically designate basketball for the collective. Of course, you do not get a tax deduction for donating to the collective like you would the university, however (assuming you itemize).
  3. Tough to see how they’d fit in the rotation with as much depth as we are returning. That’s not a knock on them though.
  4. Agreed on playing time, but I'm not sure where he'd go if he were to transfer right now (probably low-major/D2). His best bet is probably to continue to develop as the staff proves they can do it time and again. Then see what the landscape looks like at the time he's ready to really contribute.
  5. Looks like a good mid major field. Bummed these things always seem to be the week of thanksgiving.
  6. What do tech bros have to do with anything? lol. Disclaimer- am not a tech bro.
  7. I don’t think scheduling between the two sports is comparable at all.
  8. I don’t disagree at all (aside from the fact that Kent was a true rebuild as they returned Sullinger and VCD, but that’s beside the point). Those games aren’t necessarily about winning. If we do, obviously great for various reasons, but if not we still get the benefit of having film against high major competition to help prepare us in the tourney and it appears losses against good high majors could actually benefit us in seeding when you consider the Miami/Kent drama in the NIT selection.
  9. If I have anything to say about the lineup, next year would look something like: Tavari/Young/Shammah Nate/Shammah/Hardman Harris/Nate/Mahaffey Lyles/Harris transfer Center/Okonkwo/Briscoe(?) To me, that gives us an adequate blend of size/talent/athleticism/shot making ability.
  10. I think I saw something recently where they are selling some jerseys and a vest.
  11. Maybe. I’ve seen us play Louisville when they were highly ranked before under Groce. We’ve played OSU under Groce. I can think of Toledo playing Michigan a few years ago. Kent played Bama and Auburn this season. I think Buffalo played a tough OOC when Oats was there. It certainly seems doable to schedule these types of games.
  12. Totally agree. Schedule a big dog or two.
  13. I’ll start with one of the most obvious items - NIL. Bud has done a great job getting us to where we are (and I’d assume there are others involved as well), but it shouldn’t be all on him/them. Anyone reading this can contribute to the Fear the Roo collective. It would be more convenient if the process was easier, but all you need to do is email info@feartheroocollective.com to get things rolling. If you’re able to contribute, you may not think your individual contribution would make a difference. However,“collectively” us diehard fans can be the difference in keeping or obtaining a player that would otherwise go elsewhere. One player can be the difference. The program has a good thing going. In my mind we are currently in the peak of Akron men’s basketball. We have a great coach (who also seems to be a great person), who brings in players who are great representatives of our University, and have a guy leading the NIL who has a vision. Please consider playing a part in our program taking the next step. info@feartheroocollective.com
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