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Everything posted by LZIp

  1. Don't care what anyone says, I seen potential in Clayton Moore last season. The spread will benefit him SIGNIFICANTLY.
  2. Interesting. And now that we know that Bowden was a candidate, that seems to make sense. I'd save its more of an action to attempt to "save face" from the University. Pretty sure Winters was offered the job. Regardless, I'd take Bowden over Winters. Who cares what happened..we got a good hire.
  3. If he got his bachelor's no he doesn't have to sit out a year (ala Russell Wilson at Wisconsin, Greg Paulus at Syracuse). Not sure if is a violation or not. Dayne Crist is reuniting with Charlie Weiss in Kansas as well for his extra year of eligibility.
  4. Kornheiser seems to think Bowden to UA is a great move on PTI.
  5. off topic to this specific incident, but something needs to be done with all of this crime south of campus. I understand they are increasing the police force, but we need a little more than that. Maybe they need to be worry less about busting civil parties or busting somebody for a gram of weed (no, not me) and concentrate more on these robberies and shootings. I decided to stay up at my house for all but a week during this break from the fear of being robbed. I keep a loaded gun in my house just in case. Maybe some under cover cops or cameras installed in the streets?
  6. While I think we can get a lot of butts in the seats in due time, I dont think the hiring of Bowden is going to automatically put butts in the seats the way a "Tressel effect" would. The average football fan may be familiar with Terry Bowden, however, the student, alumni, etc who isn't that big into football isnt going to have the same name recognition with Bowden that you would get with Tressel. I look for an immediate spike in attendance, just don't expect to have a packed stadium until he produces some results.
  7. Rob's is terrible. Only ate there for half of a semester then switched to the Gold Plan. Havent ate there for over a year now. I'm a fan of Ohio Burger, though.
  8. Ar you crazy? This is the most action this place has seen ever. Action can't be kind and gentle? (Hint: last line of my previous post was a little joke.) No, Sorry. You are right. You can't even let one small comment go by without making a contradictory comment about it. Carry on! I dont think he was making a big deal out of your comment, just making more of a joke. Relax man...it's a good day for the University.
  9. From what I read, Bowden "reached out to Akron." The process of bringing Bowden to Akron may have had very little to do with Wistrcill. If I'm wrong and he was the impetus, I stand corrected. But from what we know about TW from his past, I'm not giving him immediate credit for this--without knowing he was somewhat responsible. Rather than vote either way, I say we let the UA insiders--who SHOULD know the facts--determine Tom's fate when the contract expires next year. I read that as well and thought it seemed a bit odd..
  10. SMH, ESPN "Auburn Zips hire Terry Auburn as coach, source say" "Sources: Terry Auburn to coach Zips"
  11. let's not get ahead of ourselves here....
  12. I'm so pumped about this hire. Its the best that we could have done IMO
  13. I be very happy with it. anyways..announcement is today.. Zippy @FollowTheRoo Zip Fans. Stay tuned for a major announcement coming soon! ... #tellyourfriends #gozips
  14. If a coach doesnt want to come here because of some "out clause" (which every single coach at every single program is subject to termination if the administration feels he isnt holding up his end of the bargain), then it doesnt sound like any coach we want. He obviously lacks confidence in himself and his coaching abilities if he doesnt think he can improve a 1-11 team in 2 years.
  15. Take it for what its worth, but my guy who works in the football department (same one who called the Ianello firing and the reason for waiting), has told me that an announcement should be made tomorrow. They were apparently cleaning the football office for the new coach today.
  16. If we are trying to get Johnson we better go NOW and not wait around til he has some success (wins the bowl game) like we did with PW and he gets offered and decides to stay at UCLA.
  17. Wow, we can't even lure a hometown guy who is coaching D2? The state of Akron football is very, very sad.
  18. Stoops is more than likely going to be on OSU's staff. I am skeptical about it happening, but lets not act like its impossible. Didnt Akron hire Faust right after he was fired from Notre Dame? We CAN get the big boys.
  19. My source who works for the football team (and told me about the firing of Ianello and he reasons it was delayed, which proved to be true) and my other source who is a player, have both told me Tressel has an interview today.
  20. agree. no need to be a jackass
  21. anybody have an idea of how much money Akron has to work with?
  22. Didn't the same thing get said about Ianello? The example has been set by Rob. Recruiting here is not the same as recruiting at Notre Dame. Same would probably be true for Tressel. Recruiting here is no the same as at OSU. One exception though; He would probably recruit Ohio well because of his reputation (even if tarnished a bit) and his connections. Was Tressel a "cheater"? I don't know where it is, but someone on here made a great post about what he did wrong, but nothing he did was cheating, particularly on the field. It appears that there was a subculture trying to get things for some of the players, and Tressel didn't reign it in. Did he know and turn a blind eye or was he truly oblivious and poorly motivated to acknowledge the problem when the signs surfaced? Either way, it's bad in the eyes of the NCAA, and he is the man to take the blame, but was he "cheating"? He played 5 players for an entire season, who he knew were ineligible because they committed NCAA violations. That's cheating. He was also under FBI investigation, and was not aloud to release confidential information. One would figure FBI triumphs the NCAA, but I suppose not.
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