Didn't the same thing get said about Ianello?
The example has been set by Rob. Recruiting here is not the same as recruiting at Notre Dame.
Same would probably be true for Tressel. Recruiting here is no the same as at OSU.
One exception though; He would probably recruit Ohio well because of his reputation (even if tarnished a bit) and his connections.
Was Tressel a "cheater"?
I don't know where it is, but someone on here made a great post about what he did wrong, but nothing he did was cheating, particularly on the field. It appears that there was a subculture trying to get things for some of the players, and Tressel didn't reign it in. Did he know and turn a blind eye or was he truly oblivious and poorly motivated to acknowledge the problem when the signs surfaced? Either way, it's bad in the eyes of the NCAA, and he is the man to take the blame, but was he "cheating"?
He played 5 players for an entire season, who he knew were ineligible because they committed NCAA violations. That's cheating.
He was also under FBI investigation, and was not aloud to release confidential information. One would figure FBI triumphs the NCAA, but I suppose not.