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Everything posted by yazan07

  1. What's crazy is that in Berkeley you can be legally blind and still get a liscense to cut peoples' hair
  2. Perry's goal was just incredible. Wow I couldn't really tell what happened because I was behind the other goal...that was phenomenal. Perry Kitchen is an amazing player. Here is an article about him that popped up earlier.
  3. Don't forget about the upperclassmen awards! Kofi, Ampai, and Nagbe all named to the first team, Zarek on the second team. No school was represented on the first team list more than once except for Maryland with two and Akron with three. I guess we'll get to see the player of the year in action tomorrow, as AJ Soares was given the award. Also, Ken Lolla received coach of the year
  4. Well I found the list. Congrats to Kofi and Darlington! Akron is the only school with more than one player on the list, so I'd say that is just one more reflection as to how great this program is. I really hope Kofi wins this award. Yes he hasn't matched Corey Hertzog's 20 goals but he has scored 7 goals as a defender. He consistantly manages to be a huge attacking threat while still maintaing his duties at the right back position. Hopefully it doesn't just go to the guy with most goals like it did last year...how cheap was that?
  5. Ok well I think we can just safely assume Akron has the other seven spots, even though we only had three guys on the watch list Edit: Didn't realize Teal wasn't even on the watch list last year, meaning that really it doesn't matter who we had on the watch list, it could be completely different and we could have different guys pop up on the semifinalist list, or like I joked, actually have the remaining seven spots. That being said, this article says that these two are the only guys to repeat being on the semifinalist list. If that is true, which it may or may not be, that would mean that Ampai is not on the list this year.
  6. The Hermann Trophy semifinalist list was announced today. I 've heard guys like Bruin and Hertzog made it but I haven't heard anything about any of our guys. Has anyone else heard anything?
  7. To answer the original question -which I see no one has done yet- yes, I am in a coma
  8. It definitely won't be DC United. Well, given DC United's recent run, that may just put the suspense off for another year. I hope we can keep CP at least through the next World Cup. How many titles do you need to jump straight from college directly to USMNT HC? Did Bruce Arena do that? Bruce Arena was head coach at Virginia for 18 years, and he was an assistant before that. During that time they won 5 National Champioships, including 4 in a row. Between UVA and USMNT Arena was the head coach at DC United for 2 years. So if we look at the numbers, maybe Porter is planning on hanging around the college scene a while longer before he takes the job at DCU that they will still be offering him in 10 years.
  9. I know this guy, he goes to Akron. He loves all Akron sports but also likes OSU football. I have never seen him wear OSU stuff ever, because he goes to Akron. When he goes to Akron games he wears Akron clothing. I imagine if he were to go to an OSU football game where they were playing anyone other than Akron he would probably have some type of Ohio State jersey or shirt to wear for just that occasion, but that's it. Is that a difficult concept to grasp? Ok let's try a different scenario: You're going to an Akron game. Let's say you have 20 shirts to pick from in your closet. At least ONE of them must be something that doesn't say OSU on it. As someone mentioned earlier, this doesn't even have to be an Akron shirt. Preferably it would be an Akron shirt but at least do not wear a shirt from OSU or any other university. I can understand the idea of trying to increase the fanbase but I just cannot for the life of me understand why following these fairly commonsensical guidelines is so difficult. And finally, in my opinion, if you liked that school so much that you just can't stand to not wear their apparel to every single sporting event you attend, you probably should have gone to school there. I went to highschool with a girl who LOVED Michigan. Almost everything she owned was Michigan apparel. So guess what this girl did after highschool? She went to Michgan! Wow what a crazy concept. By the way, I'm from central Ohio. My hometown is 45 minutes from OSU main campus and my parents' house is 5 minutes from one of their branches, so I really wouldn't say I'm some crazy outsider who can't understand that Ohio State is "Ohio's football team"
  10. Today I was at Spaghetti Warehouse with a friend and she noticed a team walking in and I turned around and to my surprise and excitement it was IU's soccer team. On the weekends there is a kid who works there making balloon animals for donations. I had him make a kangaroo, and as we were leaving I took it over to their table. I asked for Luis and I handed it to him, patted him on the back and told him that it was for good luck and that tomorrow he and I were going to be friends. I told them to enjoy their last meal and got a good laugh out of the coaches.
  11. Two years ago they had a GA who did this and man was he good at his job. He would always come out in the last couple minutes of those close games and get ALL the fans on their feet, even the lousy ones. Then guess what? He was gone the next year. Word on the street was the athletic department spat in his face and he left. Surprised?
  12. Can someone explain how making more empty seats helps? Even if there are two seats taken up per band member (which there aren't) there are still tons of empty seats. Heck, the whole drumline came and stood by the band for the first half and the other side was still 75% empty. The only time it was/will be an issue every year is high school band day and the Can't came when half the people down below are sitting down and/or texting the whole time instead of cheering. It will help by encouraging the upper levels to actually make noise. What is the purpose of having the band? Is it just to have more students cheering for the team? If that's the case you can just disband and let the members show up as normal students. The purpose of the band is to get the crowd pumped up. Right now they are either next to or playing directly at the people who need fired up the least. So what if the seats you vacate remain empty? I would have the upper bowl be rocking and a sparse but fired up student section than have the crowd be as boring as it is now. Or maybe you could listen to my suggestion of moving the students and filling up the end sections with reserved tickets. Then you solve both problems, the upper crowd is fired up by the band and the end seats aren't empty while also unifying the students into one force much louder than they can be currently. For the record, I love this idea. If all the ROWDIES had part of the reserved seats behind the opposing team's bench, and then maybe the South side remains as it is, with ROWDIES and then the band where we usually are. This still has students in two spots but its two adjacent spots that are essentially right next to each other. Also, I think (I could be mistaken) that it is just common practice for pep bands to be situated on the floor. In most areans though I don't think the sections behind the baskets are only four rows. Anyway like I said I like your new seating idea, I just don't know if any of the decision makers would actually be down for that.
  13. The band cheers just as much as the rest of the students. Just because we are wearing polos intead of AK-ROWDIES shirts doesn't mean we don't belong on the floor. If the band is cheering, then why should we be displaced? We have about 30-40 members, adding 30-40 ROWDIES isn't going to change the atmosphere. I agree there is a problem with the way the JAR is set up, but stop acting like it's the band's fault or that we could change the situation. All this aside, you can't put a drum set in the bleachers.
  14. Well it's not like you couldn't walk into any given classroom at CSU and say "hey we need some guys to play a pickup game against Akron's football team" and probably get a decent matchup hahaha. But yeah CSU has pretty much spanked us this year
  15. Last week at the YSU game when we were starting to come back, after a big play would happen, I remember Nik standing in the middle of the court yelling and waving his arms in an upward motion. I don't think he did this for no reason. After the MAC tournament win over Western Michigan I had the opportunity to talk to Coach Porter at Tap House and he said to me and a few of the guys on the ROWDIES board that "we need all of you guys there if we're going to win this thing. We need that place packed with ROWDIES." I don't think he said this for no reason. I have seen a player ask for more fan support and I have heard a coach ask for more fan support. Obviously it means something to them. Yeah I really don't think that more loud fans would have us at 11-0 this football season, but I think for those close games it must make the difference, or else the players/coaches would not be requesting our help. The JAR sucks for students. If you're not part of the group that gets on the floor I imagine you don't feel as engaged, but that's really not a great excuse either. And the fans in the reserved seats...yeah they seem to be not even aware of what is going on. At the YSU I was screaming looking straight into the stands motioning for people to stand up and they just looked at me like I was a golden flush or something.
  16. This isn't a draft projection, just a big board. Big Boards simply rank the players potential and talent at the next level. It doesn't factor in who is drafting where and what their needs are. For example, a couple years ago, Michael Crabtree was #1 on Mel Kuiper's NFL big board when everyone knew that the top team in the draft wasn't going to take a WR with the first pick. With regards to that other projection, I highly doubt Ampai will be the first person taken in the draft. I had to leave the game Sunday early and the color commentator on 1350 was saying that Nagbe was the best college player he had ever seen. Can't remember the commentator's name, but he was a former UA player. Oh ok thanks for clearing that up for me
  17. Is Gabriel Genovisi (#28?) red-shirting? Well we haven't seen him, Richard Diaz or Andrian McAdams (3rd GK) so I would assume all three are red-shirting. Maybe they just haven't played because there aren't enough minutes for everyone though. I don't know anything about these guys, but I do know every year there are a couple players who start here and transfer out after their freshman year so they could be gone. Not sure about the other two, but as far as McAdams goes, I don't forsee him getting any PT soon with two GKs ahead of him who are only sophomores. Also do we know how accurate this draft projection is? I mean I saw another one last week that had Ampai going #1 in the draft and had half of these guys absent. I don't think all of those players will leave. And if they do, we'll just just get more good recruits. I'm not going to start being scared for next season until I'm done being scared for this season.
  18. Against Ohio State? Oh man I remember I got there late because of class but I saw the end of regulation and all of overtime and that game was NUTS!
  19. First of all, thanks to you guys who are doing this. I love it. I look forward to watching Porter's post game chat as well as Dambrot's and his players as well. Was this the first game that you guys interviewed players from the soccer team as well as Porter? I think it is, but I'm not sure. The reason I ask is because I know for basketball the past few games have featured KD as well as two players from that game. I really enjoy this because it is nice to have the players' opinions as well as their coaches. If you can continue to do this for soccer I think a lot of people would enjoy it. And let me just stress that I'm not meaning to be critical of this, I just figured as with any new product you guys might want feedback. Again though, I really like these post game interviews. Keep up the good work!
  20. Yes. They could have at least provided a warning that they were going to double in size and then kick out about 75 Rowdies from sitting down below. If their job is to fire up the crowd then they need to move closer to the part of the crowd that actually needs firing up, not next to the group that would make noise regardless of the band's proximity. Disgusted with the band arrangement. Was told that it is for just one game. A number of St. V band members merged in with the Zips regulars. What I don't like is the loud and often ill timed band playing in the ears of the Zips players and coaches during time outs. The overly aggressive band leader seems to think the game is about him. Fire the band. Bring back the Rowdies. First of all, as someone mentioned earlier, this was for only one game because we were joined by high school kids, which was KD's idea in response to someone in athletics wanting to charge the highschool band members for being at highschool band day for football. So you can yell at Dambrot for inviting the highschoolers. I personally find it to be an excellent recruiting tool. And it was just for tonight Next, we were originally told that we would be in the upper former band section, and started to set up there, until were were told by someone in facilities that we were going to be on the floor on the north side. This all happened before our director showed up, so don't act as though he just decided we were going to do that ourselves. Also, I don't know how we have been "playing in the ears of the Zips players and coaches during time outs," when we are never on the same side as the team. And as far as our "overly aggressive band leader," he is often times responsible for starting cheers that the ROWDIES will join in on, sometimes. I also don't really know if I should aplogize for us being loud, you know, since we are a pep band. As far as notifying people about our temporary placement, I texted one of my friends on the ROWDIES board at 5:50 telling him about it and he told me that he already knew. So really they could have communicated it to you, but I think they probably thought what everyone else thought, that it wouldn't really change anything. The spots were not available either way, sorry. I don't know why you would recommend firing the band and bringing back the ROWDIES, as though us existing has somehow reduced the number of ROWDIES. If there is a lack of space then that is failure of the facilities, not us. If people can't cheer because they aren't on the floor, they are bad fans. I know I cheer for the whole game, so I am not taking away from anything another ROWDIE would bring. I also try my best to get other fans in the stands to chant but they are lazy and passive and only care when something big happens. Also, I think that the games would be pretty quiet without a band, maybe that's just me though. If that isn't enough for you, we have been told by players that they enjoy having us there. Finally I would like to say that this isn't coming from some random band kid who only comes to games as a member of the band. I am in the ROWDIES and have stood directly behind the goal screaming durning every soccer game this year. I am proud to be a member of both of these groups. Thanks
  21. Oh ok that would make a little more sense, thanks for clearing that up
  22. what this is about? I don't really get it, and I'm pretty sure it makes no sense. Are they talking about the hiring process of our coach? Rob Ianello? The guy who is 0-11? Like I said I don't really get it
  23. No. The Mike from the buchtelite is actually writing for a smaller newspaper in the Carolinas. Calling Root4Roo...Earth to Root4Roo, ovah. Yeah I was just gonna say, isn't that him?
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