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  1. Enrique and his agent were expecting to be drafted by Bayamon. He posted a short comment on his IG account yesterday.
  2. Enrique Freeman and Anjali Silverheels at the Pacers formal team dinner earlier this evening in Paris.
  3. How old do you think this is ? Looks like About November 2024 to me.
  4. Special night for Enrique on Saturday.
  5. I applaud the student who wrote the article. If an Akron student wrote a,similar article about Akron basketball you would cheer him on. The kid is a stringer. Congrats to him for having enough skill to make some money on a per article basis from Gannett Publishing.
  6. Not disagreeing with your overall argument but Michigan is not land grant university.
  7. Post game observations https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nba/pacers/2024/11/19/five-observations-injuries-derail-pacers-defense/76179141007/
  8. Look who got his first NBA start tonight. Unbelievable.
  9. Mack Rhoades followed Thomas and is currently AD at Baylor.
  10. Enrique played Friday evening in Charlotte for the Pacers. He traveled back to Indianapolis with the team. He is in Indianapolis this morning. He will not play today in CLE.
  11. Enrique is not the only former Akron players making positive progress in the NBA summer league. Love seeing 2 hard working Akron players moving up. https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/sports-columns/ed-graney/graney-ex-bishop-gorman-unlv-player-finds-new-path-to-nba-3098970/
  12. Help me out. What is the address of Glenville Hall that's for sale?
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