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Infocision Sellout


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Not to be antagonistic about our role, but in actual fact we are fans but we're still also paying patrons. There are plenty of UA staff, graduate students and concessionaires who are compensated to make the game day experience great. The police, the maintenance crew, the larger UA staff, the coaches and players, they're all being compensated to work this Saturday. As paying patrons we have every right to hope and expect that those who are paid to make game day "function" will do their very best to make that happen.
While I agree there have to be some expectations that are met, let's not get too crazy here. All those involved with game can do their very best and still have some problems on Saturday. There will probably be things that pop up that weren't expected. There always are with anything on its opening day. And I don't care how much experience the workers have, some of them (maybe most) will not be totally prepared for the rush of 30,000 people showing up. Mistakes will be made. Let's just be understanding and respectful and enjoy the day for what it is. The first day in a new era of Zips football!
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Yeah, OK, I'll bite. What the hell are you talking about? I love the Zips as much as the next ZN addict, but you as an almighty mod must know how many active members exist here. Do you really think that if every active ZN poster takes a kazoo to the Info and buzzes zippity doodah the entire game that it will make ANY difference? Are you serious? As if the ambassadorial actions of a couple dozen posters are going to have even a fraction of the impact of the PAID staff? Please tell me you're not that delusional.I don't know about you but I happily paid very good money to go to this game and I expect a grade A D-1 college football experience. Is that asking to "be catered to"? Is this or is this not an ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT? You're acting as if I'm going to be surly, or refuse to cheer. My avatar is not Lee Adams for crying out loud. I assure you, in fact I promise you, and just you Zip Watcher, that will not be the case. But don't try to tell me that the onus is somehow on a few dozen ZN posters to make Saturday great. That's just nonsense. You can react blindly and happily to whatever happens, no matter what, Saturday. As for me, I have expectations.

Sorry to disagree, spinning-golden-skull-and-bones. We've all been to the Info, some of us several times already, and what I was talking about was not the facility. It's the Bomb, as they say. The game day experience is about far more than the facility. It's how well the traffic chutes work out, it's how many parking attendants are on duty and how well they handle the parking duties, it's how well concessions are done, it's the tailgating, etc. etc. etc. There are thousands of little images, interactions and memories that will be generated for every attending fan this Saturday. On Monday morning, are local NE Ohians going to be all a-twitter about how kick ass the game at the Info was, or are they going to be negative about the overall game day experience? If you think that UA can not screw this up, you're wrong.Come on Zips and staff, DO IT RIGHT! DO IT TO IT. STZ
:wall: :wall: After your first post, I elected not to reply .. but seeing how you've completely missed my point, I thought I'd follow up.Your comments are noted. Clearly we can't have big disasters happen at the Info and hope to impress the casual fan. But you keep saying to the Zips Staff to do it right .. my point to you is: As the diehard FANS, we also can help make sure that those conversations on Monday are positive .. and that those little images you mention above are good ones. As you said above .. the experience is about far more than the facility. The surrounding fans can add or detract from the environment and experience.We can choose to be ambassadors for the Zips and try to make a positive impact on the entire situation .. or we can take the approach of asking to be catered to and searching for something to complain about and someone to blame for whatever we think isn't perfect the first time out.A pretty simple choice, IMHO. B) B) B) Go Zips!
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Ok .. so now that we have a (near) sellout on our hands, we must as Zips fans turn to the hand wringing and worrying about whether the fans are good enough??! Really?This sounds to me like old ladies complaining at church that the younger crowd that's filling a church on Sunday isn't dressed to their standards. The point is .. the people are there. Getting fans in the seats to experience Zips Athletics has been a question and challenge for AD's, Coaches & Fans for years .. and now we have a full venue .. probably for 2 weeks in a row. How about we welcome one and all and hope they have a nice time rather than worrying about whether or not they have the right color shirt on or enough gold paint behind their ears.I'm not a Notre Dame fan .. not by a long shot for lots of reasons .. I'm a Boilermaker among several other things. But I will admit one thing .. when you go to a game @ ND, the locals, fans and staff at the facility and near it are quite welcoming. You go through the gate and the ticket guy looks you in the eye and says "Welcome to Notre Dame .. enjoy the game" .. same for the ushers .. and many fans. It's easy to see how someone can go to a game @ ND as a youngster and like it so much they become lifelong fans. Really easy.My friends and fellow Zips fans .. a tremendous opportunity lies before us over the next few days. One which may never exist again.The events of this weekend are going to be awesome. There's a huge buzz .. people are buying tickets .. lots of them. The tailgating and downtown atmosphere is going to be nutso crazy & all those things you find in places like Ann Arbor, Columbus and other places where lots of people join in revelry prior to a college football game in an urban setting.As committed Zips fans, we have a responsibility to put the best face forward for Zips football so that all the casual fans this weekend and next have a GREAT experience and want to come back again and again. Tom, Hunter, JD and staff can't possibly accomplish this by themselves. The FANS can do much of the heavy lifting. If you ever stopped by CK's spot by the fence at the Rubber Bowl, you know what I'm talking about. Welcoming, happy to see you .. offers you a beverage. Makes you want to come back.I'm issuing a challenge to the Zips Nation right here and now: You've chosen to "Be a Part from the Start' .. now DO YOUR PART .. have a great time, represent the Zips as you like them to represent you, and greet ALL fans with the same regard and congeniality that you greet those whom you know to be true Zips die hards. Saturday, we ARE the de facto University of Akron Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Let's make it our JOB to make sure people want to come back .. regardless of what happens on the field.Ignore it if you think that student isn't participating enough .. Ignore what they're wearing .. all colors are great in a full stadium. On this weekend and next, we should all strive to be color blind to the sports garb of attendees, and make this a place that they WANT to come back to. Eventually, the other things will take care of themselves. You think the flag pole is too short? .. keep it to yourself. Your pizza a little cold? .. great, you LIKE it that way. Line to get through the gate is slow? .. "isn't it great to have such a big crowd." Let's be positive, even if it's not in our nature .. positive for those around us on Saturday. The guy who asks you for directions or help will come back again because you helped make it a fun day. No one expects things to go perfectly .. but how the legions of die-hard fans react and represent will go a long way to a successful day.It starts now .. and continues through the weekends. There will be thousands of new people in our midst at a Zips event. Our actions by themselves might not convince fans to buy season tickets and donate millions. There are other factors (economy, the product on the field) .. I get that. But our actions CAN contribute to driving a casual fan away due to having a bad experience. Let's not be that fan that ruins it for others. As it pertains to growing the fanbase of Zips Athletics .. this weekend and next are probably as important as any time I can recall. It's not just an opportunity for JD & the team to impress .. it's a chance for Zips Fans to demonstrate that the Zips Nation is a great place to be, with teams more representative of the community, more accessible to fans .. and welcoming to families and small children.It's going to be great! GREAT! .. Let's all go have fun and enjoy the new reality that is Akron Zips Football .. Go Zips!! B) B) B) B) B) P.S. I know I'm speaking to the choir .. and it shouldn't need to be done .. but just in case ..
I vote we put this on the main page for the next two days! No, you should not have to mention this, but I am glad you did. Great Job.
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Let's just be understanding and respectful and enjoy the day for what it is. The first day in a new era of Zips football!
Too bad the game is not going to be on local TV. I guess UA didn't want to jeopardize the chance of a sellout.But since streaming video is going to be available live on the Internet (for a price), it would be cool if UA would set up a couple of big screens and show the game outside the stadium -- maybe on the Lee Jackson Field track. Charge 5 bucks a head to get in. Too late now, but it would add just one more element to the campus atmosphere, which is going to be electric!
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Well, all student tickets are spoken for!

All student tickets for Saturday’s football game against Morgan State have been distributed.Students attending the game are encouraged to arrive early as crowds will be at capacity. Kickoff is set for 2 p.m. and gates open at noon. Students must enter at Gate 1 and Gate 4 (located on Exchange Street).Reminder: Students must have a wristband issued by the Department of Athletics along with a valid ZipCard for admittance. A ZipCard will be invalid if the student is currently not enrolled in class. If your wrist band is broken or damaged, you may pick up a replacement at the Rhodes Arena Athletics Ticket Office, Friday (9/11) from 8 a.m. to noon. For questions, please call the Athletics Ticket Office at 1-888-99-AKRON.
I am soooooo excited! I will have my camera on hand as well.
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STZ,You sound as if you are looking for something to go wrong, so you can say "I told you so." I'm sure you're not, but that's the impression I get.ZW, great post. I will fully bite my tongue for the first few games when I see other schools represented in OUR home. I will be pleasant, and fully supportive of the team. I will cheer like mad. I know that not everything will be absolutely perfect, as the staff are human after all. However, I will not let anything negative get in the way of my enjoyment of a great Zips game and experience.I do have a suggestion. Have some sort of promotional event where free Zips shirts are given out to any fan who was confused about which school was playing in Akron. Don't be negative about it, just get a couple people to go around and try to put Blue&Gold on everybody. And if the person wearing the tOSU/whatever else gear actually puts on the Zips shirt, CHEER LIKE HELL. Make it a positive for them to wear the Blue and Gold, and I guarantee at the next game they won't forget.

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Ok .. so now that we have a (near) sellout on our hands, we must as Zips fans turn to the hand wringing and worrying about whether the fans are good enough??! Really?This sounds to me like old ladies complaining at church that the younger crowd that's filling a church on Sunday isn't dressed to their standards. The point is .. the people are there. Getting fans in the seats to experience Zips Athletics has been a question and challenge for AD's, Coaches & Fans for years .. and now we have a full venue .. probably for 2 weeks in a row. How about we welcome one and all and hope they have a nice time rather than worrying about whether or not they have the right color shirt on or enough gold paint behind their ears.I'm not a Notre Dame fan .. not by a long shot for lots of reasons .. I'm a Boilermaker among several other things. But I will admit one thing .. when you go to a game @ ND, the locals, fans and staff at the facility and near it are quite welcoming. You go through the gate and the ticket guy looks you in the eye and says "Welcome to Notre Dame .. enjoy the game" .. same for the ushers .. and many fans. It's easy to see how someone can go to a game @ ND as a youngster and like it so much they become lifelong fans. Really easy.My friends and fellow Zips fans .. a tremendous opportunity lies before us over the next few days. One which may never exist again.The events of this weekend are going to be awesome. There's a huge buzz .. people are buying tickets .. lots of them. The tailgating and downtown atmosphere is going to be nutso crazy & all those things you find in places like Ann Arbor, Columbus and other places where lots of people join in revelry prior to a college football game in an urban setting.As committed Zips fans, we have a responsibility to put the best face forward for Zips football so that all the casual fans this weekend and next have a GREAT experience and want to come back again and again. Tom, Hunter, JD and staff can't possibly accomplish this by themselves. The FANS can do much of the heavy lifting. If you ever stopped by CK's spot by the fence at the Rubber Bowl, you know what I'm talking about. Welcoming, happy to see you .. offers you a beverage. Makes you want to come back.I'm issuing a challenge to the Zips Nation right here and now: You've chosen to "Be a Part from the Start' .. now DO YOUR PART .. have a great time, represent the Zips as you like them to represent you, and greet ALL fans with the same regard and congeniality that you greet those whom you know to be true Zips die hards. Saturday, we ARE the de facto University of Akron Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Let's make it our JOB to make sure people want to come back .. regardless of what happens on the field.Ignore it if you think that student isn't participating enough .. Ignore what they're wearing .. all colors are great in a full stadium. On this weekend and next, we should all strive to be color blind to the sports garb of attendees, and make this a place that they WANT to come back to. Eventually, the other things will take care of themselves. You think the flag pole is too short? .. keep it to yourself. Your pizza a little cold? .. great, you LIKE it that way. Line to get through the gate is slow? .. "isn't it great to have such a big crowd." Let's be positive, even if it's not in our nature .. positive for those around us on Saturday. The guy who asks you for directions or help will come back again because you helped make it a fun day. No one expects things to go perfectly .. but how the legions of die-hard fans react and represent will go a long way to a successful day.It starts now .. and continues through the weekends. There will be thousands of new people in our midst at a Zips event. Our actions by themselves might not convince fans to buy season tickets and donate millions. There are other factors (economy, the product on the field) .. I get that. But our actions CAN contribute to driving a casual fan away due to having a bad experience. Let's not be that fan that ruins it for others. As it pertains to growing the fanbase of Zips Athletics .. this weekend and next are probably as important as any time I can recall. It's not just an opportunity for JD & the team to impress .. it's a chance for Zips Fans to demonstrate that the Zips Nation is a great place to be, with teams more representative of the community, more accessible to fans .. and welcoming to families and small children.It's going to be great! GREAT! .. Let's all go have fun and enjoy the new reality that is Akron Zips Football .. Go Zips!! B) B) B) B) B) P.S. I know I'm speaking to the choir .. and it shouldn't need to be done .. but just in case ..
I vote we put this on the main page for the next two days! No, you should not have to mention this, but I am glad you did. Great Job.
+1 +1 +1I went to Nebraska several years ago to see the Zips. It was unreal how nice each and every one of their fans I encountered was towards the Zips faithful. The Nebraska band stopped by our small cheering section and played the Zips fight song. It seriously almost brought a tear to my eye at the time.Conversely - Last season I went to the Insight Bowl just for something to do on an Arizona vacation. Being a Minnesota Vikings fan, I had a Chester Taylor jersey (mine) and an Adrian Peterson jersey (son's). I figured I'd wear them and root for the Golden Gophers against Kansas. I needed someone to root for.So...I'm squeezing ketchup on my son's hot dog when this older gentlemen approaches me and rants "YOU SHOULD BE SUPPORTING THE GOPHERS, NOT THE VIKINGS! WHERE'S YOUR GOPHER SHIRTS?!" He bolted away in a huff.Zips fans have the chance to either be known as Nebraska-types. Or Minnesota-types. It only takes one a-hole to ruin your perception of an institution. As ZW stated - Go out of your way to be nice. If you see someone who came all the way from the east coast to support Morgan State, offer them a beer or whatever's on your grill. Ditto Indiana next week. It isn't up to Hunter Yurachek to impress the visiting fans. That's out of the University's control. It is up to you - The Zips Fan. 13 hours until kickoff!!!! :rock: Again - well done, ZW.
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Excellent point about Nebraska. I remember hearing that game on the radio and their fans gave standing ovations for our underdog Zips that day. Our team came out fighting, and those fans appreciated it.Classy.

Ok .. so now that we have a (near) sellout on our hands, we must as Zips fans turn to the hand wringing and worrying about whether the fans are good enough??! Really?This sounds to me like old ladies complaining at church that the younger crowd that's filling a church on Sunday isn't dressed to their standards. The point is .. the people are there. Getting fans in the seats to experience Zips Athletics has been a question and challenge for AD's, Coaches & Fans for years .. and now we have a full venue .. probably for 2 weeks in a row. How about we welcome one and all and hope they have a nice time rather than worrying about whether or not they have the right color shirt on or enough gold paint behind their ears.I'm not a Notre Dame fan .. not by a long shot for lots of reasons .. I'm a Boilermaker among several other things. But I will admit one thing .. when you go to a game @ ND, the locals, fans and staff at the facility and near it are quite welcoming. You go through the gate and the ticket guy looks you in the eye and says "Welcome to Notre Dame .. enjoy the game" .. same for the ushers .. and many fans. It's easy to see how someone can go to a game @ ND as a youngster and like it so much they become lifelong fans. Really easy.My friends and fellow Zips fans .. a tremendous opportunity lies before us over the next few days. One which may never exist again.The events of this weekend are going to be awesome. There's a huge buzz .. people are buying tickets .. lots of them. The tailgating and downtown atmosphere is going to be nutso crazy & all those things you find in places like Ann Arbor, Columbus and other places where lots of people join in revelry prior to a college football game in an urban setting.As committed Zips fans, we have a responsibility to put the best face forward for Zips football so that all the casual fans this weekend and next have a GREAT experience and want to come back again and again. Tom, Hunter, JD and staff can't possibly accomplish this by themselves. The FANS can do much of the heavy lifting. If you ever stopped by CK's spot by the fence at the Rubber Bowl, you know what I'm talking about. Welcoming, happy to see you .. offers you a beverage. Makes you want to come back.I'm issuing a challenge to the Zips Nation right here and now: You've chosen to "Be a Part from the Start' .. now DO YOUR PART .. have a great time, represent the Zips as you like them to represent you, and greet ALL fans with the same regard and congeniality that you greet those whom you know to be true Zips die hards. Saturday, we ARE the de facto University of Akron Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Let's make it our JOB to make sure people want to come back .. regardless of what happens on the field.Ignore it if you think that student isn't participating enough .. Ignore what they're wearing .. all colors are great in a full stadium. On this weekend and next, we should all strive to be color blind to the sports garb of attendees, and make this a place that they WANT to come back to. Eventually, the other things will take care of themselves. You think the flag pole is too short? .. keep it to yourself. Your pizza a little cold? .. great, you LIKE it that way. Line to get through the gate is slow? .. "isn't it great to have such a big crowd." Let's be positive, even if it's not in our nature .. positive for those around us on Saturday. The guy who asks you for directions or help will come back again because you helped make it a fun day. No one expects things to go perfectly .. but how the legions of die-hard fans react and represent will go a long way to a successful day.It starts now .. and continues through the weekends. There will be thousands of new people in our midst at a Zips event. Our actions by themselves might not convince fans to buy season tickets and donate millions. There are other factors (economy, the product on the field) .. I get that. But our actions CAN contribute to driving a casual fan away due to having a bad experience. Let's not be that fan that ruins it for others. As it pertains to growing the fanbase of Zips Athletics .. this weekend and next are probably as important as any time I can recall. It's not just an opportunity for JD & the team to impress .. it's a chance for Zips Fans to demonstrate that the Zips Nation is a great place to be, with teams more representative of the community, more accessible to fans .. and welcoming to families and small children.It's going to be great! GREAT! .. Let's all go have fun and enjoy the new reality that is Akron Zips Football .. Go Zips!! B)B)B)B)B) P.S. I know I'm speaking to the choir .. and it shouldn't need to be done .. but just in case ..
I vote we put this on the main page for the next two days! No, you should not have to mention this, but I am glad you did. Great Job.
+1 +1 +1I went to Nebraska several years ago to see the Zips. It was unreal how nice each and every one of their fans I encountered was towards the Zips faithful. The Nebraska band stopped by our small cheering section and played the Zips fight song. It seriously almost brought a tear to my eye at the time.Conversely - Last season I went to the Insight Bowl just for something to do on an Arizona vacation. Being a Minnesota Vikings fan, I had a Chester Taylor jersey (mine) and an Adrian Peterson jersey (son's). I figured I'd wear them and root for the Golden Gophers against Kansas. I needed someone to root for.So...I'm squeezing ketchup on my son's hot dog when this older gentlemen approaches me and rants "YOU SHOULD BE SUPPORTING THE GOPHERS, NOT THE VIKINGS! WHERE'S YOUR GOPHER SHIRTS?!" He bolted away in a huff.Zips fans have the chance to either be known as Nebraska-types. Or Minnesota-types. It only takes one a-hole to ruin your perception of an institution. As ZW stated - Go out of your way to be nice. If you see someone who came all the way from the east coast to support Morgan State, offer them a beer or whatever's on your grill. Ditto Indiana next week. It isn't up to Hunter Yurachek to impress the visiting fans. That's out of the University's control. It is up to you - The Zips Fan. 13 hours until kickoff!!!! :rock: Again - well done, ZW.
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Ok .. so now that we have a (near) sellout on our hands, we must as Zips fans turn to the hand wringing and worrying about whether the fans are good enough??! Really?This sounds to me like old ladies complaining at church that the younger crowd that's filling a church on Sunday isn't dressed to their standards. The point is .. the people are there. Getting fans in the seats to experience Zips Athletics has been a question and challenge for AD's, Coaches & Fans for years .. and now we have a full venue .. probably for 2 weeks in a row. How about we welcome one and all and hope they have a nice time rather than worrying about whether or not they have the right color shirt on or enough gold paint behind their ears.I'm not a Notre Dame fan .. not by a long shot for lots of reasons .. I'm a Boilermaker among several other things. But I will admit one thing .. when you go to a game @ ND, the locals, fans and staff at the facility and near it are quite welcoming. You go through the gate and the ticket guy looks you in the eye and says "Welcome to Notre Dame .. enjoy the game" .. same for the ushers .. and many fans. It's easy to see how someone can go to a game @ ND as a youngster and like it so much they become lifelong fans. Really easy.My friends and fellow Zips fans .. a tremendous opportunity lies before us over the next few days. One which may never exist again.The events of this weekend are going to be awesome. There's a huge buzz .. people are buying tickets .. lots of them. The tailgating and downtown atmosphere is going to be nutso crazy & all those things you find in places like Ann Arbor, Columbus and other places where lots of people join in revelry prior to a college football game in an urban setting.As committed Zips fans, we have a responsibility to put the best face forward for Zips football so that all the casual fans this weekend and next have a GREAT experience and want to come back again and again. Tom, Hunter, JD and staff can't possibly accomplish this by themselves. The FANS can do much of the heavy lifting. If you ever stopped by CK's spot by the fence at the Rubber Bowl, you know what I'm talking about. Welcoming, happy to see you .. offers you a beverage. Makes you want to come back.I'm issuing a challenge to the Zips Nation right here and now: You've chosen to "Be a Part from the Start' .. now DO YOUR PART .. have a great time, represent the Zips as you like them to represent you, and greet ALL fans with the same regard and congeniality that you greet those whom you know to be true Zips die hards. Saturday, we ARE the de facto University of Akron Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Let's make it our JOB to make sure people want to come back .. regardless of what happens on the field.Ignore it if you think that student isn't participating enough .. Ignore what they're wearing .. all colors are great in a full stadium. On this weekend and next, we should all strive to be color blind to the sports garb of attendees, and make this a place that they WANT to come back to. Eventually, the other things will take care of themselves. You think the flag pole is too short? .. keep it to yourself. Your pizza a little cold? .. great, you LIKE it that way. Line to get through the gate is slow? .. "isn't it great to have such a big crowd." Let's be positive, even if it's not in our nature .. positive for those around us on Saturday. The guy who asks you for directions or help will come back again because you helped make it a fun day. No one expects things to go perfectly .. but how the legions of die-hard fans react and represent will go a long way to a successful day.It starts now .. and continues through the weekends. There will be thousands of new people in our midst at a Zips event. Our actions by themselves might not convince fans to buy season tickets and donate millions. There are other factors (economy, the product on the field) .. I get that. But our actions CAN contribute to driving a casual fan away due to having a bad experience. Let's not be that fan that ruins it for others. As it pertains to growing the fanbase of Zips Athletics .. this weekend and next are probably as important as any time I can recall. It's not just an opportunity for JD & the team to impress .. it's a chance for Zips Fans to demonstrate that the Zips Nation is a great place to be, with teams more representative of the community, more accessible to fans .. and welcoming to families and small children.It's going to be great! GREAT! .. Let's all go have fun and enjoy the new reality that is Akron Zips Football .. Go Zips!! B) B) B) B) B) P.S. I know I'm speaking to the choir .. and it shouldn't need to be done .. but just in case ..
I vote we put this on the main page for the next two days! No, you should not have to mention this, but I am glad you did. Great Job.
+1 +1 +1I went to Nebraska several years ago to see the Zips. It was unreal how nice each and every one of their fans I encountered was towards the Zips faithful. The Nebraska band stopped by our small cheering section and played the Zips fight song. It seriously almost brought a tear to my eye at the time.Conversely - Last season I went to the Insight Bowl just for something to do on an Arizona vacation. Being a Minnesota Vikings fan, I had a Chester Taylor jersey (mine) and an Adrian Peterson jersey (son's). I figured I'd wear them and root for the Golden Gophers against Kansas. I needed someone to root for.So...I'm squeezing ketchup on my son's hot dog when this older gentlemen approaches me and rants "YOU SHOULD BE SUPPORTING THE GOPHERS, NOT THE VIKINGS! WHERE'S YOUR GOPHER SHIRTS?!" He bolted away in a huff.Zips fans have the chance to either be known as Nebraska-types. Or Minnesota-types. It only takes one a-hole to ruin your perception of an institution. As ZW stated - Go out of your way to be nice. If you see someone who came all the way from the east coast to support Morgan State, offer them a beer or whatever's on your grill. Ditto Indiana next week. It isn't up to Hunter Yurachek to impress the visiting fans. That's out of the University's control. It is up to you - The Zips Fan. 13 hours until kickoff!!!! :rock: Again - well done, ZW.
I attended Nebraska games for six years and we treated just about every nonconference foe the same way. Good thing you weren't there to support Oklahoma. You might have different stories to tell.
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  • 12 years later...
10 minutes ago, GP1 said:

Oh well....


Out of curiosity, how does posting this do anyone any good?

It doesn't.  The posting isn't to help.  It's to irritate.

Also, I read through it and it's just click bait garbage.  The only criticism of the stadium was that the football team was bad.

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