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Only a Can't State Thug...

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Harrison is a thug and many others agree. The guy is just another poster boy for Can't state athletics. ESPN Dirty Player

"A hit like that geeks you up," Harrison said. "It geeks everybody up -- especially when you find out that the guy is not really hurt -- he's just sleeping. He's knocked out, but he's going to be OK."

It didn't geek Patti Drake up. She was a kind of surrogate mom for Cribbs at Can't State, where he was, believe it or not, a teammate of Harrison's.

"It sickened me," she says.

You know what would geek me up? Harrison out of the game. Because as much as I abhor the way he plays, I don't want the day to come, 10 years from now, when he starts suffering depression and slurred speech and all the other goodies that come with these massive crashes. Because no amount of sleeping is going to make everything OK then.

Not only that but I am really starting to wonder about Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin's judgment.

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin defended Harrison, saying he's a "model" for young players to imitate. Oh, yeah, he's a peach. Fined $5,000 for slamming Vince Young into the ground. Fined $5,000 for unnecessary brutality against a Cincinnati Bengal. Had to go to anger management and undergo psychiatric counseling after being charged with assault on his girlfriend. Owned a pit bull that bit his son, the boy's mom and his masseuse. When's he running for Congress?

Just like his buddy on the Can't State basketball team, he likes to mix it up on every play.

"If you watch the game film, (Harrison) was doing that to everyone on every play," Mack said Thursday. "People would be on the ground and he would try to spear them. There's a play on film where (running back) Peyton Hillis is tackled and he comes up and spears him. It's like you're being cheap, you're being dirty

But using true Can't state logic, Harrison sums it all up.

Helmet-to-helmet hits involve two helmets. But when somebody asked Harrison whether he was worried about the long-term effects on his own brain, he scoffed. "That's the risk you take," he said.

An answer that begs the question: What brain?

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Harrison is a thug and many others agree. The guy is just another poster boy for Can't state athletics. ESPN Dirty Player

"A hit like that geeks you up," Harrison said. "It geeks everybody up -- especially when you find out that the guy is not really hurt -- he's just sleeping. He's knocked out, but he's going to be OK."

It didn't geek Patti Drake up. She was a kind of surrogate mom for Cribbs at Can't State, where he was, believe it or not, a teammate of Harrison's.

"It sickened me," she says.

You know what would geek me up? Harrison out of the game. Because as much as I abhor the way he plays, I don't want the day to come, 10 years from now, when he starts suffering depression and slurred speech and all the other goodies that come with these massive crashes. Because no amount of sleeping is going to make everything OK then.

Not only that but I am really starting to wonder about Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin's judgment.

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin defended Harrison, saying he's a "model" for young players to imitate. Oh, yeah, he's a peach. Fined $5,000 for slamming Vince Young into the ground. Fined $5,000 for unnecessary brutality against a Cincinnati Bengal. Had to go to anger management and undergo psychiatric counseling after being charged with assault on his girlfriend. Owned a pit bull that bit his son, the boy's mom and his masseuse. When's he running for Congress?

Just like his buddy on the Can't State basketball team, he likes to mix it up on every play.

"If you watch the game film, (Harrison) was doing that to everyone on every play," Mack said Thursday. "People would be on the ground and he would try to spear them. There's a play on film where (running back) Peyton Hillis is tackled and he comes up and spears him. It's like you're being cheap, you're being dirty

But using true Can't state logic, Harrison sums it all up.

Helmet-to-helmet hits involve two helmets. But when somebody asked Harrison whether he was worried about the long-term effects on his own brain, he scoffed. "That's the risk you take," he said.

An answer that begs the question: What brain?

If Harrison was a free agent tomorrow, you would want him on your NFL team.

Maybe our bb team should mix it up on every play, then they wouldn't get their asses kicked habitually by Can't State.

I'll take Super Bowl winning coach Mike Tomlin's opinion over yours.

Have a nice evening.

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As soon as running backs stop running through holes with their heads down, the NFL should outlaw head to head contact. Until then, the shot on Cribbs was a good hit. The last time I checked, the head was at the top of the body....around three inches from the shoulders. Running backs should be forced to run completely up and down in order to avoid contact with their heads.

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The NFL is in business to give fans what they want to see.

If the NFL thinks that fans don't want to see many players end up institutionalized with permanent brain damage from multiple concussions, they can make it stop anytime they want by making appropriate rules and then enforcing them with increasingly robust penalties.

If the NFL thinks that fans want a blood sport where players who are willing to inflict brain damage on other players and even themselves should be free to deliberately make that happen, they will enable that with lax rules that encourage players to do exactly that.

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The NFL is in business to give fans what they want to see.

If the NFL thinks that fans don't want to see many players end up institutionalized with permanent brain damage from multiple concussions, they can make it stop anytime they want by making appropriate rules and then enforcing them with increasingly robust penalties.

If the NFL thinks that fans want a blood sport where players who are willing to inflict brain damage on other players and even themselves should be free to deliberately make that happen, they will enable that with lax rules that encourage players to do exactly that.

Some players are brain dead on arrival. This affliction is especially common in those who hail from Can't. Retiring from your lucrative, playboy job and lifestyle in protest? So you can go and do what, park cars for the rest of your life? Only a Can't alum... :screwks:

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Rooney is now backing Harrison. Most people's opinions are like...well you know the saying, but when Mr Rooney speaks, I tend to listen.

"The thing I'm concerned about going forward is the level of discipline and how far we're going with that," Mr. Rooney said. "And I hope that the league office is going to draw a distinction between a flagrant hit, an egregious hit -- whatever these words are that are getting thrown around -- versus something that is a violation but is not flagrant." Mr. Rooney joined coach Mike Tomlin and Mr. Harrison himself in declaring the hit on Mr. Massaquoi a clean one. "James' play, I think, was a football play," Mr. Rooney said. "I understand the part about not launching yourself. I think that's the part that was on the borderline. I mean, did he lunge at the guy to make the tackle or did he launch himself?"

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Cribbs backs Harrison, too. He says Harrison's job is to simply "knock people out," and called Harrison to tell him not to change the way he plays. Cribbs also said, "We have to be able to take those hits. That's why we're in the NFL."

Cribbs Defends Harrison

If you think it's odd that NFL players seem addicted to being knocked out and knocking other people out despite the fact that it has been proven to lead to irreversible brain damage, Ray Ratto does a good job of explaining why.

Ray Ratto Column

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