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New LeBron Nike Ad

Dr Z

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Celtics 88 Heat 80
The Heat looked like last years Cavs to me. LBJ and the rest of the team. I don't know a whole lot about the NBA, but I have watched a lot of LBJ in the NBA. It looks like his team will be the same. He tries to get everyone involved in the first half, then when/if that doesn't work, he tries to win it by himself in the second half. All the talk about which one of the three guys (LBJ, Wade, Bosh) will do this or that, it looks to me this is still LBJ and the rest of the guys on the floor. I figured I would start watching the game and get bored or mad and shut it off, but I ended up watching and enjoying the whole game. I guess I still enjoy watching LBJ play.

LeBron's commercials are hype. The Heat "Big Three" are hype. To win the game, you do it on the court.

The Celtics are great because of Rondo, Big Baby, Kendrick Perkins, and guys like Nate Robinson and Shaq. In 2008, guys like Eddie House, PJ Brown and James Posey. Without them, Pierce, Garnett and Allen go out in Round 2. With them, they will play for championships.

The Heat have absolutely nothing beyond their Big, Over-hyped Three. Hype-to-Production, they have a chance to be the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA.

They'll win a lot of games because there are a lot of NBA teams with far less talent. But the Heat spent too much on three guys. Their next-best 9 players wouldn't make the Celtics/Lakers/Orlando 2-deep. That won't win a ring.

Oh -- and wait til one of them gets injured.

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Celtics 88 Heat 80
The Heat looked like last years Cavs to me. LBJ and the rest of the team. I don't know a whole lot about the NBA, but I have watched a lot of LBJ in the NBA. It looks like his team will be the same. He tries to get everyone involved in the first half, then when/if that doesn't work, he tries to win it by himself in the second half. All the talk about which one of the three guys (LBJ, Wade, Bosh) will do this or that, it looks to me this is still LBJ and the rest of the guys on the floor. I figured I would start watching the game and get bored or mad and shut it off, but I ended up watching and enjoying the whole game. I guess I still enjoy watching LBJ play.

LeBron's commercials are hype. The Heat "Big Three" are hype. To win the game, you do it on the court.

The Celtics are great because of Rondo, Big Baby, Kendrick Perkins, and guys like Nate Robinson and Shaq. In 2008, guys like Eddie House, PJ Brown and James Posey. Without them, Pierce, Garnett and Allen go out in Round 2. With them, they will play for championships.

The Heat have absolutely nothing beyond their Big, Over-hyped Three. Hype-to-Production, they have a chance to be the Dallas Cowboys of the NBA.

They'll win a lot of games because there are a lot of NBA teams with far less talent. But the Heat spent too much on three guys. Their next-best 9 players wouldn't make the Celtics/Lakers/Orlando 2-deep. That won't win a ring.

Oh -- and wait til one of them gets injured.

+1 to both comments, I felt like I was watching last year's Cavs (and Celtics as they choked away another huge lead) during that game... and I died a little inside when I realized I was actually cheering for Boston.

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I couldn't agree more. Miami will be good, no doubt. But you can't win it all without a bench.

As for Lebron,

I almost feel bad. "Almost." All of this could be so different. I, as I am sure most, have imagined this happening in another way. If he would have had a small press conference to Northeast Ohio, or even just done nothing publicly. The reaction of everyone would be bad to start, of course, but I would imagine someone of his talent leaving to higher dreams, coming back home in December to play in the Q to a standing ovation. But that will never happen, the probable is a standing ovation of middle fingers.

Lebron gave us some amazing years of basketball. And yea, it could have been better. But the bottom line is, without him, the cavaliers would probably still be nothing. It's just a disappointment that he screwed everything up.

And to answer his question in his commercial;

Yes, you did ruin your legacy. Your Legacy was in Cleveland. In Akron. And in leaving Cleveland, you left your crown.

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Did you guys hear that they are handing out Delonte masks in Boston tonight?

Didn't see one mask in the crowd tonight. Another dumb radio stunt failure in the history of radio stunt failures.

are you kidding? It was obviously a major success. The point of radio stunts is to gain notoriety and listeners. They gained national media which listed their station and I'm sure their number of listeners increased. It doesn't matter if not even one person wore the mask, from a marketing perspectiveit was a grandslam.

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They gained national media which listed their station and I'm sure their number of listeners increased. It doesn't matter if not even one person wore the mask, from a marketing perspectiveit was a grandslam.
Make sure you post what the shows market share was last quarter, and the next three quarters so we can see how this big grand slam goes. I can't wait to see how much share the Rich & Toucher show gain. Make sure you use the same source, as market share numbers are shady and unreliable skewed to make every show look like they are number 1 in something. Example the Rich & Toucher show is number one with a 7.2 share...in male audience between the ages of 22 & 24 that listening between the hours of 10 am and 11 am.

You can email Nielsen

WBZ-FM is a local Boston radio station owned by CBS. They seem like a real hoot.

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At this point, most fans either love lbj or they hate him. This ad is not going to change that. It probably reinforces both opinions. For the people who love him, it is going to sell a lot of shoes to them. If it is a good product, it may also help sell some shoes to those who hate him.

Either way, people are talking about Nike. The truth is, Nike has a reputation for making great products. If my feet weren't so freaking fat, I'd buy them myself. Today, someone is going to go buy a pair of Nike golf shoes because they saw the ad and were reminded:

1. Nike is a good brand and they make golf shoes.

2. I need a pair of golf shoes.

3. I'm going out to buy a pair of Nike golf shoes.

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This is probably a stretch, but does anyone else remember a couple days before the "Decision" debacle that LeBron was around town shooting video in various places in Akron (including St Vs). Could this video have been in planning since before LeBron "suddenly" made his decision at the last moment?

Still a good commercial, no matter how you swing it. I think they voice his legitimate opinion, but can you honestly think of a more hated athlete in the NBA? I think he's going to receive a LOT of boos...more than just Cleveland.

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Except that:

1) Most people don't think there's any kind of rift between Akron and Cleveland (because, except on the streets, there's not)

2) Most people in Akron enjoy going to Cleveland, and follow Cleveland's sports teams

3) LeBron's "drawing a line in the sand" got almost zero national or local attention, aside from a few stories the day he made his comments

4) Nobody looks at LeBron as a credible source on anything but basketball and being an egomaniac

The commercial was a nice attempt by Nike, but anyone aware of James' actions this summer know he was begging for the same attention he's complaining about now. LeBron's going to need a lot more than trying to play the victim and attempts at humor to restore his image.

You know what, you can have your rivalry with Cleveland, it's all well and good. But LeLoser made an ass out of all of us. Not just Cleveland.

To warm my old quote back up, Just because you're from Akron doesn't mean I have to like you.

No offense, but did you even read my post? I was basically saying that there is no Akron-Cleveland rivalry, and that LeBron is a d-bag...we agree lol

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Lol, whatever. MJ's really beginning to turn into the old fart who keeps dropping, "When I was a kid we walked to school & then back home, in the snow, barefoot, uphill - both ways..."

Just go away, Mike.

Does anyone know how many times the great Michael Jordan got his team out of the first round of the playoffs without Scottie Pippen? Never! Not a single time. Nada. Zilcho. And yes, you read that correctly, that's out of the first round.

Know what the Bulls record, led by the great Michael Jordan, was the year before the Bulls acquired Scottie & drafted Horace Grant?

40-42!!! That's right, the "great" Michael Jordan's Bulls were 40-42 without Scottie & Horace & were again swept in the first round of the playoffs.

The next year the Bulls acquired both Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant & then and only then did things begin to click.

How soon we forget.

The problem is more people know the myth of MJ rather than how the Bulls really fared w/o other All-NBA players surounding him.

Shut up, Mike.

And, btw, that embarrassing 40-42 record was with Charles Oakley manning the PF on that team - the 2nd best PF in the game at the time (behind, IMHO, Karl Malone.)

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Lol, whatever. MJ's really beginning to turn into the old fart who keeps dropping, "When I was a kid we walked to school & then back home, in the snow, barefoot, uphill - both ways..."

Just go away, Mike.

Does anyone know how many times the great Michael Jordan got his team out of the first round of the playoffs without Scottie Pippen? Never! Not a single time. Nada. Zilcho. And yes, you read that correctly, that's out of the first round.

Know what the Bulls record, led by the great Michael Jordan, was the year before the Bulls acquired Scottie & drafted Horace Grant?

40-42!!! That's right, the "great" Michael Jordan's Bulls were 40-42 without Scottie & Horace & were again swept in the first round of the playoffs.

The next year the Bulls acquired both Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant & then and only then did things begin to click.

How soon we forget.

The problem is more people know the myth of MJ rather than how the Bulls really fared w/o other All-NBA players surounding him.

Shut up, Mike.

And, btw, that embarrassing 40-42 record was with Charles Oakley manning the PF on that team - the 2nd best PF in the game at the time (behind, IMHO, Karl Malone.)

That Michael Jordan really sucked. :rolleyes:

I think your love of James has made you insane.

I guess the biggest difference between Jordan and James is as follows. Jordan is admired by almost all basketball fans for his accomplishments....it takes more than one hand to wear his championship rings. Jordan produced heroic efforts in the championship series more than once on his way to his championships. Jordan was the team leader. He is still loved by fans today...note that he can still sell shoes after all these years.

Contrast that with LBJ who has won nothing and revealed himself as a choke artist in the playoffs thus far is not impressive. James is not a leader and is looking to win a ring on Wade's back.

James is a great player, but not a champion. Many think this will be the year he gets his ring.....I think there is a guy in Los Angeles who will have something to say about that.

The Nike silhouette of Jordan flying through the air is know throughout the world even today. I wonder what the LBJ silhouette would be....have at it LBJ haters.

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  • 2 weeks later...
These kids are from Wade Park School in Cleveland.

I'm not sure I would have let my child participate in this.

I can't hear all the audio, but this seems wrong to me.

It seems kind of wrong to me too. How sad. I don't care if you love LeBron, hate him, or don't even know what basketball is, that had absolutely no redeeming educational value whatsoever. The only thing that skit taught those children was how to condemn and denigrate another person. What was their teacher thinking, other than "I'm mad at LeBron James"? :nono:

I do like the part where the one little boy encourages the other after he stumbled on his line though. Leave it to the children to teach the right lesson...

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