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Home Opener


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Yesterday (Feb. 12th) marked the 200th day until our home opener against UCF. It's weird that it's on a Thursday, but it means we'll hopefully get a good TV spot as part of the college football season's opening day.

Here is a link to the UCF message board and their discussion on tailgating at Akron in particular. They should bring a good crowd. If anyone has a Rivals or a Yahoo account, maybe you could give them some advice on tailgating at Akron because they seem to be in need of it. Or you could always direct them back to Zipsnation.

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Being on a Thursday, it makes me wonder if it will actually get a good TV spot. It's tough to think ESPN would pick up a home game of a team with 2 wins the past 2 years. But hey I think they showed FIU-Louisville at the beginning of last year so anything is possible. STO only shows MAC matchups if I remember correctly, so maybe ESPU could be a possibility??

Any crowd predictions yet? I have no idea how season ticket sales have been so far, but I'd assume they are about the same as last year. For attendance I'd guess around 15-18,000 range. Since last year was listed at 15K, anything better would be great!

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Being on a Thursday, it makes me wonder if it will actually get a good TV spot. It's tough to think ESPN would pick up a home game of a team with 2 wins the past 2 years. But hey I think they showed FIU-Louisville at the beginning of last year so anything is possible. STO only shows MAC matchups if I remember correctly, so maybe ESPU could be a possibility??

Any crowd predictions yet? I have no idea how season ticket sales have been so far, but I'd assume they are about the same as last year. For attendance I'd guess around 15-18,000 range. Since last year was listed at 15K, anything better would be great!

The story lines for this game are incredible! I would be SHOCKED if ESPN didn't pick it up. Ya'll remember that Terry lived in Orlando for 10 years - doing a daily ESPN Radio Show across central Florida for about 6 of those. There were many, many fans that wanted him as the HC at UCF. Plus - it is University of Central Florida -- a little bit like the whole "everyone is an Ohio State fan first, then an Akron fan second".. Well, there are TONS of FSU/Bobby Bowden fans that want nothing more than to see Terry do well - maybe even at the expense of their "2nd team" losing to Akron.

You need to almost forget/throw out the record for the past two years -- the media interest is already exponentially higher in Akron just because of the new staff - and that will only build and continue as we get closer to the season. What's the old saying..... curiosity killed the football fan? People will be watching... Period.

And I certainly hope that EVERYONE is planning on this game being a sell out. Anything short of that, and I will be 1) very surprised and 2) very disappointed.

I say -- buy your tickets early - and often :)

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The story lines for this game are incredible! I would be SHOCKED if ESPN didn't pick it up. Ya'll remember that Terry lived in Orlando for 10 years - doing a daily ESPN Radio Show across central Florida for about 6 of those. There were many, many fans that wanted him as the HC at UCF. Plus - it is University of Central Florida -- a little bit like the whole "everyone is an Ohio State fan first, then an Akron fan second".. Well, there are TONS of FSU/Bobby Bowden fans that want nothing more than to see Terry do well - maybe even at the expense of their "2nd team" losing to Akron.

You need to almost forget/throw out the record for the past two years -- the media interest is already exponentially higher in Akron just because of the new staff - and that will only build and continue as we get closer to the season. What's the old saying..... curiosity killed the football fan? People will be watching... Period.

And I certainly hope that EVERYONE is planning on this game being a sell out. Anything short of that, and I will be 1) very surprised and 2) very disappointed.

I say -- buy your tickets early - and often :)

You're a bit new to all of this, but be ready to be surprised and disappointed. Yes, I think Bowden can help create a couple thousand extra fans for game 1. But if attendances is more than 20,000, that should be more than enough to please most of us here. I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm, but there needs to be a little of the "walk before you run" reality here.

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You're a bit new to all of this, but be ready to be surprised and disappointed. Yes, I think Bowden can help create a couple thousand extra fans for game 1. But if attendances is more than 20,000, that should be more than enough to please most of us here. I appreciate your energy and enthusiasm, but there needs to be a little of the "walk before you run" reality here.

Very diplomatic. I would have responded, "does the UF success model dictate that the first football game be a sellout?

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Very diplomatic. I would have responded, "does the UF success model dictate that the first football game be a sellout?

You in a bad mood today, Zipmeister? I haven't found you to be particularly negative over the past six weeks or so since I've been around here....

Yes, maybe I'm a little pie in the sky -- but I have SEEN it happen. Do ya'll realize that when Coach Bowden (Bobby) went to FSU, they were averaging about 10,000 a game in a 50,000 (I think) seat stadium? And they were winning at least 5 or 6 games a year before he got there... and Tallahassee is a SMALLLLLL town compared to the population of Akron and its surrounding areas. He turned the program around, they started winning - and guess what? People showed up!

If you're telling me that there aren't at least 30,000 rabid, big-time college football fans within a 45 minute drive of the stadium - then I'll say, "ok - you win. Ya'll are crazy to have built this $60 million stadium etc. etc..."

So tell me the honest truth --- are there 30,000 college football fans that would spend what I think is a VERY reasonable amount of money for a Division 1A (FBS) football ticket, within a reasonable drive of the stadium?

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I dont know exactly how many people are going to show up but I will tell you one thing: The first game at the Info against Morgan St. was ROCKIN'. I can;t wait till the day when it happens again.

Although real early I expect a big turnout. I'm guessing 25,000. Go ZIPS!!! Beat UCF!!!

I am suprised.......My thought is a sellout for sure. Exciting new coach, Coach Tressell promoting and a good team coming in.

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If you're telling me that there aren't at least 30,000 rabid, big-time college football fans within a 45 minute drive of the stadium - then I'll say, "ok - you win. Ya'll are crazy to have built this $60 million stadium etc. etc..."

Allot more than that, but they are all BCS and Big Ten fans and root for OSUcks. The sad reality is that the average college football fan in Northeast Ohio views the MAC on about the same level as FCS or maybe even DII or III. Akron needs to jump at the first opportunity to get out of this crappy conference. Basketball is a perfect example. Both Akron and Can't have been winning consistently for years now and yet, few locals, other than a few students and alumni, even care. This is evident by the attendance. If average Joe Akron cared, then every game at the JAR and MAC Center (Relatively small venues) would be ellouts. Until Akron starts beating OSU and other BCS level schools in football and basketball regularly, like they do in soccer, attendance will continue to be low. We all know that as long as Akron remains in the MAC, the odds of that happening are slim to say the least. Soccer games are well attended because Akron is a big time major power in that sport.

I sure wish it weren't this way, but it is.

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If you're telling me that there aren't at least 30,000 rabid, big-time college football fans within a 45 minute drive of the stadium - then I'll say, "ok - you win. Ya'll are crazy to have built this $60 million stadium etc. etc..."

Allot more than that, but they are all BCS and Big Ten fans and root for OSUcks. The sad reality is that the average college football fan in Northeast Ohio views the MAC on about the same level as FCS or maybe even DII or III. Akron needs to jump at the first opportunity to get out of this crappy conference. Basketball is a perfect example. Both Akron and Can't have been winning consistently for years now and yet, few locals, other than a few students and alumni, even care. This is evident by the attendance. If average Joe Akron cared, then every game at the JAR and MAC Center (Relatively small venues) would be ellouts. Until Akron starts beating OSU and other BCS level schools in football and basketball regularly, like they do in soccer, attendance will continue to be low. We all know that as long as Akron remains in the MAC, the odds of that happening are slim to say the least. Soccer games are well attended because Akron is a big time major power in that sport.

I sure wish it weren't this way, but it is.

Alright then... I guess we will just have to beat UCF, FIU and Tennessee this season.... along with Can't (sorry - don't have the same hatred yet) and I guess everyone else on the schedule. Hell, why not. Coach Bowden went undefeated in his first season at Auburn -- this should be a piece of cake :)

Ok - glass TOTALLY full... :NCAAC:

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If the home opener sells out I will be shocked, but very happy. NZF, did you bring 25,000 Bowden Backers with you when you moved north? I think the coaching change will bring back a certain percentage of fans that had given up at the end of JD's tenure through the RI debacle, but I don't forsee a huge number of new fans coming out if the NEO woodwork. I certainly appreciate NZF's enthusiasm and wow, would it be great if he was right.

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I think you are reaching if you you believe there will be more than 15k in attendance for the opener. What would make you believe otherwise? Yes, to us, it's great that Bowden is our coach and we are hopefully back to being on the right track but the rest of the people in the Akron area and NEOhio do not care to see Akron football. I think the last two years have proven that. Sadly, it is going to be another embarrassing year attendance wise and football wise (Not at fault to Bowden, just the cupboard is just too bare to expect anything else.)

I will be there, hoping for the best....but to believe otherwise, is really reaching.

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I think you are reaching if you you believe there will be more than 15k in attendance for the opener. What would make you believe otherwise? Yes, to us, it's great that Bowden is our coach and we are hopefully back to being on the right track but the rest of the people in the Akron area and NEOhio do not care to see Akron football. I think the last two years have proven that. Sadly, it is going to be another embarrassing year attendance wise and football wise (Not at fault to Bowden, just the cupboard is just too bare to expect anything else.)

I will be there, hoping for the best....but to believe otherwise, is really reaching.

I dont blame anybody for not coming the last 2 years.

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I dont blame anybody for not coming the last 2 years.

So what do I win when we have record attendance this season? And/or when we have a sellout or three? Some sort of fitting title would suffice... Maybe "PsychicNewZipsFan"? Or "NewZipsFanKnowsAll"... I'm taking suggestions starting now through August 30th when we have a sellout crowd and kick UCF's and o'Leary's lying a** up and down our beautiful field :rock:

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So what do I win when we have record attendance this season? And/or when we have a sellout or three? Some sort of fitting title would suffice... Maybe "PsychicNewZipsFan"? Or "NewZipsFanKnowsAll"... I'm taking suggestions starting now through August 30th when we have a sellout crowd and kick UCF's and o'Leary's lying a** up and down our beautiful field :rock:

Joe Akron loves $1.00, or free tickets. If that's the "marketing" plan, then we'd have a chance to sell out UCF.

Two or three sellouts? Only if we rope-off the entire upper-sections, and reduce capacity to 10k. AND use the same creative attendance practices we used to draw the world's smallest 14k/game last season.

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So what do I win when we have record attendance this season? And/or when we have a sellout or three? Some sort of fitting title would suffice... Maybe "PsychicNewZipsFan"? Or "NewZipsFanKnowsAll"... I'm taking suggestions starting now through August 30th when we have a sellout crowd and kick UCF's and o'Leary's lying a** up and down our beautiful field :rock:

You aren't Zach's twin beamed here from some twisted parallel universe are you?

The last poster we had who was as enthusiastic as you was also new and told us about a great football player with monster hands.

That didn't work out so well.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

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You aren't Zach's twin beamed here from some twisted parallel universe are you?

The last poster we had who was as enthusiastic as you was also new and told us about a great football player with monster hands.

That didn't work out so well.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

LOL about being Zach's twin... I have a feeling I'm quite a bit older than Zach :)

As to the great football player with monster hands you referred to -- unfortunately - actually being NEW, I don't know who that is...

Appreciate your finger crossing... I will never turn down well wishes, or constructive criticism, or offers of help. But I do know that luck is not going to have anything to do with the overall positive progress that will be seen with the football program in a very short period of time. (Notice that I did say "overall" -- because as we all know -- LUCK can mean the difference in winning or losing close ball games all too often!)

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NZF. They are certainly trying to temper your enthusiasum...but I think thats exactly the kind of negative thinking that holds a school like Akron back. What if instead of pissing on our own team we got behind them and invited 20 of our friends out to the games, had tailgates, talked them up(not down), bought season tickets....spread the word and spread some excitement. How big of an impact would that have on our team? How do you think the players would feel to actually come out of the tunnel to 30,000+ fans on their feet giving it everything they got? It would certainly to a HUGE boost. Or we can drag ourselves to go to the game wearing our OSU gear and sit on our hands. Our choice.

So many negative posts. bbuuttt WHAT IF? and how can we as fans support the cause and not just say....oh we suck no ones gonna come blah blah blah.

I'm a believer.

Go ZIPS!!!

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@AKSportsFan, I think the problem with all your "what ifs" is that longtime Zips football fans have already tried all those things and more over the years, and they've just kept getting disappointed by mostly mediocre performance on the field.

Everyone wants to believe it will be different this time. But no one really knows what will happen when the irresistible force of Coach Bowden meets the immovable object of mediocre Zips football.

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Everyone wants to believe it will be different this time. But no one really knows what will happen when the irresistible force of Coach Bowden meets the immovable object of mediocre Zips football.

I think it's possible (at least I hope it is!) that T-Bowden's arrival in Akron is something akin to Hank Peters and John Hart coming to the Indians back in the day. For the first time in most of our lifetimes, the hapless Tribe had credible, competent leadership with an impeccable track record and a commitment to an actual plan to bringing the Indians back to respectability. Still, hardly anybody, least of all fans, held out much hope. Indians ineptitude was an immovable object, too. But move it did.

I don't want to stretch the analogy too far, and maybe I'm being overly optimistic here. But my confidence level in the Zips turning things around... and quickly... is incredibly high. It's not just the head coach, whose credibility and charisma are exactly what we needed; it's the whole staff he's assembled. These guys, virtually to a man, are proven winners in their profession. I have no doubt they will 1) help all of the players we have now play better, and 2) recruit new players they can win with. Indeed, if this level of coaching staff can't turn our program around... well, I'm just confident that they will do it.

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NZF. They are certainly trying to temper your enthusiasum...but I think thats exactly the kind of negative thinking that holds a school like Akron back. What if instead of pissing on our own team we got behind them and invited 20 of our friends out to the games, had tailgates, talked them up(not down), bought season tickets....spread the word and spread some excitement. How big of an impact would that have on our team? How do you think the players would feel to actually come out of the tunnel to 30,000+ fans on their feet giving it everything they got? It would certainly to a HUGE boost. Or we can drag ourselves to go to the game wearing our OSU gear and sit on our hands. Our choice.

So many negative posts. bbuuttt WHAT IF? and how can we as fans support the cause and not just say....oh we suck no ones gonna come blah blah blah.

I'm a believer.

Go ZIPS!!!

Bingo! Can the University do a better job of marketing, etc.? Sure. Can the coaches do a better job of getting the team ready to play and win? Of course. Can the players do a better job of committing themselves to the team, work harder, etc.? Absolutely.

What can the fans/students do? Exactly what AK says above. SHOW UP! Bring your friends! Pick up a homeless person and bring him! Talk to people at work and encourage them to come out.... what was the quote.. ? "If you don't participate in athletics.... at least be an athletic supporter"... :NCAAC:

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What can the fans/students do? Exactly what AK says above. SHOW UP! Bring your friends! Pick up a homeless person and bring him! Talk to people at work and encourage them to come out.... what was the quote.. ? "If you don't participate in athletics.... at least be an athletic supporter".
A lot of us at ZipsNation have been doing this for more years than we can count. I quit last year due to embarrassment. If the product on the field starts to win, I'm sure all the people that I have "bothered" over the years will start to ask and want to come without me hassling them. I have already put my marketing time in, the rest is up to the W's. Win it, and my sheep will flock.
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