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Do they deserve attendance now!


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So Homecoming, a win against Pitt and $10 alumni tickets with free hot dog and soda brought us the fewest fans this year - 8,800.

The Miami game will see us with our first winning record since 2008 but if the weather is like today I can't imagine we'll see much uptick aside from some Miami fans (are there any Miami fans left after their losing streak?).

The final two games are Tuesday night affairs....will those games even draw 5,000?

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So Homecoming, a win against Pitt and $10 alumni tickets with free hot dog and soda brought us the fewest fans this year - 8,800.

The Miami game will see us with our first winning record since 2008 but if the weather is like today I can't imagine we'll see much uptick aside from some Miami fans (are there any Miami fans left after their losing streak?).

The final two games are Tuesday night affairs....will those games even draw 5,000?

we have a winning record right now.

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As for fans of Akron that aren't alumni, we have a lot of them in the soccer department. Winning changes everything.

Really? All the soccer fans I know are students and family/friends, alumni and family, alumni who played for the Zips and family, players who played for Zips soccer but didn't graduate from Akron due to leaving early and family, parents and family members or friends/girlfriends of current and past players, UA faculty and family members, former UA faculty and family members, current UA coaches and family, UA staff and family, friends of any of the aforementioned.

Perhaps there are more casual fans than I realize, but I think most of them have fallen off the bandwagon.

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There has been too much losing for too long. It will take while for the casual fan to get interested enough to get on the bandwagon and to show up. The key is getting football fans in the Akron community to show up, even if they have no direct connection to the University. If they associate Akron football as a winner, they will show up.

It may take a few years, but if a winning tradition can be established it will happen. I'd love to see 20,000+ crowds regularly in the stands for MAC games at InfoCision. I dream about 30,000 filling the stands for the Can't game. What a great atmosphere that would be for the fans and the players.

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Back on the subject...my neice, who is a tOSU graduate, attended the game with me today and was cheering for the Zips. She grew up in Akron and likes to see the Zips win (unless they're playing her alma mater). Even she commented how sad it is that Akron students get into the games for free with their ZipCard, and they don't show up. How can you not go to a free social event?

With the stadium on campus, close to dorms and off campus housing, I don't get it either. I could care less about "Joe Akron", but holy crap why aren't the student sections more crowded?

EDIT: If they're working to pay for their education and make a living, I understand, but is that really the case for so many?

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Throw yesterday out the window because the attendance was a joke, but...

I think the student section would LOOK a lot better if students were actually forced to sit in the section. A lot of students sit in the grass. The attendance still has a lot to improve on regardless, but it would look less putrid if we had tougher enforcement.

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EDIT: If they're working to pay for their education and make a living, I understand, but is that really the case for so many?

Yes it is. While I was going to Akron I worked as a server and had noon shifts that prevented me from going to the vast majority of the games. Thankfully that was during the ICoach years...I was a little bummed about not being able to go because I always had wanted to.

Most of the friends I had in college also worked on the weekends. I think this is actually true for most students at most colleges. UA's still a mostly commuter school. And if students are going to be living in those absolutely ridiculously over priced student apartments, they are going to have even more need to work on the weekend during game times.

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Win and they will come? WHEN HAS THAT EVER BEEN PROVEN IN AKRON…..in any sport!?!!? To win….you need great COACHES who get great PLAYERS…..You need great facilities to get the great coaches that get the great players. In order to pay and justify all of this people actually need to come to the games and show that you care. UA has done its part…..

If you are going to site Akron soccer a success…….it takes 3,400 people to be in the top 5 in the country in attendance so give me a break. BTW - they lost a couple games…..how has attendance been??

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More people want to fret over attendance than discuss the football game.

I guess topics you and a few others post are the only ones that are important huh Capt'n ;-)

Attendance is an issue for a team that is winning (that has been the excuse). Mark my words……..players want to play in front of people and if the coaches cannot get those players……they will move on. This was a homecoming game for gods sake!!

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