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Everything posted by a-zip

  1. I have to say through the years I played and attended The University of Akron, I was always disappointed in The ABJ's coverage of our sports teams. In the past year I am becoming downright disgusted with them. There clearly appears to be an agenda to try and destroy the University of Akron. Granted, some of the things that are going on are unpopular but to me when I read the news I want to read facts and from there I will form my own opinion. The ABJ seem to be reporting what THEY want to report and almost seem to be trying to create a mutiny. Zippyrules said in a post a while back “The demise of professionalism in NEO journalism is sad to watch.” I agree 100%. The ABJ seems to be not only fueling the fire…..but starting it. Why would people want to come and support UoA’s sports teams when they are being conditioned to despise the school? Shouldn’t it be one if the goals of a local newspaper to try and promote good will, a sense of community and pride in the city? One of the best marketing avenues UoA should have is the city’s own newspaper PROMOTING the home team. Don't put UA articles on page two and OSU on the headline - put US on the headline!! And put the good stuff about us on the headline……not stories about a f#@ing olive jar. There are plenty of good things going on at UA but thanks to the ABJ, we barely hear about them. How is any of what they are stirring up good for the school and the community? If UA football goes down the tubes and the Info rots in the middle of the city, how is that a good thing for Akron? On a side note……I am not able to read some of the links that are provided by the ABJ (Ohio.com) on here because they want me to subscribe and pay $.99 per month. Hey ABJ!!!! The crap you write is not worth $.99
  2. Actually DIG, I like your idea and it would seem to be consistent with the school potentially running with the Ohio Tech name some day.
  3. Did some clicking, we up 53% - 47%. Posted the This is Akron video - I love that video…;-)
  4. Oh BTW - get out and vote. We were winning handily early on but now losing. There is no way any team could touch our top XI
  5. A similar scenario happens all the time at ALL Universities. A player is recruited, given a scholarship and expects to be a starter one day. At some point during practices or in the middle of the season, the player realizes he is not going to see the field at the school he has chosen. He notifies other schools of his intent to leave, goes to classes for free, fulfills his housing obligation and moves on the next year. OR a kid is recruited by a particular school, given a scholarship and the coach that recruits him is fired. The kid notifies other schools of his intent to leave, goes to classes for free, fulfills his housing obligation and moves on the next year. THIS HAPPENS HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of times every year in NCAA athletics. This happens in life too. I have taken positions with companies who were acquired not long after I joined. You either try and find yourself a position in the new company or move on. This is not an ideal situation and I am quite sure SS wishes he did not have to cut anything. As far as the timing goes, my guess is that the administration did everything in its power to salvage as much as they could. I am sure this was not an easy decision. I appreciate the opinions of those that feel the U or the landlords should just eat the $ but that is not real. That is not an obligation for a businessperson trying to either make money or break even on an investment and certainly not the obligation of UA. UA is fullfilling its obligation to these young men by providing them a free education.
  6. I will see you there. Looking forward to seeing the Georgetown game too.
  7. http://www.topdrawersoccer.com/the91stminute/2015/08/the-great-debate-akron-vs-maryland-pro-best-xis/
  8. So if that is the case I think the ABJ has done another hatchet job. If the scholarships are being honored, then their sons DO have the ability to continue their education. If dad does not want to "waste" his money, let your son stay at UA on scholarship and stay in the housing he is committed to. Sit out a year and look for another school in the meantime. The landlords do have the right to try and keep their buildings occupied.
  9. Hopefully the new ADMINISTRATION has some pull to get better opponents.
  10. If they were on scholarship (even partial of some sort) are those scholarships honored?
  11. So wait a minute...if we could somehow get top ranked opponents to the JAR ? and lost.....wouldn't people then say they don't go to games because we always lose?
  12. Wow that video is pretty bad. Childish. Not surprised ABJ would promote it though.
  13. Regarding Oakland, they appear to be a VERY good team and play a great schedule. They made it to the NCAAs last year - beat Kentucky in the first round, lost to Michigan State (who they beat in the regular season) in the second round. For some reason.....I cannot insert the link to their schedule but they are the Oakland Grizzlies. Quality win in my book. Very excited!!!
  14. Skip - it is sad to me. When I played back in the 80s my family and friends actually looked forward to staying at the Quaker Square Hilton, they had a great brunch that I was able to join them for the day after our game - special time for me. I think it was cool that UA bought it (do we own it?)…..it is a historical part of Akron. If there are not profitable stores, shut em' down, no biggie, smart move…..it is not a commercial hotel….its a dorm right? Hopefully we can maintain it and it could potentially be touted as one of the coolest dorms in the US!! IT COULD BE!! On a separate note, if you want to find a hotel IN Akron…..good luck. I got disjoined from some of my buddies while in town last visit and got a room at Akron City Centre Hotel. Wow, it is creepy (possibly haunted) And as Sportsjunkie mentioned……a recruit doesn't give a rats ass about a store a Quaker Square being closed. He wants to see a full stadium, pretty girls……and let TB close the deal. Simple
  15. I will keep asking the question when you all bring up UA attendance potential. How many times in the last 100 years has NEO shown support for UA? Win/lose/weekday/weekend/bad weather/good weather/good opponent/bad opponent/nice stadium/bad stadium/good marketing/bad marketing..... Where does this belief (wish) come from?
  16. Yes Dave it would be the answer….PERIOD. If you are saying it is a wish that NEO would come to games, then you are saying it is was an irresponsible decision to build "that stadium". You know what is simple? To sit on a computer and bitch and make excuses on a blog. Plans WERE created and executed - The main one was Building Infocision because people's excuse was about how nasty the Rubber Bowl was (Capt K, save me another iCoach/TW rant because our basketball team proves winning doesn't seem to matter either). We now have Terry Bowden (plan B - pretty f*&ing lucky in my book). There was a guy name Jim Tressel involved who knows a thing or two about football in Ohio. If NEO showed interest, The INFO would not be such a financial drain, faculty would not be giving us such bad press during bad times, we would not be embarrassed for having the WORST attendance in NCAA, we would have a new AD by now, the existing team would be more inspired, we would have won more games, and we would be getting better recruits. Maybe, just maybe it would justify building an equally nice arena for our winning basketball team. IF PEOPLE WENT TO GAMES. PERIOD. BTW - you talked about your not wanting AD candidates that didn't want to take on challenge. Did you think about the AD candidates laying out their plans and discovering they were not realistic based on the schools financial situation? Not sure I would move my family to Akron to jump on a potential sinking ship when there are many other opportunities. This all goes back to Mark Cuban's philosophy on school WASTING money. I applaud Dr. S for dealing with a shit sandwich and making tough decisions. BLAST AWAY at a-zip
  17. Proenza response really does not say anything….it was a CYA to protect his legacy, that is all. He got people to build a beautiful campus….I won't disagree. What Cuban talks about is ROI. The ROI is for students as well as the schools. Lets put the elephant in the room on the table - INFOCISION. That is the main ROI Dr. S has to deal with it right now and I am quite sure he understands he needs to make it work. The answer is simple…..NEO needs to go to games. Take one section from a FUCKEYS nosebleed section (10K people?) and go front row to a Zips game. Problem solved. The ROI students have to deal with is getting a degree. At the end of the day, if they get their degree 100% on premise, 70/30 on premise/online…50/50 it doesn't matter as much anymore. There are CEOs that have degrees from the University of Phoenix for god sake. I have heard all the excuses in the world for not going to a UA game. When I played for the Zips ON WEEKENDS…. the excuse was that we played on the same day as the FUCKEYES and people planned their day around watching them….and that was why our attendance was not good.
  18. http://totalfratmove.com/mark-cuban-demolishes-hillary-clintons-student-debt-proposal/
  19. Not sure if this has been posted already.. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=13437708
  20. and Captain Kangaroo………in the last 100 years…...in the history of the world……history of Buchtel College/University of Akron/Ohio Tech….how many games has the city of Akron had attendance over 20K? And You still continue the delusional talk about moving to a bigger conference…………………...HEL…LOOO?
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