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Everything posted by UADavid

  1. Why would any Akron or any school want to pigeonhole a sport. This thinking is backwards and should never be adapted as part of any strategy. Every great program at any school has cycles of great and down years. The big schools cycles are shorter. Any coach and AD should never be satisfied with one "great" program. We should in fact strive to dominate the MAC in all sports. Dr. Proenza And Tom Wistrcill said as much.
  2. I would love it if we could consistently get 3.5-4yds a carry. That's power football. Beat down CMU and keep their QB off the field.You think that might be great because of our ineffectiveness now. I lived through the Dennison years and believe me, handing off to James black 44 times is not an enjoyable thing to see.
  3. I'm a big fan of JT and have followed Akron for years. By little publicity do you mean no publicity? I have never read or heard of any such gifts to the school or football program.
  4. What has JT done? I saw him at the game they retired his jersey.....................
  5. There are VI divisions in Ohio High School football and they are division V.
  6. We either have a high powered offense with a sieve like defense or the defense looks good and the offense is clueless. The one complaint I would have for the defense this year, which looks much better, is how much space the secondary gives all receivers. It's not a recent problem, but takes a lot of momentum from the defense.
  7. I can't help but agree. When I was driving through Mentor the other day, I recall commenting to my wife how amazing it is that all of the houses are mansions, the streets are paved with gold, and diamonds grow on trees. Truly the beverly Hills of NE Ohio.And I also must agree that if your parents do have money, regardless of who you are, surely they would hand it over when you told them your pot supply was running low. Mentor is no Hudson, not even close. More like Green.
  8. ''Offensively, our consistency wasn't even close and credit goes to [indiana's] defense,'' Brookhart said. ''We need to be able to run the ball and we didn't run the ball effectively. We have to make a huge stride offensively to run the ball way better than that. We were running at a pretty good clip by the end of last year basically with the same group of guys, so there's no excuse for that.''There is a big piece missing from last year when we were running the ball. Anybody here able to help the coach out????''We really only gave up three points in the first half,'' Brookhart said, referring to Nick Freeland's 25-yard field goal that put Indiana ahead 10-0 with 7:14 left in the first quarter.What game was he at? I don't like our play calling or the plays I see. Do we have a tight end? The o-line was outclassed, outworked and outplayed. Extremely disappointed in that veteran group. Kicking game is a nightmare. Glad to see Campbell in for Stec. They should never practice punting without a rush and without helmets. They boom punts in practice and embarrass themselves in games. Defense played good enough to help the team win and the offense didn't. Ballgame!Coach Brookhart is circling the drain.
  9. He was outcoached. He was overmatched. JD knew it after the game ended. That's a bit late for any adjustment. ''We kind of got into a drop-back game and let their defensive ends rear their ears back and get going, which they did,'' Brookhart said. ''Matt made some bad decisions but he'll continue to improve. He's a football player. It means a lot to him and he'll get better.''He is a wide receivers coach. no more no less.
  10. I hear ya!!Is stupidity an injury?
  11. With what I hope turns out to be a small bump in the road.
  12. Wasn't Jacquemain's last suspension also against Indiana? I remember CJ7 had a big game against IU.
  13. It's disappointing that your senior QB lacks the discipline needed to play. I guess the team had it right when they picked captains. It happened before but he was young and inexperienced. Senior year, Big 10 school, home game, favored to win. What a knucklehead. I hope the team did have some heads up and were able to make some plans with MR5.
  14. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/comics/crankshaft.html Crankshaft Cartoon
  15. http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/59330172.html
  16. No. In fact some fans tried to bring their own chairbacks and anything that had metal to attach to the bleachers were turned away. UA needs to get the correct chairs that wont damage the bleachers and start making some money.
  17. I think above all else, they need to get the schedule more balanced so we don't end up with three home games in November every year.
  18. I don't see how cutting woodwinds out of the band will make the band louder. Call me crazy, but taking people off the field sounds like a good way to make the band half the size and much quieter. Ohio State is one of the only bands around that cuts people and that's for tradition sake, I wouldn't count on woodwinds ever being stricken from the band as it just makes no sense. You want us to dance and splat like OU and double our size but cut people from the band and have the instrumentation of a drum corp?Also, any band members posting for the first time, which I see several of you are, don't poke the other posters with sticks. If you want to see what happens when you do then take a look at any number of previous band forums using the search feature. This has acutally been one of the most civil and helpful topics posted in regards to the band. Take what helpful advice they have to give, which is actually far more than usual this time around, and ignore ignorant posts and suggestions. The views by two or three posters on this forum repeatedly posting the same thing do not necessarily represent the views of the audience as a whole, and name calling is not a way to get them to see things your way.A majority of people were estatic about pregame and stands performances, and quite a few have duely noted complaints about halftime which we know is a matter of taste and style. You know what we can and can't control, and what we need to do better so please leave it at that and do not start an "everyone hate on the band" scenario.Very well stated. I think for the most part the comments should be considered constructive criticism and should not be interpreted as attacks on the band. I enjoyed what I will call the "satellite bands" that went roaming the stadium. They were a big surprise and enjoyable.
  19. It's in todays ABJ, page 4 next to the John Case story. Couldn't find the picture online but it's in the print edition.
  20. No worries ZN. All just finishing touches on the site. I'm expecting to see some flag poles once the cams are back on!
  21. If it was, then they did it this afternoon after I left because I was parked right next to it in the morning. They did tame the jungle that the lawn had grown into earlier this week. It was still there this afternoon at 1.
  22. I've heard that the green wart has been surgically removed. AKA Morrison house.
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