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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. so before I got a chance to read this I sent the question to CHA CHA "Is akrons new infocision stadium in NCAA 11?" the answer I received. "Akron plays thier home games in InfoCision stadium and are currently coached by J.D Brookhart." I got this answer last night
  2. Yes, I can honestly say that Lebron has NOT helped us land any recruits. He has never recruited any one, to say that a kid decides to attend the University of Akron because Lebron grew up in Akron is complete stretch and nowhere close to reality. Kids choose Akron over other MAC schools because we have been one of the top teams in the MAC. and getting LBJ's gear a chance to meet the guy have him come to your games and play under one of his coaches wouldn't help at all? I'm not saying it was a huge swing but I could see it being the final little push for a kid on the fence
  3. I'm not saying he landed us anyone huge but you can't honestly tell me that there hasn't been a few guys with offers from other MAC teams weren't swayed by LBJ
  4. and what about Mr. Travis and Mr. Joyce? do we cut ties with them too? you are talking about our fan support suffering as if we were selling out the JAR every game. If the guy wants to continue to support us with his uniforms and equipment then why the hell not. you can't tell me that his name hasn't helped in bringing in some recruits.
  5. DR.Z I had just gotten done reading that very article. probably the best piece written during this fiasco
  6. that was the greatest place to go to drunk. I don't know what the next generation of students will do for there drunken munchey fix
  7. GIVE THE MONEY TO THE MARCHING BAND!!!!!! not that I'm biased or anything
  8. I think they mentioned that in the article somewhere. that they do. thanks for pointing it out
  9. what I hope they save is the names on the main entrance. if they can't take them out and move them (I'm not very construction savvy) then find a way to redo them in some other place.
  10. as long as they win who cares what they do. oh sorry I've been hanging out with a bunch of Can't fans lately
  11. thats a good question. is it a state of mind? a commitment? I think a fair weather fan jumps from team to team depending on whats going on. A fan will stick around through a few bad years but after sometime of no improvement and no sign of hope will stop spending money on the team (maybe check some scores or go to a game when they come across some free tickets during those down times) and then there are the die hards that will support a team and spend money on said team even if they are, well.........
  12. This is a tired old excuse that carries very little merit. The fact is, Mark Shapiro is incompetent. The team can't draft, overpays for washed up has-beens (the latest, Russell Branyon), and pays big money to sign free agents to platoon (ie Dave Dellucci in 07). The coaching at the major league and AAA level is horrible, year in and year out the Aeros are a threat to win the title. Yet by the time these guys make it to Cleveland, they act like the simplest fundamentals are beyond them. I don't hear anyone in Tampa Bay whining about the salary disparity. Florida has two rings. Arizona has one, St Louis has one. Colorado went. It's all just an excuse for an owner who doesn't want to invest in a real management and a real roster who can win, even though this market has proven over and over it will support a winner. I do support the pro and college teams teams who at least try. Once the football team melted down last season, I was done. I put all of my support on a program that deserved it so much more, the soccer team. I refuse to waste time and money on a circus run by clowns. Now this year, I'll start supporting the "new" football program (and the "new" Browns) unless they prove they don't deserve it. But the Indians? They're dead to me. It's much more fun right here in Akron at Canal Park. So you are a fair weather fan? that is one of the most over used statements in sports fan history. I was even called a fair weather fan once for explaining to some guys why our soccer team draws more than our football team. it's like this. if you have a spouse who kicks the crap out of you for eight years but then treats you good for one just to return the next year and start kicking the crap out of you again are you in the wrong for wanting to leave? fact of the matter is there is only so much someone can take and even though I'm still a Cleveland/Akron fan. I can understand why people have been turning there backs on these guys if anything just for the time being.
  13. I love good ole Bruce! he just sums up what all cleveland fans think. I just wonder what he would have to say about the eric howard situation.
  14. Well he's fine as a Zips fan, but I would rather he was my doctor. At every visit I know he would tell me I was in perfect health and was going to live forever. if you want I"ll put on a white coat and do that for you. you will have to pay me just the same however
  15. does anyone know if the newst NCAA football game is going to have the INFO? last edition still had the rubber bowl
  16. love LBJ as a baller but you can't tell me he is humble when he has the words "chosen one" tattooed on his back
  17. I'm with you 100%. After driving back and forth to the Q for three days, I thought I was going to be angry and depressed if the Zips lost tonight. But they played their hearts out and almost came up with yet another miracle finish.Numbness is a great description. I do feel numb. I also feel sad for the players that their season is ended after they tried so hard to make it two straight trips to the NCAA tournament. They came so darn close, and I'm so darn proud of them for never giving up. They were just outplayed tonight by the smallest of margins. A different bounce of the ball on a single possession could have produced a different result.Kudos to KD for getting his team to the MAC championship game for four straight years. How many other coaches have ever achieved that in the MAC?I'm already looking forward to next season.bunch of damn apologists, you better be furious about this loss....3 outta 4 and here we go with the "oh it's ok" attitude...it is time to hope for more I agree. heres the question. is KD what we need to take us to the next level? personaly I don't know enough about basketball to put in an opinion here other than to say it's a high risk move especially for a mid major like Akron where people aren't exaclt foaming at the mouth to be here
  18. it was a great effort by our guys. the only thing I can complain about is that dunk at the end with time running out. have some class guy (not sure who it was) you just won the championship there is no need to run up the score and dunk the ball just to show off.if I had to blame this lose on anyone today it would be the moderators of zipsnation. I mean the way they have deleted things on here is a shame and I am going to take out my frustrations of this game on them because that’s what a mature person who is mentally sane would do
  19. I'm broke so unfortunatly I can't go anywhere except for work (that I just got yesterday) so if anyone knows of t.v listings I would be very thankful
  20. my roommate and myself were laughing at that
  21. Lucky Lucky Lucky...I can't believe Humpty got a second technical, seriously how many calls can you blow in a game? the MAC should be embarrassed thats all I can say.humpty was being stupid and got what he asked for. there has been many other calls that I would question however
  22. I'm not one for complaining about reffs but this is awefull. I'm watching on channelsurfing.net and they refs are blowing it hard corp
  23. when was the last time our womens team won a tourny game (knocks on wood)
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