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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. lets be fair cap'n about 80,000 of those came on the stadium thread but this is a great arguement but the one counterpoint I would like to bring to you is. how many people are doing the posting? are we a small family that likes to argue over thanksgiving or do we have a wider following than I know of? not trying to start an argument just a friendly question
  2. Q: why do the trees in Akron lean to the east?A: because Can't State sucksanyone have a link to their bored I'd be interested to see that
  3. http://www.ohio.com/sports/zips/86071737.htmlyou guys might wanna check this one out
  4. damn guys why don't we just find the tallest tree while we're at it
  5. while I agree with "NCAA or bust" I must say that if we don't make the big dance then I would want to go to the NIT. get our young guys some more game time and give our seniors a couple more games. of course I hope this isn't an issue and we are tieing up our damcing shoes in 13 days
  6. humpty to zeke for and easy dunk! get used to seeing that for the next few years
  7. I'm gonna give steward an assist on that one
  8. right now BG's up 12-9 and we are having a hard time guarding the inside. I'm watching the game right now on FSN don't know if you might have tried there
  9. not to sound like a jerk but if he want's to be a profesional sideline reporter he should go ahead and get used to it. there isn't an on air sports reporter on the face of this earth that doesn't have a little hate groupI know but the freaking kid was getting harassed on facebook and stuff...people will cross the line. I still have no idea why they put him on the air if he didn't know what he was doing.don't get me wrong I don't think the kid's life should be destroyed or that he should be constantly harrassed where ever he goes. I alos agree that they shouldn't have put him on the air if he wasn't ready.
  10. ok rootforroo and g-man. you are both idiots and I'm gonna tell you why.where in my post did I say that basketball isn't important?where did I say students shouldn't show up for basketball?where did I say "I don't go to any other sporting event except for soccer"?here’s the answerI DIDN'Tfact of the matter is root is to dense to understand why students would rather go to watch a team that constantly beats bigger name people then a basketball team that plays in a crap arena. I agree more students should show up to basketball games and support all their school sports but to not understand why more students show up for our most successful program then they do for a basketball team that can't compete with the "big dogs" is flat out stupid (and I can't wait for the day that they can because I know it's coming). I've been to many basketball games (men’s and women’s) I've been to even more football games (can't even count how many times I've stuck around to watch those guys get there heads stomped in) and now I'm being called a front runner by two guys who don't even know how to read? look back at my posts and you will see that all I've done is explain simple facts to rootforroo because he/she simply doesn't get it.and for the record I'm the only Zipper in a family of Buckeyes and I've always taken flack and given it right back with the best of them. I was at the Barley House for the Akron CMU game and I was in the ear of the manager when he changed the audio over to the OSU game and I've never been back. I've gotten on countless people for wearing other schools crap on our campus and I've spent more than my fair share of time and money supporting our teams.
  11. +1I've never seen a problem with Buffalo fans, except .....Never mess with the national anthem.Never. No way. No how. No matter how cool you may think it might sound to amplify "home of the brave(s)", most patriotic citizens will rightfully consider it disrespectful of the true meaning and purpose of our national anthem, and think less of the University at Buffalo and its students.The Rowdies amplify "...and the hooooome of the Zips" all the time. Why no complaints until Buffalo did it?The Rowdies only do it when the band or a recording is playing. Never when there is a choir or singer, out of respect to their performance.What is the difference? The National Anthem is The National Anthem. Be it sung by the the little kid sitting next to you, played from a recording, or sung by a choir.To call out the Bulls fans as "not very classy" is hypocritical.COMPLETELY different. Apparently you dont understand, it is classless to show up the singer who is singing the words. When the tune is being played it is in no way the same thing as no lyrics are being sung. Personally i think it shouldnt be done either way, but it is VERY different. If you want to get into disrespect for our country we should discuss the garbage that UA brings in to sing the national anthem half the time (last night was great btw, definitely better than most anything). I find it far more disrespectful to put awful sounding little kids out there to butcher our song or to put some ridiculous singer who thinks its ok to change how it's supposed to be sung (like Kents singer this year).well why don't you just go ahead and work on that
  12. not to sound like a jerk but if he want's to be a profesional sideline reporter he should go ahead and get used to it. there isn't an on air sports reporter on the face of this earth that doesn't have a little hate group
  13. +1the national Anthem is a time to stand up and pay tribute to something bigger than Akron or any school they'll ever play. while "home of the (insert school)" isn't mean spirited or intentionaly disrespectful. it is out of place
  14. they do tend to copy cheers from other schools, so I wouldn't be surprised....If you don't hear exactly what they are saying, sometimes ZI - PS can sound a lot like that.ok thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't able to make the game and was watching it on t.v and my roommate and myself both thought we heard it. I know the every student section at every school steals stuff I'm just happy that our Rowdies haven't stooped to the level of "we are, uncreative" hell I even heard OSU students doing that at a game onceSome time ago I posted a story about a Marshall fan who actually tracked-down an Penn State supporter in a grocery store parking lot to give him grief. Apparently the Penn State guy had a bumper sticker that read "We Are - Penn State!" The Marshall fan was angry that Penn State had ripped off their "We Are - Marshall" cheer.Every cheer has already been done by every high school and college. OH - IO isn't integral calculus. It's been done in 1,000 forms by 1,000 different fan groups. ZI - PS is fun. I like it.sad thing is I'm pretty sure that PSU started that. it was a big equal rights thing when it happened
  15. Yeah...it's SOCCERit's a WINNER. I never had any interest in soccer until I came to Akron where I had a national title contender wearing my school colors
  16. they do tend to copy cheers from other schools, so I wouldn't be surprised....If you don't hear exactly what they are saying, sometimes ZI - PS can sound a lot like that.ok thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't able to make the game and was watching it on t.v and my roommate and myself both thought we heard it. I know the every student section at every school steals stuff I'm just happy that our Rowdies haven't stooped to the level of "we are, uncreative" hell I even heard OSU students doing that at a game once
  17. so heres the thing. soccer is going after a national title. basketball is trying to make it to the big dance just to play a game half way across the country and get their @$$ handed to them. are there anymore questions about why the soccer team brings out more fans?
  18. please tell me I did not hear the Rowdys doing the "we are, Akron" cheer I will be ver disapointed if they give into this
  19. funny thing is that the more the Can't kids comment on this video the more hits it gets and the more popularity it gains. honestly I hope the kid one day learns from this and gets his dream job and is able to laugh at it but until then I'm gonna go ahead and have my chuckle
  20. I do have to give the "big time sports announcers" some sympathy because they are expected to know everything about every team in every sport. thats not easy to do
  21. come on guys let them believe. I could use some good feelings towards the Zips after yesterday
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