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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. I talked to someone with inside knowledge on the situation and they said that the reason MR isn't the starter is because of his knee. he's still wearing a big brace and is not only working on being able to run with the thing on, but also working on getting the strength in his knee built up. with all of that he has not been able to run like he used to and has to convert to simply passing. based on this I wouldn't give Matt the go ahead to start. I'm not on the PN7 bandwagon I just don't want to see the kid get hurt because he didn't have time to properly recover.
  2. I haven't seen anyone on this bored saying that this is ok. further more if someone wants to spend their hard earned money to go out and watch a team of their choice on their day off, then they are more than free to do so. If you don't want to watch them than good for you, but there is no need to rain on everyone else's parade. it's already rainy enough.
  3. If the SEC isn't the best conference, which is? I would lean to the Big 12...you probably disagree. The Big 10 lost 2of3 against the PAC10 yesterday and was an extra point miss away from possibly losing 3of3. The Big 10 and the darling of the Big 10 and Kirk Herbstreit, tOSU, will be exposed for being frauds by the end of the season. I wouldn't put them at the top. I'm not a big 10 fan, but I would like to see an SEC school play tOSU in the shoe in the winter time. those guys never have to play in cold snowy weather and because of that have an advantage over schools who have to have game plans that involve cold non speed conducive weather.
  4. heres my question. were they open because they were beating the D or was the D paying little attention to them because they have no respect for our passing game. (which Akron didn't show any reason for them to do so)
  5. I have chrome and it's working well for me
  6. +1 Wow.....nice job Igor! All square 3-3. I guess miracles happen
  7. chat thing? yes. there is a live chat here at zipsnation. this is my first time in it. the link is in the upper right corner
  8. PN7 with a nice pass under pressure. new set of downs
  9. gonna be honest. I'm enjoying this chat thing
  10. we have the defenders beat Nicely just can't put the right touch on it
  11. Bad. Horrible. Any number of stronger adjectives. Check out the chat. forgive my not knowing what I'm doing, but how do I get to the chat? p.s Huge hold
  12. it is an amazing show. I have the first season. I do not, however, have HBO
  13. I can't stand this. I'm tired of seeing a bunch of OSU gear at Akron sporting events. I'm tired of Bars around here catering to everyone except UA. I'm tired of UA being looked at as a joke. I'm tired of there being more OSU fans in this area than Akron fans. I have been bragging about UofA (I've even called in to all bets are off and talked up UA) and now they come out and give me this? they let a DII school ( I don't care what it's actually called they're DII) welk into our house (that cost a lot of money to build) and embarrass us. I'm sorry but I've given Icoach the benefit of the doubt, and he has let me down. I'll start going to games again when they can field a team that isn't a complete emarrasment. I'm not even talking competing for anything. just not embarrasing.
  14. Thanks for the info. I could write a book on the missed opportunities these places have had over the years, and how many times my friends and I have walked out of some of these places on game day because they were either unprepared, or had their employees clad in OSWho gear, or would reluctantly put the Akron game on ONE TV in the corner, etc. And in many cases, this even happened after they were advertising themselves as an AKRON football party location. Pathetic. If Brubakers is stepping up to the plate the way you described on Saturday, we should patronize them. I've never been to brubakers on a game day. I was about to go there once, until my roommate and myself spotted a giant inflatable Brutus out front
  15. so is the "Barely House" the official watch house again this year or do we have another place. I for one would like to recommend "Wing Warehouse" it's connected to canal park, and is a cool atmosphere. It is small enough that I'm sure us Zips fans could completely take over.
  16. good job finding a choir dressed in blue lol. are we sure it's not April 1st?
  17. I just got done watching him on STO with Bruce Drennan!! that is a big time show that a lot of people in ohio and beyond watch. anyone who's a cleveland sports fan watches Bruce. so this is huge.
  18. Great post. Thanks for the maturity, civility and intelligence in your disagreement. I'm not a big internet chat room kinda guy (this is the only internet sight I am active on, well, now that I think about it, I do occasionally post on Rasor's blog @ Ohio.com) But, in my limited experience, I get the vibe that, when online, it seems to be taken for granted that if you disagree with someone you are supposed to be combative about it. So, cool, you really made some good points! no prob. I'm not very combative in real life, so I figure theres no reason to try to act big and bad online. friendly debates are always healthy and fun, but if things feel to out of place with all this civilized conversation, then I would like to bring things back to normality and say "your mom"
  19. @B&G I'm sorry but I can't get on the Lebron band wagon. I do give him his credit for helping out the city in the manner that he has, but I keep it in perspective because those bikes = a huge tax write off for him. I have heard several stories (both from the media and from my personal friends) that LBJ isn't the nice person you like to think he is. (friend of mine used to work at the OBC and would tell me about how he would walk in with a crap tone of people, run up a huge bill, and leave no tip.) While I agree that Akron and Cleveland are two separate cities you have to remember that we are in the same professional sports market. I'm not saying LBJ is pure evil, I just think he has a lot of growing up to do, and that he needs to realize how his actions hurt many people.
  20. ok I'm a small town country boy so I've never understoof the "it's not a city so forget it" mentality but thats just me. I think the big thing that connects the two are professional sports.
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