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Everything posted by zipseuph

  1. Got it...THANKS!I LOVE IT!! already subscribed
  2. So does Akron.I tried to find the thread on here, but I couldn't come up with any unique qualifiers from the lyrics. So here is the gender-neutral version we came up with a while back.DRINK BEER!DRINK BEER!DRINK BEER G-- D---DRINK BEER!I WON'T DRINK BEER WITH ANY FANWHO WON'T DRINK BEER WITH AN AKRON FANAKRON ONCEAKRON TWICEHOLY JUMPIN' J---- C-----G-- D---SON OF A B----G-OOOOOOOOOO ZIPS!!!I was thinking more along the lines of something that could be a bit more official and main stream. something with an english tavern melody that the band wouldn't get in deep $hit for playing in the stands and that the rowdy's and other fans could sing to at a gameI like your idea. We could be like English football hooligans in "full voice". You're correct in that the "song" I posted is really more of a monotone "chant".don't get me wrong I like what you guys have I'm just looking for something the University could get behind (although I would pay to hear DR. P chanting this)
  3. So does Akron.I tried to find the thread on here, but I couldn't come up with any unique qualifiers from the lyrics. So here is the gender-neutral version we came up with a while back.DRINK BEER!DRINK BEER!DRINK BEER G-- D---DRINK BEER!I WON'T DRINK BEER WITH ANY FANWHO WON'T DRINK BEER WITH AN AKRON FANAKRON ONCEAKRON TWICEHOLY JUMPIN' J---- C-----G-- D---SON OF A B----G-OOOOOOOOOO ZIPS!!!I was thinking more along the lines of something that could be a bit more official and main stream. something with an english tavern melody that the band wouldn't get in deep $hit for playing in the stands and that the rowdy's and other fans could sing to at a game
  4. so as I mentioned before I was played a gig with the OSU athletic band (say what you want a guys gotta eat) and as much as I love to hate on them they did do a couple things I could see Akron bring in.1) I don't know why we've never done this but during some timeouts they had some fun little interviews with the players. they did a "how well do you know your teammate" thing where they would ask one member of the womens b-ball team a question about a team mate that was sitting next to them and see if they could answer it. this would do a lot to make the comunity feel more conected to the team.2) the band would yell "hey fans O-H" and you can see where that would go. it would work great wiith our band yelling out "hey fans AK" and would go a bit further to connect the fans to the band wich can only help3) THEY HAVE A DRINKING SONG!! "I wanna go back to Ohio State" I think this would be an awesome thing to get going. either someone in the band writes one or we take an old drinking song and make up our own words to it. could you imagine getting together at some bar before/after a game and lifting some brews with fellow zippers singing our very own drinking song?again for what it's worth I did warm up in their arena by playing the blue and gold
  5. I think the best way to get this video a lot of hits is to post it a second time with the title "reporter fail" or "fail sideline" but something with the word fail because the fail thing has a big following and if you are ever bored with nothing better to do then you can entertain yourself for hours just going to youtube and typing in "fail"
  6. here’s what I think. if I take my euphonium and play a song in front of a bunch of people and sound like crap because I'm not prepared then no ones gonna feel bad for me because that’s my job and it is my fault for not being ready. so I will continue to get a chuckle out of this video and continue to think the people who put him there are idiots but will hope he can learn from it and improve so this video can become all that much funnier
  7. I personaly don't go to a sports forum run by fans to be button down neat with my nose in the air.can't read, can't write, can't even get a sideline report right ( forget who it was that posted that video but it was funny)
  8. heres the kind of answer I would have like to have heard from CB"I grew up an OSU fan and who can balem me with their great traditions and suppor. but my alma mater is The University of Akron. they supported me and for four years and gave me the training, exposure, expereance, knowledge to have the career and success that I have today when OSU passed me up and for that my loyalty now lies with Akron"I played with the OSU athletic band two times in the past week. (it was a paying gig and a guys gotta eat) they showed me a good time and were very gracious. I am thankfull for the hospitality that they showed me, BUT they are not my alma mater and they are not the school that I have several life lessons at. so my support continues to be at the good old UofA (for what is worth I did warm up by playing The Blue and Gold in their Arena )
  9. isn't this bored always going on about getting out of OSU's shadow? talking about "cowlumbus, OSwho, columbus state, ect. I'm just surprised that I'm the only one the felt rubbed the wrong way by that comment but to each ones own
  10. "Q: Were you an Ohio State fan growing up in Columbus?Blackburn: "Definitely - I still am. I'm a normal fan when I watch football. I wish I would have been able to go to Ohio State"
  11. ok there comes a point in time where you have to look at this and say "it's just a game" YOU HAVE ONE KIDNEY!!! no need to risk the other in a football game. I know it's important to him and he's put a lot of work into it, but honestly whats more important playing a game or protecting your last freakin kidney by not playing a 6th year of college ball. you've had your five years now thank the fans and fade into the sunset
  12. 0.13oh wait you wanted his GPA not his BAC in that case I'm gonna go with 0.00
  13. well happy birthday a zips win is a gift we all could enjoy
  14. I will say this for Charlie. he wasn't exactly getting much help from his team. there were several times where his team mates either 1) dropped very catchable balls or 2) made some stupid penalty that negated a big play.don't get me wrong Charlie isn't greatest qb and probably isn't going to be the starter anywhere but he isn't as bad as his team made him look today (story of his life)
  15. thats kinda crazy cause I grew up in Fredericksburg OH lol
  17. I have to go with Root on this one. Our time may be better spent talking about the talent on the rifle team and club baseball.if you wanna talk football go ahead and talk football. if not then go ahead and don't read this. seems kinda easy to me
  18. lets just remember that he is on the sidelines and we are on zipsnation for a reason
  19. just got a good chuckle reading their posts from pre and post Akron/Can't football game
  20. Here's a crazy thought...if we have an indoor practice facility for football, and an outdoor field (summa style) right next to it, why do we need the practice field next to schrank?How about we use the real estate better?given we have two soccer teams one football team one marching band and a bunch of frat/sororitys that play falg football I say that the field is fine IMHO
  21. looks like they're gonna have to build new ships
  22. he has been offered many times before by many schools but still sticks around MU
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