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Everything posted by bandzip

  1. Here's why this statement is ridiculous. This IS a topic on hiring a new HC. JT is a former Akron coach who is currently out a HC position. If it wasn't for your blind hatred of OSU you wouldn't be near as passionate about arguing against. Second of all don't give me this "oh this is a zips bored we should talk zips stuff." Guess what, I'M TALKING ABOUT HIRING A FORMER ZIPS ASSISTANT! Yeah, cause all those military academies are real ball busters. Yeah, and guess who has experience doing it? Do you really want to compare who Big Ten teams beat VS. the MAC? Again, we're not talking about national championships here. We are talking about getting someone to make us competitive in THE MAC! Because obviously said AD's just showed up, threw their ass's in a car and said "You're with us now" This much we can agree on. Again, if TW had half a brain in his head, this wouldn't be such a stretch. Further more, I can't bring myself to buy into such a firm opinion by someone with such blatantly biased blinders on.
  2. 1 - It's about as dumb as putting their logo up on the scoreboard, shaking hands before the game or clapping when an injured opponent gets up.2 - They still have a two hour rehearsal and then an hour and a half to eat/change before meeting back at Guzzetta for another warm up, pre-game concert, march to the stadium, play for a couple minutes for "Zips Fest" and then pregame, sit at the game and cheer, post game concert, march back. The only difference is they aren't sitting around watching the team practice for 2 hours.3 - If it's rubbish then why is it full for the Can't game? It's not like Rowdies are displaced by the band and sitting all around the arena, the one's that are there are sitting there. People want to sit down there but aren't allowed because they didn't pay ten bucks to join your exclusive little club. I've come back for several basketball games over break and I wasn't allowed to sit on the floor because I didn't buy a T-shirt. Blue and Gold Brass plays during every break in the action, just like every other college pep band. The band in no way affects the number of people sitting down there on a game to game basis, there simply aren't that many Rowdies showing up to watch a team that has been to the NCAA Tournament twice in the past three years. Explain that one to me.4. All 3 of my giant rambling sentences directly apply to the thread. The UA Band members aren't "Traitors" because they're doing the same thing they do every other week and believe it or not a majority of them do give a damn about the sports teams. Maybe you need to take a look around and ask why every band at every major college does the same things we're doing. The college band is a major part of what seperates pro football and basketball with college teams. I've presented nothing but facts while you've resorted to name calling and presenting predetermined uninformed statements and opinions as fact. I think you need to admit you're wrong and move on.
  3. Have we played the K.e.n.t. fight song before? I don't recall it?If we play K.e.n.t.'s fight song at any point in next Saturday's game, I will walk out of the stadium and never return. That would be the biggest slap in the face anyone could ever pull on a Zips' fan. If you want to play a non-conference, traveling opponent's song, that's fine. You don't play K.e.n.t.'s fightsong in Akron. Period.Does Ohio State play Michigan's fight song? Just curious.Yes they do, and you might want to only put a quarter in the parking meter, because ur gonna hear the Can't State fight song in pregame... just like EVERY opponent akron plays.Or show up after pregame like 90% of people do.
  4. Have we played the K.e.n.t. fight song before? I don't recall it?If we play K.e.n.t.'s fight song at any point in next Saturday's game, I will walk out of the stadium and never return. That would be the biggest slap in the face anyone could ever pull on a Zips' fan. If you want to play a non-conference, traveling opponent's song, that's fine. You don't play K.e.n.t.'s fightsong in Akron. Period.Does Ohio State play Michigan's fight song? Just curious.With all due respect Captain, did you even read my first response?
  5. Yep, pointing out how other schools including allmighty OSU play the away team fight songs, posting that factual game day timeline and pointing out how there are still empty seats when the band takes up a quarter of them at basketball games makes this guy who's not even in the band anymore way too full of himself...The title of the post is "THE BAND ARE TRAITORS." That is idiotic and completely false. They show up at all the games and cheer more than any student group does while the diehards on here who have been Zips fans for years post about how they aren't going to anymore games this year and aren't renewing season tickets. If that's a traitor then what makes someone a fan?
  6. Early in the game on ESPN2 but Can't is moving the ball well on CMU....
  7. I swear we used to do this a couple years agoAm I making that up?They've been playing it for basketball games for a couple of years.
  8. I'll get it Euph...They're playing the song during rehearsal for the game. Most bands play the away team fight song during pregame, Ohio State even did it in 2007 while spelling out "ZIPS" on the field. They even played it this year. Don't believe me? Check But there's no way they'd play Michigan's fight song.. right? Surely not with the "greatest college rivalry on the planet." Wait! What's this right around the I haven't marched the last two years. I did three including two at the Rubber Bowl where we would get there at 8 am in uniform to rehearse, then wait in the stands will the team did their warm ups, play at the Heisman Lodge for the rich guys and donors, then make the rounds by the tailgating lots before doing pregame, cheering the whole game that started at 2 then jumping in our school busses to leave after 9 hours when most of the team was long gone. The band is cheering every down at every game and gives their Saturdays to do it. That means they lose out on tailgating, hanging with their friends and having the option to leave when the team is sucking as bad as they do know. Every year they play the day after Thanksgiving game all 180 of them go home for a few hours or completely miss out on spending Thanksgiving with their family alltogether and then come back the next morning to cheer for the game which we would usually lose. You're gonna rip on them for being glad it's time to go home when the team has given up? Between football games, band shows, hosting , and band-o-rama this weekend is the first time since the week before classes started (the end of August) where they have had the weekend off. Now you say, "But they get payed!" By the time they buy marchign shoes, the ball cap, two t-shirts, and a polo they're lucky if they break even after buying lunch at band camp. As far as the basketball games if the band wasn't taking up half of one side then there would be an empty side and a half of floor seats at EVERY game. Fill up the rowdies sections for more then the Can't game and then you can start your whining about how they're cramping your style. I know you're new, but there have a been a lot of times where the band has been about the only ones cheering at the basketball games early in the season or over break while a majority of the "Rowdies" are texting their friends and ignoring the game completely. All that cheering you hear on TV during the NCAA games vs. Gonzaga and Notre Dame is the band and the parents who could afford to make the trip. We usually ALL carpool to watch and cheer at the Can't game and 6 of us went to Buffalo two years ago over a long weekend and were the only Akron students there.You're clueless, completely off base and straight up wrong. This rag on the band stuff never happened when we were winning more then one game a year. Go find some football players to yell at for giving up at the last game before you start griping about the band being happy they get to get out of the cold for the first time in 6 hours that day. /endrant
  9. Poor clock management cost them that game. You're inside your ten yard line and count on the defense to get a stop? Why not call a timeout anyway? Not like the extra time will help Northern with 2 minutes left in the red zone.. Instead you get 18 seconds to score... Stupid.
  10. Toledo 53NIU 56Scratch that Toledo has 59 now.. 4:16 left in the fourth. It's like watching a video game. It's on ESPN 2.
  11. This post is the same as:This oneThis one...And this one....
  12. All of you football hungry fans who think the band is there solely to entertain the crowd don't need to read this philosophical argument about music education. An absurd falsehood. Nobody is blaming show style bands for the downfall of public school music programs. If you were really in those circles you'd know the biggest problem is funding. period. Let me clarify. The 110, not OU itself, is considered one of the biggest problems with music education in Ohio. There is no doubt funding and the subsequent cuts in staffing, bussing and general music budgets is a huge problem but there are successful bands with almost no funding. Fruit sales, car washes, bake sales and other fundraisers are all ways a band can be self sufficient in this respect and get the essentials for a music program. Of course nobody at OU is blaming show style bands for the problems musicians have coming out of those places, but it's happening at a LOT of other places. There's a reason no other D1 school is doing it. The goal of marching band is to entertain the crowd and to serve as an educational experience, but not at the expense of musicianship like with the bands that emulate the 110. Yep. It's a great recruiting tool too. A lot of university marching bands (Cant State) require music majors to participate because they can't find enough willing participants. That is not a problem at OU. Competition is fierce, most music majors don't march, a lot of non majors come to OU specifically to be in the marching band. Akron and Can't require music education majors to march, not any music major. While it's true this helps the numbers did you ever think there is another reason they are required to do it? A lot of students coming from show bands come into the Akron program and have never known anything except that style. It's as much a learning experience in effective teaching techniques as it is about putting on a show for the music majors. There are a lot of band directors who run their marching band like they did in high school because they don't know any different. Trust me, that's usually not a good thing. That has absolutely nothing to do with the style of band. I've worked with both corps and show style high school bands and I've seen good and bad from both. Logan High School near Athens is a show style band and they regularly produce musicians that kill it at state solo and ensemble competitions every year. A school like Logan is the exception rather than the norm. A lot of students coming out of these schools come and audition here and they can't read music, they can't march in time, and they have no basis for good tone or technique. There are a lot of schools, especially with that style of marching band that come back for concert season and are playing pep band like charts for their spring concert. There are exceptions of course, but dancing on the field, doing horn swings and splatting isn't what makes good musicians. Not true. But they do love to overblow in the 110, no doubt. On the other hand, the former percussion instructor at OU didn't like his students marching in drum corps because it is the antithesis of the jazz style drumming he taught. Obviously you would know the current affairs better then me. I was told by several people that at least two of the previous brass instructors did not allow students to be in the 110 because they believed it created issues with their playing. To discourage people to march drum corp because you teach jazz style drumming is a little silly. I could understand if you're referring to the match/traditional grip argument to an extent, but why would you discourage a student from traveling the country and playing their instrument for a few hours every single day? I think if you look at it from an outside perspective you will see differently. I've been to OU and know some music majors from down there, and a majority of the ones I've met seem to be nice people and know what they're doing. There are also a lot of band directors that mimic that OU style and it does nothing good for the students. Like I said, there's a reason no other D1 college is doing that kind of thing; It is not educationally sound for the college students or the high schools that emulate them. If you can give me a reason how putting on a uniform, splatting and dancing is good for a high school student and their development as a musician other then "their self confidence grows because the football crowd claps for them" I'd love to hear it.
  13. Yes. And it remains the answer no matter how many new threads you make about it. Just pick one and keep saying the same thing there over and over again so we know which one to avoid.
  14. Let me preface this by saying I haven't done marching band here for two years. I know there are things they could do that would be more entertaining. Anyone who's in the music education circles considers OU to be the biggest problem with music education in the state of Ohio. Every high school within 50 miles of that campus is wearing the exact same uniforms and doing all of the same style of marching. They're down their splatting and jumping on their drums every game and the crowd loves it. The problem is 95% of kids leave high school and can't even play their instrument or read music. Some of the professors at OU don't even let their performance majors do marching band because doing crap like that can really mess up your embouchure, yada yada yada, (insert other educational reasons you guys don't care about here).... There's a reason they're the only D1 band doing that kind of thing. The rest of them are focused more on making sure everything is educationally and musically sound. Believe it or not OU is used as the model of what not to do all around the country. I'm with you guys on the idea of a D1 band being there to entertain the crowd. I thought the piano man/bands in the bowl show vs. VMI was pretty cool and really paid tribute to the School of Music's all Steinway School Program. The 9-11 show was the patriotic show for the year and had people on their feet. I don't know what else is in store but I'm sure there will be a snooze fest before the end of the season. We should probably just be giving those guys props for showing up in the middle of November and cheering for this sorry team when there are 50 people in the stands. If our band did what OU does there would still only be 30 students there and everyone else in the stands would be complaining about how they don't know the songs and the flag girl in the back is off.
  15. Wow. Maybe we should make Joe Dunn coach.
  16. Bottom 10 We aren't on it this week! In fact, NO MAC teams are on the list! Though, we are in the first waiting spot.
  17. Come on let's pad those stats for Moore because after this game he will be exposed and ianellos days are numbered. Wait till the weekly spin we'll be the next coming of green and growing! Mrs. Nicely, we get the point, you think your son is better then the new guy. How about you keep all of your identical comments in the "Moore Starting" thread you started 3 days ago so we know which one to ignore.
  18. 139 posts and 130 of them say Nicely is better than Moore... It's like Jake 2.0.
  19. They might just do it. 1:30 left in the game Toledo 1st and ten on the OSU 38.
  20. Just ran across a cool website. Has aerial photos from 1952, 2002, and 2006. If you center it on the UA campus and turn on the compare slider it's amazing to see the transformation from 1952 to 2006. Heck, it's impressive to see 2002 to 2006. Historic Aerials
  21. Cleveland State's Norris Cole just went 28th overall to Chicago (trade rights to Minn).
  22. I was just at Lynn Drive In in Strasburg last night. It's the second oldest drive-in theater still in operation in the world. Has two screens and plays two new release movies on each screen every night (we saw Green Lantern/Hangover 2.) 5 bucks a person to get in, cheaper for kids and concessions are reasonably priced too. Can't beat it.
  23. Give me a full-ride over a job any day. I've got a band scholarship, a couple academic scholarships AND a job and I'm still taking out student loans.
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