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Everything posted by bandzip

  1. I was wondering the same thing on the way home! I still have the audio files from French calling Humpty's three and Brett's tip in from the Toledo game last year on my computer.
  2. Trust me, it was way worse in person. They were calling the most bizzarre tick tack fouls all game long and letting players hack each other under tha basket. Props to Dambrot for keeping his cool. I was really worried we were going to run out of bodies to throw in there by the time the second OT rolled around. Speaking of playing with heart, another big game for Nik as well. The kid really feeds off the atmosphere at big games, it's really fun to watch. There was a stretch in the second half when I thought KD should have pulled him, he just looked tired and started missing shots, but we had no one else to put in. When he picked up his fifth I thought he was going to let the ref have it but he somehow just walked away. He's grown up a lot and learned to contain his enthusiasm much better since last year.
  3. This is the first time that Zeke has stepped on the floor with a fire in his eyes. From behind the basket you could tell he was on his game, instead of his usual casual look while he's playing he played with intensity and it was something to watch. Let's not forget his block at the end of regulation that saved the game for us. Good job big guy!
  4. Every student recieved this letter via Zipmail this evening, along with a picture from the game:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings from the JAR:On behalf of our entire Zips family and specifically the student-athletes on the men’s basketball team, I want to say thanks for your show of support and solidarity last Friday night in our game against Can't State. Though the outcome was not what any of us wanted, the energy and excitement that you brought to the game was incredible. I hope all of you could see that together you can make a difference in the environment at Zips athletic events. In the next months, we will be reaching out to many of the student groups on campus to ask for your opinion on how to grow student attendance at all Zips events. I hope you will help us make your experience here at Akron even better then it is. Football season is six months away and I hope you are ready to bring that energy and excitement back to InfoCision Stadium-Summa Field. You, the students, are what make College Sports so exciting! We look forward to having you make InfoCision Stadium the toughest place to play in the MAC.Thanks again for your support and Go Zips!TomTom WistrcillDirector of Athletics
  5. I was just up there a couple of months ago, and saw the dome, but can't remember if the stands were inside or not. I do remember there is parking very close though, so that shouldn't be a problem.
  6. The way Zeke was playing last night I would have put him in less than Dambrot did. He looked like a deer in the headlights. There were at least two possessions when he forced absolutely terrible shots instead of kicking it out and resetting the play. He played good defense against some of the teams we played earlier in the season with smaller players, but with Kents size and speed he got burned time and time again last night. When someone drives he lets them put up the shot and then relies on his timing to block it, then shakes his head while running back down the court because he missed again. I kept waiting to see Bardo last night, just to rough up Green and put a bigger body in the middle if nothing else, and KD never put him in. Is he hurt? I vaguely remember a thread a weak or two ago mentioning it but didn't read it. I also feel like we're really limiting Nik by playing him as a center. I'm suprised no one's mentioned how he played yesterday. He seemed to feed off the energy while everyone else was rushing shots and playing scared. He was cutting to the hoop, moving the ball, and playing lights out D as a forward.
  7. Didn't someone else say they let anyone sit down there when it's not full? I had the same problem when I came back for a game over break and there were maybe twenty Rowdies on one side and 6 on the other. The signal is getting crossed somewhere between the people in charge and the people handing out the wristbands...
  8. The rule is you can't play when the ball is in play. When the ref is holding the ball waiting for someone to toss it in it's perfectly fine, just like how they play music right up to the tip. He usually starts them and then stops right as the ball is handed off and lets the students keep it going.
  9. My point is why is moving the band even suggested as a solution for students not showing up? Send out emails, have Rowdies officers holding little slips of paper that say "Game tonight vs. ___" and the time at lunch. Make it required to show up to so many games to get floor seats for the Can't game. I would have no issue moving if it was for students who gave a crap about the team or the game, but most of the people there on the 6th will be texting and complaining they can't hear what their friends are trying to say because everyone is cheering too loud, and you won't see them again til next year at same time.
  10. For the most part we do, that's why the sousaphones moved down to the floor.
  11. I have been saying that for the longest time. No offense to the band, but they should move up to the wooden bleachers where it says "band". They are taking up half of the student section on that end and they can be heard just fine if they were on the 2nd level...Isn't two half empty student sections way worse than one? If there are empty seats with the band taking up half of them what in the world makes you think they'll be full if we move? I'll call you out here. I came back for the Valpo game over break and got there a minute and a half after tip off and they weren't going to let me sit down behind the baskets even though there were about 5 students on one side and twenty on the other. Luckily one of the ushers recognized that I'm usually with the band and let me in but only after arguing with the folks up top for 5 minutes. Isn't that what cheerleaders are for? The student section starts all of their own cheers anyways. Where do Can't and Buffalo put their bands? How about at the Q for the tournament, where do they sit? You know where we were in Portland? Right behind the basket.We talk about bandwagon fans on this board a lot. 1300 students at a soccer game and lucky to get 50 at a basketball game? You blame the Rubber Bowl for the poor student turn out for football games and say more students will show up to games when the stadium is on campus. There were 15 students at the Eastern Michigan football game. Now you're saying they don't sit in the empty seats behind the baskets because the band is there?I've been dissapointed with the Rowdy turn out all year. Don't get me wrong, the ones who are there are excellent. My game isn't complete without the guy holding up the erroneous poster and screaming at the refs or the "I Believe" chant at the end of the game. The problem is the 1000+ who aren't there. I made the road trip to Buffalo with three other guys from the band and there were only two other Akron students there and it was a three day weekend. Where was everyone for the Can't basketball game this year? It's fifteen minutes away! I've made roadtrips to BG, Buffalo and evey Can't game without the band and am always amazed by the lack of student support. Be thankful you have a guaranteed thirty students or so there every game with the band so it doesn't look as bad for the school when the games are on tv and there are 30 more empty blue seats on the court.I used to be all for the band moving but i realized that you are right. You guys put alot into it lately. You dont just stand there, you get loud along with the rowdies and i salute you guys. Until the 90% of the Rowdies who never come to basketball games start showing up there is no reason to move the band. Once they do and students need those seats, of course, move the band back up where they should be. But right now it's not like anyone is trying to sit there considering there is plenty of room on the north side. However, maybe the band should move up for the Can't game because we all know the Twice a Year's will be in full force taking up seats for that one.I understand where you're coming from for the Can't game, but I respectfully disagree. I've been at every game for two years and I would much rather sit under the basket for the biggest game of the year then up top. I'm one of the one's cheering just as loud as everyone else and don't really feel like I should have to give up my seat for one of the twice a years who obviously couldn't care less about the game.Quit the band.RootforRoo I was hoping for once we could have a civil discussion without you going off on one of your band attacks. Oh well...Besides, if I quit I don't get free tickets to go to the Q or Portland and root on my team.
  12. It is weird. I mean, even at the Morgan State game when we were smoking them most of the students left at halftime, and then no one showed up for the Indiana game. Maybe the basketball team needs to win every single game and then be ranked number one in the nation to catch the students attention.
  13. I have been saying that for the longest time. No offense to the band, but they should move up to the wooden bleachers where it says "band". They are taking up half of the student section on that end and they can be heard just fine if they were on the 2nd level...Isn't two half empty student sections way worse than one? If there are empty seats with the band taking up half of them what in the world makes you think they'll be full if we move? I'll call you out here. I came back for the Valpo game over break and got there a minute and a half after tip off and they weren't going to let me sit down behind the baskets even though there were about 5 students on one side and twenty on the other. Luckily one of the ushers recognized that I'm usually with the band and let me in but only after arguing with the folks up top for 5 minutes. Isn't that what cheerleaders are for? The student section starts all of their own cheers anyways. Where do Can't and Buffalo put their bands? How about at the Q for the tournament, where do they sit? You know where we were in Portland? Right behind the basket.We talk about bandwagon fans on this board a lot. 1300 students at a soccer game and lucky to get 50 at a basketball game? You blame the Rubber Bowl for the poor student turn out for football games and say more students will show up to games when the stadium is on campus. There were 15 students at the Eastern Michigan football game. Now you're saying they don't sit in the empty seats behind the baskets because the band is there?I've been dissapointed with the Rowdy turn out all year. Don't get me wrong, the ones who are there are excellent. My game isn't complete without the guy holding up the erroneous poster and screaming at the refs or the "I Believe" chant at the end of the game. The problem is the 1000+ who aren't there. I made the road trip to Buffalo with three other guys from the band and there were only two other Akron students there and it was a three day weekend. Where was everyone for the Can't basketball game this year? It's fifteen minutes away! I've made roadtrips to BG, Buffalo and evey Can't game without the band and am always amazed by the lack of student support. Be thankful you have a guaranteed thirty students or so there every game with the band so it doesn't look as bad for the school when the games are on tv and there are 30 more empty blue seats on the court.I used to be all for the band moving but i realized that you are right. You guys put alot into it lately. You dont just stand there, you get loud along with the rowdies and i salute you guys. Until the 90% of the Rowdies who never come to basketball games start showing up there is no reason to move the band. Once they do and students need those seats, of course, move the band back up where they should be. But right now it's not like anyone is trying to sit there considering there is plenty of room on the north side. However, maybe the band should move up for the Can't game because we all know the Twice a Year's will be in full force taking up seats for that one.I understand where you're coming from for the Can't game, but I respectfully disagree. I've been at every game for two years and I would much rather sit under the basket for the biggest game of the year then up top. I'm one of the one's cheering just as loud as everyone else and don't really feel like I should have to give up my seat for one of the twice a years who obviously couldn't care less about the game.
  14. I have been saying that for the longest time. No offense to the band, but they should move up to the wooden bleachers where it says "band". They are taking up half of the student section on that end and they can be heard just fine if they were on the 2nd level...Isn't two half empty student sections way worse than one? If there are empty seats with the band taking up half of them what in the world makes you think they'll be full if we move? I'll call you out here. I came back for the Valpo game over break and got there a minute and a half after tip off and they weren't going to let me sit down behind the baskets even though there were about 5 students on one side and twenty on the other. Luckily one of the ushers recognized that I'm usually with the band and let me in but only after arguing with the folks up top for 5 minutes. Isn't that what cheerleaders are for? The student section starts all of their own cheers anyways. Where do Can't and Buffalo put their bands? How about at the Q for the tournament, where do they sit? You know where we were in Portland? Right behind the basket.We talk about bandwagon fans on this board a lot. 1300 students at a soccer game and lucky to get 50 at a basketball game? You blame the Rubber Bowl for the poor student turn out for football games and say more students will show up to games when the stadium is on campus. There were 15 students at the Eastern Michigan football game. Now you're saying they don't sit in the empty seats behind the baskets because the band is there?I've been dissapointed with the Rowdy turn out all year. Don't get me wrong, the ones who are there are excellent. My game isn't complete without the guy holding up the erroneous poster and screaming at the refs or the "I Believe" chant at the end of the game. The problem is the 1000+ who aren't there. I made the road trip to Buffalo with three other guys from the band and there were only two other Akron students there and it was a three day weekend. Where was everyone for the Can't basketball game this year? It's fifteen minutes away! I've made roadtrips to BG, Buffalo and every Can't game without the band and am always amazed by the lack of student support. Be thankful you have a guaranteed thirty students or so there every game with the band so it doesn't look as bad for the school when the games are on tv and there are 30 more empty blue seats on the court.
  15. So even an ON CAMPUS stadium couldn't keepthe big bad city or it's henchmen awayMy controls>Manage Ignored Users>Type in username> problem solved.
  16. Does this mean I can't stretch out on the empty bandwagon seats anymore?
  17. I'll be there Wednesday, cheering loud like I always do. Just like at every other home game and at Buffalo and Can't this year.
  18. Marshall, Zeke: 16 minutes, 1-4 with 2 points, 2 rebounds, 1 block, and one very ugly pass that rolled to the far student section about 5 minutes into the game.Bardo, Mike: 5 minutes, 1-2 with 3 points, 2 rebounds.
  19. But you know, when you lose a game by two or three points, and you leave your starting point guard sitting on the bench in street clothes, someone's judgement has to be questioned.It's Dambrot. School comes first. I back Dambrot 100% on the decision.+1
  20. A little kangaroo told me it has to do with cutting class...
  21. I just got back from the game a little bit ago as well. Some thoughts:Yes, the officiating was as bad, if not worse then it looked on the webcast. The last couple minutes of the first half is what killed us. At least in the second half they started calling both ways. The foul on Conyers that got Dambrot riled up was complete BS. Conyers grabbed the board and a UB player grabbed his arms from behind and Jimmy picked up his third foul, absolutely bizarre. Dambrot should of let it go, but the technical was WELL deserved, and all the assistant coaches along with Conyers and McNees were trying to get him to stop. Not sure how he thought a technical might help. In my opinion the intentional foul on McNees could have been a technical, he really brought him down hard. We just played like crap, plain and simple. For the millionth time BRETT McCLANAHAN IS NOT A FORWARD!!! Brett McKnight cannot keep trying to score on every possesion, and where is Humpty? My best guess is they wanted Roberts in there just to defend Pierce, but it wasn't working. I miss the Daryll from the first five or so games of the season when he was scoring double digits every night and playing lights out D. I thought Zeke looked great, and he wasn't wearing the knee braces today, my best guess is he didn't get much time because they want to make sure he's healthy. He made a couple boneheaded mistakes on D, but he also had a few blocked shots, stuck his hand up there and altered a few shots, was doing great on offense, and had at least two more blocks that were all ball and called fouls. UB's offense is totally centered around Pierce, their inside guys were very ineffective. They kick the ball around, drive to the basket, kick it out, over and over and over until Pierce is open, which was about every single time. They announced at the end of the game that he tied his career high with 31 points...Really Rowdies? There were 500 Buffalo students there plus the entire football team wearing "Beat the Roo" shirts. Four band kids and one guy wearing a Rowdy shirt were all that could make the trip on a three day weekend? WTF? They made sure to sing every word of the National Anthem obnoxiously, and end with "the home of the BULLS." "Tramp Stamp" chant on Steve McNees was really getting on my nerves. Same as "air ball" except they did it every single time he touched the ball the entire game.I liked the one side of their arena. It would be better if it wasn't one side looking like an arena, and three like a highschool gym. The lobby gave the place a big time feel. I would've loved to see some replays, but there was no video board, and nowhere in the arena was a board listing players, points and fouls, my small town highschool even had one of those. I never realized how great of an atmosphere we get at the JAR. They barely had the speakers up at all, the band played maybe three songs the entire game, media time outs every 2-3 minutes. There was no halftime entertainment and half the students were just sitting down texting. When they announced "And now, the starting line up for your MAC co-champion Buffalo Bulls!" at the beginning of the game some of our guys started laughing, and everyone in the arena just kind of looked at each other.
  22. Myself, ejcool, and a couple other people from the band are probably heading up. That is, if we can all find our passports of course... Sorry. Couldn't resist.
  23. To say Bardo had some "decent interior defense" is a HUGE understatement. The kid totally shut down and frustrated Polk and anyone else BG put in the middle. For once instead of hearing KD scream "GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME MIKE!" he was smiling and giving him a pat on the back when he came to sit down, and the crowd gave him his due recognition. Zeke just doesn't have enough meat on him to match up with those bigger centers and it may actually prove useful that he got a little bit of a break to heal up and it's probably a bit of validation for Bardo. Conyers was again a beast. Say all you want about McNees not being a point guard, he was moving the ball well and when he did put up a big shot he made it. Roberts had a hot start to the season but the last several games he's started looking tentative, like he's afraid to take the shot when he's open. After that horrendous start everything seemed to click and BG didn't have a chance. The crowd was on it's feet several times over the course of the game and it's good to see a decent student turn out when a majority of them aren't back from break yet since the dorms don't open until tomorrow. Good win Zips!P.S.- How about those refs? ESPECIALLY the bald guy who seems to ref every single home game...
  24. This is turning out to be one heck of a game.
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