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Everything posted by UAZip0510

  1. By the way, Ianello sealed his team's fate by not going for it on 4th and 2 when the Zips were still in the game...didn't understand it then, still don't understand it now.
  2. Here are the Zips' main issues: 1) They have been a bad team for four years now 2) They will have a bad team this year 3) They are charging far too much for a general admission ticket.
  3. I think this is the biggest issue moving forward. I am shocked at the lack of a "buzz" (including marketing!) throughout the week for a game against a Big East team. This game would have EASILY been higher at the Rubber Bowl. The only conclusion that I can draw is the price of admission is too high for the product that is being placed on the field. I am not ready to jump off the Y Bridge after one game, but the lack of fans at the game is troublesome. I didn't renew after last season, and looking at the attendance numbers, I wasn't alone. Too many people worry about the crowd. With as bad as this team has been, how can you expect fans to show? Win some games, and they'll be there. Obama couldn't convince 25k to come watch this mess. Yes he could.He convinced a lot of people to buy into hype. Blah, blah, blah...please, let's not turn this into a political debate.
  4. The problem is simple: 1) Only die-hard Zips fans/students are excited for Zips football. They have four straight losing seasons, going 17-31 over that span. Last year was the worst, at 3-9. 2) $25 for a general admission ticket is ridiculous with the current state of the program, especially when Can't State is selling tickets for $5...and before we say it's because Can't sucks, their record, as much as it pains me to say, is better - 18-30 - over the past four. As much as I love Akron athletics, $50 is a lot for me and my wife to spend, especially when it's for GA.
  5. I don't get why Cribbs gets a pass from Cleveland sports fans. He threatened to hold out, said he was insulted by $1 M, created a public dispute before Holmgren had a chance to unpack his boxes, got his contract, then showed up to camp 15 pounds overweight.
  6. Didn't somebody say Kohls on Arlington had a bunch of Zips gear? Stopped there today and all they had was one shirt and a few hats.
  7. The same Matt Cherry that has the unique distinction of one of two people that have been fired from our volunteer radio station? No thanks.
  8. Two words: Jersey Shirts They sell almost as much as jerseys and would be much cheaper to make. Add in the ability to put any name/number on a shirt and you're good to go with a biiiiiig moneymaker.
  9. JAMES 6 I got a bball like that one on ebay too...anyone know where I could get some nice numbers put on it?
  10. Maybe. There's no one left in the athletic department from when he was at Akron. Who would he contact? Would the new athletics people even care? Having an NFL QB, who actually played here, host a camp for junior high and high school kids on our campus would be a pretty big recruiting tool to just throw away. I would hope the athletic department would "care" and wouldn't be that incompetent, but given recent history, who knows. I doubt many high school kids know who Frye is, or would come to UA because of a Frye Football Camp. Come on. He was the QB of the Browns. I even know little kids who were wearing his Browns jersey at the time he playing here. So, if you are a football QB of Junior High or High School age in Northern Ohio, you certainly know who he is, even if you did not know he went to Akron. It's been four years since he's been relevant to people in this area. High school kids do not know and do not care about Charlie Frye. If little kids have his jersey now, it's because their parents bought them one at TJ Maxx for $8 because they didn't want to shell out regular price for a current Brown. I'm not trying to be/sound like a jerk here...but trust me, nobody aside from the Frye fans on this board give a damn about Charlie Frye anymore. Caring about him, and not knowing who he is are two different things. I'm not a Browns fan, and never have been one, but I certainly know who their QBs have been during my lifetime, especially ones who have started several games over at least a few year period, like Frye. And I'm sure that if I had been a teenager playing QB for a junior high or high school, I'd be far more likely to know my local pro QBs of recent years. I don't think you are being a jerk. I just think you are being entirely unrealistic to think that a kid playing QB for his school in this area would be unaware of a QB who recently was a regular starter for the Browns. I'll give you that...a good percentage of them probably know who he is. I just doubt they care if he's at a camp.
  11. Maybe. There's no one left in the athletic department from when he was at Akron. Who would he contact? Would the new athletics people even care? Having an NFL QB, who actually played here, host a camp for junior high and high school kids on our campus would be a pretty big recruiting tool to just throw away. I would hope the athletic department would "care" and wouldn't be that incompetent, but given recent history, who knows. I doubt many high school kids know who Frye is, or would come to UA because of a Frye Football Camp. Come on. He was the QB of the Browns. I even know little kids who were wearing his Browns jersey at the time he playing here. So, if you are a football QB of Junior High or High School age in Northern Ohio, you certainly know who he is, even if you did not know he went to Akron. It's been four years since he's been relevant to people in this area. High school kids do not know and do not care about Charlie Frye. If little kids have his jersey now, it's because their parents bought them one at TJ Maxx for $8 because they didn't want to shell out regular price for a current Brown. I'm not trying to be/sound like a jerk here...but trust me, nobody aside from the Frye fans on this board give a damn about Charlie Frye anymore.
  12. Maybe. There's no one left in the athletic department from when he was at Akron. Who would he contact? Would the new athletics people even care? Having an NFL QB, who actually played here, host a camp for junior high and high school kids on our campus would be a pretty big recruiting tool to just throw away. I would hope the athletic department would "care" and wouldn't be that incompetent, but given recent history, who knows. I doubt many high school kids know who Frye is, or would come to UA because of a Frye Football Camp.
  13. Anybody know how good this kid's supposed to be?
  14. 1) To show support for our star player 2) To show appreciation for him choosing The University of Akron - out of all of the places in the world - for his press conference. 3) To show appreciation for bringing every national media outlet to the JAR, which offers both Akron and UA incredible exposure. 4) To show appreciation for visually relating incredible success to Akron, The University of Akron, and Keith Dambrot. 5) Because in Cleveland and NE Ohio, it's very rare for us to have something/somebody so great in sports. We need to appreciate it while we have it, and look no further than the Cleveland Indians for a perfect example of that. Sorry, I'm just not buying LBJ is doing this for UofA. I'm also not buying it does anything for the BB program. If he really wanted to have a press conference going back to his roots, he would have it at St. V-M. He want's UofA because it provides a bigger arena for him to promote himself. I know a lot of you want to believe LBJ sits around thinking about this stuff all day long, but he actually has people think about these things for him. This is a marketing creation by the geniuses at Nike. A commercial won't be far behind. Does LeBron gain from this? Absolutely. But how often do you hear "Akron" numerous times on national television? How often does James A. Rhodes Arena and Akron, Ohio appear on every sports station in the United States like it will be tonight? Akron certainly gained a lot of positive exposure from this this. It's a win-win for everyone involved. Seems to me like you might be the biggest fan of LBJ...and that's fine. But to say Akron getting this exposure is a bad thing just doesn't make much sense to me. Oh, and he had last year's presser at St. V... Let's not be crazy here. The exposure Akron actually got from this was very minimal. Sure, it was nice to here UofA referenced, but in the big picture, it doesn't do anything for the bball program or the university. Never said 5 star recruits were going to start coming in because of it. But nothing but positives (no matter how small they may be) come from it being in Akron and at UA.
  15. 1) To show support for our star player 2) To show appreciation for him choosing The University of Akron - out of all of the places in the world - for his press conference. 3) To show appreciation for bringing every national media outlet to the JAR, which offers both Akron and UA incredible exposure. 4) To show appreciation for visually relating incredible success to Akron, The University of Akron, and Keith Dambrot. 5) Because in Cleveland and NE Ohio, it's very rare for us to have something/somebody so great in sports. We need to appreciate it while we have it, and look no further than the Cleveland Indians for a perfect example of that. Sorry, I'm just not buying LBJ is doing this for UofA. I'm also not buying it does anything for the BB program. If he really wanted to have a press conference going back to his roots, he would have it at St. V-M. He want's UofA because it provides a bigger arena for him to promote himself. I know a lot of you want to believe LBJ sits around thinking about this stuff all day long, but he actually has people think about these things for him. This is a marketing creation by the geniuses at Nike. A commercial won't be far behind. Does LeBron gain from this? Absolutely. Him accepting in front of his hometown fans and bringing his teammates on stage does wonders for his image. But I just don't see how you don't see how this is good for Akron. How often do you hear "Akron" numerous times on national television? How often does James A. Rhodes Arena and Akron, Ohio appear on every sports station in the United States like it will be tonight? Akron certainly gained a lot of positive exposure from this this. It's a win-win for everyone involved. Seems to me like you might be the biggest fan of LBJ...and that's fine. But to say Akron getting this exposure is a bad thing just doesn't make much sense to me. The best basketball player in the world hails from Akron, Ohio, and he reminds people nationally about that fact all the time. How that is a bad thing, I do not know. Oh, and he had last year's presser at St. V...
  16. 1) To show support for our star player 2) To show appreciation for him choosing The University of Akron - out of all of the places in the world - for his press conference. 3) To show appreciation for bringing every national media outlet to the JAR, which offers both Akron and UA incredible exposure. 4) To show appreciation for visually relating incredible success to Akron, The University of Akron, and Keith Dambrot. 5) Because in Cleveland and NE Ohio, it's very rare for us to have something/somebody so great in sports. We need to appreciate it while we have it, and look no further than the Cleveland Indians for a perfect example of that.
  17. The answer is....not very. Few guys with a ton of talent rarely turn into stars in KDs system. I doubt this guy has much talent or he would have seen more time at UNO. Can I have some names of guys with "a ton of talent" that KD didn't get the most out of?
  18. So much for Diggs being our bigger guard. Doesn't mean he couldn't get some time at the 2 or guard opposing 2's though, right?
  19. I'm not sure I understand this. Are you openly lobbying KD to take on low-character players from broken families? I may not agree with everything KD does, and I am suspicious of this signing as I stated above, but I don't think that high quality players on the court and high quality players off the court are mutually exclusive. I am actually quite interested in this Diggs kid. Looks like he got some more playing time for New Orleans late in the season and was making the most of it. Looks like a kid who could help out. Any idea on how the NCAA would treat his transfer based on the New Orleans program shutting down? Would he still have to sit out a season? Good question. I didn't mean that I want low character players. We have great players on and off the court. I'm just personally tired of hearing KD go out of his way to stress "He also comes from a great family and is a high-character person – things that are first and foremost in our recruiting philosophy." How does he define "a great family" and "high character person"? What does that mean? I've met a lot of great people in my life that someone else might say is a trouble-maker just because they like to have fun. Everyone's human and imperfect. What do these players bring to the team? I can guess, in fact I have to, because KD didn't really say anything about how the team is strengthened. That was my point. 1) KD has said how he helps the team. He said so (without naming him) at his year end interview, and did so in the press release (you don't think he told them what to write?). 2) Why bother telling people how he'll help the team when so many have written him off as a waste after viewing a 2 minute video on YouTube? 3) I think you're being naive if you think that's the top thing they look at...they obviously aren't going to recruit a kid because he's a good kid. However, if they have two similar players talent-wise, they will take the "better kid"...and I like that. I like that we don't have a team full of convicts like Can't State...I take pride in that. 4) It's very good to brag about and maintain having a team full of "high character" players. In recruiting, you need any advantage you can get. If Akron has a positive image, even a "family-type" image, that helps sway the parents, and sometimes even the student themselves. Case in point - judging by Zeke Marshall's mother's posts and what I know about her, she seems to be a smart woman that wanted her son to be in a positive environment and be around players who will be a good influence on her son. You don't think that mattered during the recruiting process? I don't know for sure, but I'd be willing to guess it factored in.
  20. Beginning of the year: PG: Abreu/Hitchens SG: McNees/Roberts/McClanahan SF: McKnight/Diggs PF: Cvetinovic/Euton/Egner C: Zeke/Bardo Redshirt: Green Tourney Time: PG: Abreu/Hitchens SG: McNees/Roberts/McClanahan SF: McKnight/Diggs PF: Egner/Euton C: Zeke/Cvetinovic/Bardo KD didn't bring Abreu and Diggs here to sit...they will play major minutes
  21. http://insidepuertoricobasketball.blogspot...ects-akron.html Utah and Colorado are listed here...I also know from "someone in the know" that there were a few other offers, and a ton of teams interested. A) The kid can play...trust me KD didn't bring him here if he's not going to contribute C) He's better now and has more potential for the future than any of Sullivan, Swiech, and/or Steward. I also don't think Diggs will redshirt...he'll be a major contributor next year. Man...that article is from last month? why did it take us so long to find this out, these NE ohio reporters are slacking big time Yeah...they've been chasing him awhile. He was talking about Akron on his Twitter page during the MAC tourney lol.
  22. +1 And more of this... "He also comes from a great family and is a high-character person – things that are first and foremost in our recruiting philosophy."...Give it a rest, KD. Give what a rest, recruiting high-character guys? I take pride in the fact that we win with good basketball players that are also good people that represent the program well...a lot of programs can't say the same. I say keep it up, KD.
  23. http://insidepuertoricobasketball.blogspot...ects-akron.html Utah and Colorado are listed here...I also know from "someone in the know" that there were a few other offers, and a ton of teams interested. A) The kid can play...trust me KD didn't bring him here if he's not going to contribute C) He's better now and has more potential for the future than any of Sullivan, Swiech, and/or Steward. I also don't think Diggs will redshirt...he'll be a major contributor next year.
  24. Amazing to see how many people are down on Abreu...I don't get the Steward comparison, and don't understand why we're against a shorter PG (Dru Joyce worked out, didn't he?) I also think the fact that other major programs came in late to offer him a scholarship says a lot...UA might have just found a diamond in the rough.
  25. Fixed...and I'd say you're right on target!
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