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Everything posted by UAZip0510

  1. It used to be that in our society, when a person was caught doing something wrong and it impacted those within his organization, the person did the dignified thing and resigned from their position. Today, you hire a lawyer and play the public relations game even when you are wrong. The truth is, Reno probably couldn't buy much with his check or could go out and get a job a Home Depot making about the same amount of money. There is a bid difference between that and the millions Tressel is making. Reno did the dignified thing. Tressel is playing the same scumbag game he has been playing for ten+ years now. There is a huge difference between what Reno did and what Tressel did. Reno didn't carry on a lie to save a football season or worse yet, his own ass like Tressel did. Reno also didn't have a potential National Championship season on the line...it's a bit easier to walk away from Akron's situation. Reno also never owned up to his wrongdoing, resigning instead. I guess it depends on perception...and on a forum full of anti-OSU sentiment, I know I'm not winning there lol...I guess I should've realized that in the first place. I'm out fellas...have a good night.
  2. Last April...... At a minimum, the following should happen to tOSU: 1. In ADDITION to the two game suspension, Liar, Liar pants on fire Tressel should be suspended by the Big Ten for five Big Ten games. 2. tOSU should have to forfeit all games in the 2010 Big Ten season for playing not one....not two....not three, but SIX ineligible players during the season. 3. Split equally among all Big Ten programs all BCS money earned from the Sugar Bowl. 4. Probation from bowls for at least one year. If the NCAA does not step in, this will reflect terribly on them. It will tell every coach and school it is OK to lie in an investigation AND continue to lie even when found out. What tOSU needs to do is fire Tressel, because it is going to get worse. ESPN hasn't moved on to another story so there must still be something out there. We have had this talk already this week. The Steelers fans believed they couldn't live without Cowher and they were able to replace him with a better coach. No tOSU fan should think for a single second Tressel can't be replaced. Everyone is replaceable. There is always someone out there smarter, with more money and better looking. tOSU is a football factory and the factory can run with or without Tressel. Could this be used as comparison? http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=5824966
  3. Since reporters don't actually investigate anything anymore in sports, I would say yes. It's OK to jut admit I was right. You have to be a bit more specific...there's a difference between the biggest story in sports (NFL Lockout) and the biggest investigative report in sports (this one). You are definitely right on the latter.
  4. "Everyone does it." "Everyone cheats...he just got caught." Blah blah blah... Jim Tressel KNEW his players committed a MAJOR NCAA violation. Jim Tressel played student athletes who should have been on suspension in order to win a game. Jim Tressel is a cheat. A liar. A phony. Early in 2010 there was an article in the Plain Dealer detailing 17 secondary recruiting violations by Ohio State. I never posted that article here because minor stuff goes on everywhere. I could care less about a text or two that occurred in a non-contact period, or an Ohio State alum trying to sway a recruit to Columbus. In your warped world Tressel can do no wrong. Writers don't research. You make up your own reality. You cope with your hero's downfall through the same rationalizations that people do whenever a charismatic fraud is exposed. OJ could still get a foursome after he killed 2 people. Jimmy Swaggart could still fill a church after skanking it up. And Tressel will still have plenty of sheep to follow him. Tressel knowingly played ineligible players. That's as big a cheat as there is. If you look the other way, I can only say "Baaaa....baaaaa." Funny...in 2009, Akron Zips Recruiting Coordinator/Running Backs Coach Reno Ferri was placed on administrative leave and suspended with pay, pending an internal review of compliance requirements with NCAA rules investigation. Instead of waiting out that investigation, Ferri resigned. It was obvious to most that, while he was a great person by all accounts, Ferri had to have done something wrong. Who would resign before an investigation was complete, giving up a pay check in the process? There was certainly more to this than just a "secondary violation", and Ferri got out before things got bad. Who came to Ferri's defense? CK, of course: "The violation of which Coach Ferri was accused is, based upon my research, considered a "secondary violation" by the NCAA. Penalties range from absolutely nothing, to loss of a car trip or two for recruiting this fall. That's it. And those allegations remain unproven/under investigation at this time." "The alleged "compliance issue" is known by UA. I know for a fact that it is "minor," as defined by the NCAA. There are those who say "a violation is a violation." Ok...then murder and jaywalking are both crimes. If you walk out of the office @ 5pm with a Company Bic pen behind your ear...well...that's theft."[/ Different violations of course, but it's two coaches who, by most accounts, are good coaches and good men, but also two coaches who broke the rules. The Akron coach, although he ran from the issue and admitted nothing, gets a pass based on "personal research" (lol). The Ohio State coach, who admits his wrongdoing, is a liar, cheat, and a phony. Not that I'm surprised... I'm pretty much out of this discussion now fellas...to those who debated the issue with respect, I appreciate you, even if you disagreed 100% with me. Back to the basketball forums I go...I'm looking forward to getting back to the Info on 9/10. GO ZIPS!!!!!!!!!
  5. I was the one who said it was great reporting....and I was right. Care to respond? Yep, I do. He cited one anonymous source (the cardinal rule of reporting is you have at least two), didn't tell the whole story (like including the actual evidence), and only gave Ohio State/Tressel three HOURS to respond to the report before being published. Bush. League. He had the biggest story since the steroid baseball stories 100% on the money. That was major league reporting. This is the biggest story since steroids?
  6. In looking at the further evidence that was released today that wasn't in the initial report, they did do their research...I was certainly wrong on that. I stand by my opinion that Tressel/OSU should have been given longer than 3 hours to respond before the story was published...that's just one of those unwritten journalism rules. Nonetheless, I was wrong about the work they did in uncovering this...seems as if they did their homework. When a news organization is sitting on top of a story that's about to break, they are only obliged to give someone enough time to respond before their own deadline. You don't hold a story waiting for a call that might not come when other news organizations are out there trying to scoop you. In today's environment, where everyone is linked together with real-time instantaneous communication, three hours is a reasonable time to respond to a request for comment on a breaking story. I can see what you're saying...while that was always the unwritten rule, times have indeed changed...I might be a bit too old fashioned lol
  7. Anyone who remembers 04-05 can see how far they've come.
  8. I do question your love of the Zips. Every thing you have written concerning this issue is up their butt suck job for the Suckeyes. You need to read what you wrote. You do NOT write like you give a damn about Akron. All your arguments are those of a Suckeye lover. So, move to Cowlumbus or grow some nads and turn blue. Argue your points? Why? It is the same lame set of excuses the students at Cow State are lambasting the writer of the article in The Lantern with. The issue at hand is not about what any other program has ever done. It is solely about what tOSU and Mr. Rogers did. Go ahead. Defend the Vest. You will not because you cannot. He is guilty as sin and is not likely to even be associated with tOSU when they play Akron in September. When you grow up and have children of your own; you go ahead and accept their arguments "everyone is doing it". Alright man...I can see what I'm dealing with here - we have the rare combination of the "I'm 100% right-but-I-won't-back-it-up-with-any-logic-or-arguments" guy, mixed with the "if-you-ever-defend-Ohio State-you-must-hate-the-Zips" guy. Quite the combination lol. Have a good one buddy...
  9. In looking at the further evidence that was released today that wasn't in the initial report, they did do their research...I was certainly wrong on that. I stand by my opinion that Tressel/OSU should have been given longer than 3 hours to respond before the story was published...that's just one of those unwritten journalism rules. Nonetheless, I was wrong about the work they did in uncovering this...seems as if they did their homework.
  10. Rationalize all you want...Tressel is a sham. A liar. A cheat. He's Jimmy Swaggart...Jim Baker...insert whatever other phony baloney religious charlatan you want. He's exposed big time, baby. It is fact. I guarantee he doesn't end up at BYU after he's fired. A huge PLUS ONE on this one. Hey, UAZip0510, please bleach your tOSU sweat shirt until its pink so we know who you are when you attend Zips events. Oh, you don't attend Akron sports? That makes sense...I argue that every D1 football program breaks rules and that means I am an OSU homer and that I don't attend Akron sporting events. Good logic. I was a "rowdy" before there was the AK-Rowdies. I have about 15 of those crappy "Zips Zone" t-shirts from all of the games I sat down low at the JAR. I've watched Butchie Washington and Charlie Frye, Brandon Payne's 1000 yard season, and a heartbreaker in the final game at the Rubber Bowl. I remember when Bryan Hipsher was a rotation player, when Nate Schindewolf was our "star" player, when Steve Swiech was the 2nd coming, and was part of the greatest UA-Can't prank ever - the "Stark State" fiasco. I also remember some great moments, like Getsty-to-Hixon, going to my first bowl game in Detroit, watching Akron beat Buffalo for the MAC Title in Cleveland, and screaming at the TV as Akron's soccer team tried to hold on for the National Title. I do like Ohio State - I have a few family members that went there that got me into it - but it doesn't come close to my love for the Akron Zips. I've been to one Ohio State game in my life - against Akron - and remember other media members giving me a hard time for wearing an Akron polo in their press box and for pumping my fist after a Zips TD. Argue against my points...say I don't know what I talk about...but don't try acting like you know me, and don't EVER question my love of the Akron Zips.
  11. Rationalize all you want...Tressel is a sham. A liar. A cheat. He's Jimmy Swaggart...Jim Baker...insert whatever other phony baloney religious charlatan you want. He's exposed big time, baby. It is fact. I guarantee he doesn't end up at BYU after he's fired. For someone who claims to know it all, I'd expect you to know a bit more about the reality of collegiate athletics. If you don't think Akron and every other D1 program breaks rules and covers up violations all the time, you're either in denial or just blind.
  12. I was the one who said it was great reporting....and I was right. Care to respond? Yep, I do. He cited one anonymous source (the cardinal rule of reporting is you have at least two), didn't tell the whole story (like including the actual evidence), and only gave Ohio State/Tressel three HOURS to respond to the report before being published. Bush. League.
  13. I love that, every time there's a scandal, everyone becomes ignorant to what anyone who has ever been close to a major D1 athletic program knows - EVERY school does this. Tressel was wrong in this case, but it's silly to think he's the only coach that does this. He's just the latest one to get caught. I'd be willing to bet that 95% of schools break rules and have unreported violations every single year, including our own head coach. I'm not saying he wasn't wrong. I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished. But I'm tired of the holier-than-thou fluff pieces like Jason Lloyd's. They all do it. ALL of them. Tressel's biggest mistake was getting caught.
  14. It's not the first time.... Actually, he's spot on. Dambrot changed his ways by taking on transfers and guys with questionable academics for the first time since he has been here in an effort to make the team/program better. Basically, he is doing what you all want him to do - do what he needs to do to take this team to the next level, even if it means changing his ways of recruiting. The problem is - as Zach pointed out - you aren't even waiting to see how these guys pan out. I've liked what I've seen of Diggs, and we have Treadwell, Harney, Gilliam, and Walsh waiting in the wings for 2011-2012. All of these guys are very, very different from most previous KD recruits...how about we wait and see what happens with them? I've always said that Dambrot does more with less talent than other MAC teams. Let's see what happens when he gets some raw but high-ceiling talent that's taller and more athletic next year. I always enjoy when people paraphrase what I wrote in an original post and act like it is their own thought. I always enjoy seeing a person so full of himself that he can't just have someone agree with them and leave it at that...instead, he needs a big pat on the back. I didn't know once you had an idea that others couldn't agree with you and/or have similar ideas lol. The best thing is you took a swipe at Zach for missing the point of the thread after he basically agreed with your initial, (apparently) copyrighted response. Classic!
  15. It's not the first time.... Actually, he's spot on. Dambrot changed his ways by taking on transfers and guys with questionable academics for the first time since he has been here in an effort to make the team/program better. Basically, he is doing what you all want him to do - do what he needs to do to take this team to the next level, even if it means changing his ways of recruiting. The problem is - as Zach pointed out - you aren't even waiting to see how these guys pan out. I've liked what I've seen of Diggs, and we have Treadwell, Harney, Gilliam, and Walsh waiting in the wings for 2011-2012. All of these guys are very, very different from most previous KD recruits...how about we wait and see what happens with them? I've always said that Dambrot does more with less talent than other MAC teams. Let's see what happens when he gets some raw but high-ceiling talent that's taller and more athletic next year.
  16. It isn't a court of law and Constitutional protections don't apply. There is a difference between an annonymous source in a basketball player deciding to move to Miami and say someone who might work in a US Attorney office. I have a feeling we haven't heard the last of the folks from the US Attorneys office in this case. Someone there knows something. It all starts with a report than unfolds. The author made a good point that Yahoo states it as fact and not an allegation. I wonder if Tressel is going go say the now famous words, "I did not have relations with that woman,"....sorry, wrong cover-up. Yahoo has been wrong many times before, which makes me question their credibility when reported with only one anonymous source, regardless of where they're from. Seems like they actually hit on this one.
  17. Dude, EVERY school commits violations, including our Zips. If you don't think that every single D1 team breaks rules in recruiting, or that players on every single team don't break rules, I don't know what to tell you. Most schools/players just don't get caught, especially for something as minor as this. As for whoever it was that said this is great reporting, I disagree wholeheartedly. They are basing an entire story on one anonymous source. There was an anonymous source three days before "The Decision" that said LeBron was coming back to Cleveland...we saw how that worked out. There is zero evidence, and until evidence comes up, Tressel is innocent until proven guilty.
  18. I don't agree with this statement at all. If he couldn't recruit, he wouldn't have a program that has reached the championship game of its conference tournament four years in a row. Dambrot builds TEAMS, not one man shows. In this conference, TEAMS win, not star players. I'd also argue your point that he has never developed a player that could take over a game - Jeremiah Wood (who has had a pretty good career overseas) was pretty dominant in the 2008 MAC Tournament. I have a feeling some of you won't appreciate Dambrot until he's gone (which I hope is a long, long time from now). He runs a clean program that produces quality young men, and is doing pretty well on the court as well. With a win tomorrow, the program will have six consecutive 20+ win seasons, which is a difficult feat with any schedule. His program has reached the conference final for four straight years, winning one, being robbed of another, and going into overtime for a third. His team has an excellent chance of winning the conference title again this year. He's also shown - with the recruitment of Abreu, Diggs, Gilliam, Treadwell, and Harney, he's shown that - despite his success - he's willing to change if it means getting even better. If he's replaced, it will be a gargantuan mistake.
  19. What's so great about CSU? They played a crappy schedule, had zero marquee wins this year, and have one postseason win in five years under Waters (08-09 in the NCAA Tournament). I don't get why so many treat Gary Waters like he's some great coach. I'd take Dambrot if I had to pick the two. To answer the question, I can tell you with 100% certainty that your exact point hit Dambrot last year. He never wanted to take on JUCO or guys with questionable academics before, but realized he needed to change that. He never used to recruit raw athletes, but has started to. Dambrot is fed up with getting close but not making the leap. That's why he went out and got guys like Treadwell, Harney, Gilliam, and Diggs. That's why one of the coaches spent so much time in Puerto Rico building a relationship with Alex Abreu. Even Josh Egner is a different personality type from typical KD players. Dambrot has tweaked his approach, and has done exactly what you're wanting him to do...you just haven't seen it - yet.
  20. My Predictions: 1st Round - Bowling Green over Northern Illinois, Akron over Eastern Michigan, Buffalo over Central Michigan, Ohio over Toledo 2nd Round - Western Michigan over Bowling Green, Akron over Miami, Can't State over Buffalo, Ohio over Ball State 3rd Round - Akron over Western Michigan, Can't State over Ohio Final - Akron over Can't State Some random thoughts... - Akron has to be happy with their bracket. The toughest matchup before the final is Miami, who they should be able to beat. They match up well with the Redhawks, as well as Western Michigan and Bowling Green. Their worst matchups - Ohio, Can't State, and Buffalo - are all on the other side of the bracket. - For being a #1 seed, Can't State will have a tough road. Buffalo is a tough one, as is a potential matchup with Ohio. If they get past those two, they probably get Akron or Miami, another tough matchup either way. - Ohio gets a pretty favorable road. Toledo will be a gimme and Ball State shouldn't be a problem. They shouldn't get seriously tested until the semi-finals. - Call me a homer, but I really, really like our chances. The bracket sets up nicely for the Zips, especially if Ohio is knocked out before the final.
  21. Good one. All i was trying to illustrate was that if Akron lost Friday, their side of the bracket could potentially be filled with better matchups, that's all. No need to be an asshole, we're all on the same side here. I agree with UAZip here, now that we're going to be on the other side of the bracket it helps our team quite a bit. Hopefully OU gets knocked out, because we just cannot match up with them. And its people like Zippy5 that ruin this blog and scare away other people. I would argue that its people saying losing to our rival is good for us, and also proposing to trade zeke might scare away people. But I digress. Just quit talking please...
  22. good for him for showing some school pride. who cares? he's an alumni showing support for his school. +1 That was pretty cool of him. I'm glad he's so passionate. Great rivalry. ++1 If he was an Akron Alumn, we'd be into it. Imagine if JT was tweeting this stuff during a Zip basketball win. I don't think JT would ever be dumb enough to talk football smack if he lost 3 of the 4 years to Can't. Cribbs is an idiot. He is doing what most of us do on here on a regular basis. He's pulling for his team and yes, he's putting some rivalry into it. I don't expect anyone here to like an NFL star pimping our rival. I'm not on Cribbs bandwagon except when he touches the football for the Browns. But I don't begrudge him supporting his old school. If the Zips had won the game it would have made him look like a chump. I'm just laughing at his foggy memories...apparently he thinks he dominated Akron.
  23. good for him for showing some school pride. who cares? he's an alumni showing support for his school. +1 That was pretty cool of him. I'm glad he's so passionate. Great rivalry. ++1 If he was an Akron Alumn, we'd be into it. Imagine if JT was tweeting this stuff during a Zip basketball win. I don't think JT would ever be dumb enough to talk football smack if he lost 3 of the 4 years to Can't. Cribbs is an idiot.
  24. I don't think anyone - me included - was cheering for them to lose...simply pointing out that a 6 seed might provide Akron the best road to the MAC Final. I understand where you are coming from. We need a 20 win season more than the 6 seed. To be the best, you have to beat the best. I don't care who we play in the Tournament, we need to win. They should be able to get both. If they can't beat Eastern Michigan at home Tuesday, they don't deserve a 20 win season.
  25. If I'm correct, it's looking like this: 1. Can't 2. Western or Ball State 3. Miami 4. Western or Ball State 5. Ohio 6. Akron 7. Buffalo 8. Bowling Green 9. Central Michigan 10. Northern 11. Eastern 12. Toledo TOP SIDE 8-BG 9-CM Winner plays Can't 5-OU 12-Toledo Winner plays BSU or WM BOTTOM SIDE 7-UB 10-NIU Winner plays BSU or WM 6-UA 11-EMU Winner play Miami
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